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Example sentences for "tastes"

Lexicographically close words:
tastefully; tasteless; tastelessness; taster; tasters; tasteth; tastiest; tastily; tasting; tasty
  1. He also presided over certain of the lower-deck amusements, and, at the bi-weekly cinema shows, studied their tastes in the matter of Charlie Chaplin and the Wild West with the discrimination of a lover choosing flowers for his mistress.

  2. A man who relies upon such methods to replenish his cigarette case cannot, of course, expect everybody's tastes to coincide with his own.

  3. Edwin’s dinner requires, of course, more consideration, and he may have very pronounced tastes that require special studying, but in any case I say it is well and economical to have soup and fish before the meat.

  4. Besides, his tastes were not so exacting, or his temperament so volatile, as to shroud him in the gloom that besets weaker natures in time of trouble.

  5. I should have to study the tastes and habits of a young woman.

  6. The tongue doth make the first essay, and tastes it; the teeth do chew it, and the stomach doth receive, digest, and chylify it.

  7. Wilbur Littleton's scheme of domestic life was essentially spiritual, and in the development of it he felt that he was consulting his wife's tastes and theories no less than his own.

  8. So I am bound to believe that your side is my side--that we both will find true happiness in not attempting to compete with people whose tastes are not our tastes, and whose aims are not our aims.

  9. We have not the same tastes and interests.

  10. She withheld nothing in regard to her person, talents, household, or tastes which would in her opinion be effective in print.

  11. With his back turned to her he heard her answer: "It was understood before I agreed to marry you that I was to be free to follow my tastes and interests.

  12. Her tastes were æsthetic and ethical rather than intellectual, and her special interest at the moment was the welfare of the church.

  13. And he's extremely different--that is, his tastes are not like yours.

  14. To persevere in their respective tastes and work out their educations had been a labor of love, but an undertaking which demanded rigorous self-denial on the part of each.

  15. She catered to his tastes and comfort, and she talked so entertainingly during spare moments of what the future would be when he was a great success, that he was simply compelled to make good.

  16. His tastes become the measure of a creation of which he is the centre.

  17. All later lovers have had to consult other people's tastes as well as their own, and there has probably never been a marriage that has pleased all parties unconcerned.

  18. We have an impartial acquaintance with the tastes and views of cardinals and comic singers; and the future of the papacy is given almost as much space as Little Tich's talent for water-colour, and his fondness for the 'cello and his baby.

  19. The irritative ideas of taste, as of our own saliva, and even of the atmospheric air, excite our attention; and common tastes are disagreeably strong.

  20. My joints adapted themselves to her crabbed limits, my tastes and habits to her plain domestic economy.

  21. Steak tastes none the worse for having been wrapped in newspaper, and the slight traces of the day's news disappear with frying in onions and potato-chips.

  22. Because of this fourfold undertaking, the Settlement has gathered into residence people of widely diversified tastes and interests, and in Hull-House, at least, the group has been surprisingly permanent.

  23. The young doctor and his wife dwelt there, and with cultivated tastes and accomplishments submitted to all the inconveniences of a small room or two, from which they were almost ousted by the increasing need for space.

  24. Just as brandy is a good thing, though this particular brandy is British, and tastes like sugared rain-water caught down the chimney.

  25. Men and women are so different in their tastes and ways that there must always be discord and unhappiness in the household until the sexes give over trying to change or remodel those tastes and ways, and learn to respect them.

  26. She besieged me with questions concerning my guardian, his ideas, views, tastes and habits, and beset me feverishly to use my influence to get her invited to The Headlands.

  27. If you only knew how often I have thought of you shut away here from the world in this wretched country place, nothing near you not utterly foreign to your tastes and your circles of thought!

  28. She was born with the looks, manners and tastes of what we call an aristocrat, and her mother worshipped these traits in her.

  29. I do not mean to say that his apparent tastes and pursuits were altogether assumed.

  30. With their simple tastes so much money was unnecessary.

  31. He would succeed in imparting to her his tastes and would mould her to his whims, and the young modest girl whom he had received from the mother would become a horsey and fast woman.

  32. Now, after a ten-mile tramp, a Japanese meal tastes very much as it does to one native and to the diet born.

  33. I had artistic tastes and I used to find the tropical pictures and scenes much to my liking and asked many questions in regard to the different people among whom the missionaries worked.

  34. These present variety sufficient to embrace the tastes of the very heterogeneous population of New York.

  35. Most of the gentlemen whom I met, and many of the ladies, had travelled in Europe, and had brought back highly cultivated tastes in art, and cosmopolitan ideas, which insensibly affect the circles in which they move.

  36. The proprietor of the establishment provides everything down to the minutest detail, the wishes and tastes of the giver of the entertainment being scrupulously respected in everything.

  37. Again, there were those whose refined tastes made them shrink from the coarse rabble that surrounded the voting places.

  38. The narrow notions of smaller places are quickly replaced here with metropolitan and cosmopolitan ideas, tastes and habits.

  39. He had the good sense to perceive that there was a great need of a cheap literary journal, suited to the comprehension and tastes of the masses, who cared nothing for the higher class periodicals.

  40. They earn comparatively little, and are not tolerated by the irate householders whose tastes they offend.

  41. They have the tastes and theories of their instructors, who perhaps caught the truth of their day, but whose routine life has been alien to any other truth.

  42. I That is to say, as I understand, that moods and tastes and fashions change; people fancy now this and now that; but what is unpretentious and what is true is always beautiful and good, and nothing else is so.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tastes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.