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Example sentences for "thereabout"

Lexicographically close words:
therapeutist; therapist; therapy; therby; there; thereabouts; thereafter; thereal; thereanent; thereas
  1. In a couple of hours or thereabout he came down again, the two young women having now gone off to morning service.

  2. They lade also great store of Carrobi: for all the countrey thereabout adioning, and all the mountaines are full of Carrobi trees, they lade also cotton wooll there.

  3. We can find thee a ten score or thereabout of as good men as need be.

  4. When Godwin understood that the fleet that lay at Sandwich was gone home, then went he back again to the Isle of Wight, and lay thereabout by the sea-coast so long that they came together--he and his son Earl Harold.

  5. A little before this the men of Hastings and thereabout fought his two ships with their ships, and slew all the men, and brought the ships to Sandwich to the king.

  6. In the meantime the Welshmen had wrought a castle in Herefordshire, in the territory of Earl Sweyne, and brought as much injury and disgrace on the king's men thereabout as they could.

  7. In the same year arrived in the Welsh Axa, from Ireland, thirty-six ships, and thereabout did harm, with the help of Griffin the Welsh king.

  8. In the same year came up from Ireland thirty-six ships on the Welsh coast, and thereabout committed outrages, with the aid of Griffin, the Welsh king.

  9. News of a wreck flies fast, and he has but to touch here and there on our track or thereabout to hear of us sooner or later.

  10. So we planned, and thereafter went back to the cells and to Dalfin, who woke at noontide or thereabout with a great hunger on him.

  11. For the Viceroy and gouernour thereabout had secretly at land assembled to the number of 1000.

  12. The officers of the king, however, on searching that asylum soon discovered the thieves concealed thereabout together with the plunder.

  13. The thieves, on entering that asylum, hid their booty there, and in fear concealed themselves thereabout before the guards came.

  14. Emerging from the stream, the wily khan points across the intervening three hundred yards or thereabout to the main stream, and motions for me to go ahead.

  15. The 17 we met a ship at sea, and as farre as we could iudge it was a Biskaine: we thought she went a fishing for whales; for in 52 degrees or thereabout we saw very many.

  16. The people thereabout are very noble, and their language the best Iaponish.

  17. It was about eleven or twelve o'clock or after and the good people in the straggling cottages thereabout had put out their lights and retired to slumber before that wicked hour.

  18. He concentrated his gaze along the back road and tried to pick out the spot where Peace-justice Fee's house was, thinking that perhaps some sign thereabout would furnish the key to this ghostly mystery.

  19. We found it very deep and rugged; but in an hour or thereabout mastered it, and arrived in a narrow valley on the other side, which brought the sea open to us again.

  20. Thereabout grows little or no wine or fruit.

  21. And thereabout are many good and fair hills, and many fair woods, and also wild beasts.

  22. For the Spaniards could not abandon the city, while life remained, without loss of their credit; for in only this one of all the islands thereabout could they feel secure.

  23. And thereabout the music-chimney goes down!

  24. Just thereabout is one of the few places in the house where you hear the music.

  25. After less than a decade of hard work a marvelous transformation of the rural life thereabout was achieved.

  26. And it is sayd that thereabout they haue plenty of Anile, and that they occupy that, and also that they vse there in their dyings, of the Saffron aforesayd.

  27. So Celer's troops plundered the country thereabout and returned not long after, and the whole invasion was completed in a short time.

  28. Now some of the Ephthalitae who were overrunning the country thereabout saw this Jacobus and with great eagerness drew their bows with intent to shoot at him.

  29. The Third Minnesota, after participating in the “Arkansas Expedition” which resulted in the occupation of Little Rock, remained thereabout till the close of its term.

  30. That was then Sioux country, and the people thereabout were long after known as Isantis or Knife Sioux, probably because they got their first steel knives from these Frenchmen.

  31. The common stone in Malmesbury hundred and thereabout is oftentimes blewish in the inside, and full of very small cockles, as at Easton Piers.

  32. They are ye biggest graines of sand that ever I saw, and very transparent: some where thereabout is sand quite white.

  33. Earle of Leicester at Penshurst, his relation, as he was riding thereabout made observation of the earth where the water run, the colour whereof gave him an indication of its vertue.

  34. It is as if the wrists and bracelets thereabout Were water girt with fire, right wondrous to behold.

  35. Moreover, he set thereabout a screen of trees, which so grew and interlaced over the pool, that one could go in and wash, without being seen of any, for the thickness of the leafage.

  36. The English chronicle saith that this stone was set vp on Stanesmoore, and that the whole countrie thereabout taking name of this Marius, was Westmaria, now called Westmerland.

  37. From Lanihorne pill also is a place or point of sand about a mile waie of fortie acres or thereabout (as a peninsula) called Ardeuerauter.

  38. Being past Lechelade a mile, it runneth to saint Johns bridge, & thereabout méeteth with the Leche on the left hand.

  39. The Hulne therefore being come almost to Beuerleie towne, & méeting thereabout [Sidenote: Cottingham.

  40. Trewend that riseth a mile or thereabout within the land.

  41. Into the Dugglesse also runneth the Yarrow, which commeth within a mile or thereabout of Chorleton towne, that parteth Lelandshire from Derbieshire.

  42. Below the Minnehaha Falls is another on a smaller scale, which the people thereabout have nicknamed the "Minnegiggle.

  43. The whole country thereabout is filled with semi-bituminous coal measures, furnishing a lucrative traffic.

  44. In short, when they have shouted for three hours or thereabout in these stoves, they emerge completely wet and covered with their sweat.

  45. I measured one of a large Beaver; it was a palm and eight fingers or thereabout in length, and almost one palm of the hand in width.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thereabout" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    about; around; close; hard; near; nearby; nigh; thereabouts