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Example sentences for "these questions"

  • I do not think it will be wise to commit any of these questions, either directly or indirectly, to the jurisdiction of the State or other local courts, and will not so commit them unless instructed to do so.

  • The laws of chance do not apply to these questions.

  • A day will come perhaps when physicists will not interest themselves in these questions, inaccessible to positive methods, and will abandon them to the metaphysicians.

  • II One of the most natural of these interpretations, one of the most obvious of these questions, may be readily stated.

  • To those who find we restrict too much the domain accessible to the scientist, I answer: These questions which we interdict to you and which you regret, are not only insoluble, they are illusory and devoid of meaning.

  • This settlement was indorsed and ratified by the two great parties in their national platforms of 1852, with the solemn pledge of both parties that they would resist the re- opening of these questions.

  • On these questions I said the people of Tennessee had like interests and opinions with the people of Ohio, that the past was beyond recall, that for evil or good the record was made up and laid away.

  • We recognize your great ability and long experience, and cannot but think that an expression of your views on these questions will be very highly prized by the people of Ohio, irrespective of party.

  • At particular times and places moral questions may enter into some of these questions, but ordinarily we come to them to settle questions of practical advantage.

  • These questions of a broad state of affairs are like questions of policy in that in the end their settlement depends thus largely on temperamental and practical prepossessions.

  • Some of these questions must be decided by school committee, principal, faculty, or trustees, and most of them call for some looking up of facts.

  • So deeply were the people interested in these questions of national policy, that they became the basis of political action during several Presidential elections.

  • His own words will furnish the best answer to these questions.

  • The facts given, it is believed, will completely fortify all the positions of the author, on these questions, so far as his views have been assailed.

  • Some of your old tory friends think that there is design in all you write on these questions, and do not hesitate to designate you by the amiable title of a "jesuit," etc.

  • Ryerson to silence on any of these questions, and he was sure the Conference would not ask him to do so, as the Conference never gagged any man.

  • He that can truly say to each of these questions, "I do," he is a man that is Scripturally qualified for the Lord's Supper.

  • I thank God that I can give a plain answer to these questions; and to give it is the simple object of this paper.

  • I ask my readers to give me their attention, and I will supply a plain answer to these questions.

  • I shall quote the following as samples of these questions, which partly contain the answers.

  • According to the opinion of all these men, these questions do not even exist, and every person, no matter how he himself may look upon war, must in this respect slavishly submit to the demands of the government.

  • These questions cannot be decided by mere reasoning, but we may obtain some light by inquiring of the experience of history; our only sure guide is the example of the Church herself.

  • A fair idea of the successive steps in the courts may be obtained from a good unabridged dictionary by looking up the technical terms employed in these questions.

  • These questions furnish an excellent topical analysis of the text.

  • It will be observed that there are two sets of these questions, entirely distinct in character and purpose.

  • Well, there are so many of these questions in here that are obviously matters that we would have no more concern with than just to know about them.

  • I might ask, Mr. Belmont, whether there is anything you would like to add or amplify in these questions?

  • I told you that on March 4, and I have told you that in every letter which you have written to me on these questions.

  • Some of these questions he answered, and some he didn't.

  • I was absolutely convinced it was Nixon and now after all these questions I wonder if I am right in my mind.

  • These questions cannot at present be answered.

  • These questions must be carefully considered if a correct understanding of revolutionary syndicalism is desired.

  • In seeking an answer to these questions we must return to the source of American foreign policy in the Farewell Address.

  • The answer to these questions, to the large extent which the preceding outline has attempted to define, must be sought in the inner life of a Jew of Tarsus.

  • The answer to these questions, so far as it can be obtained, is on the whole disappointing.

  • These questions constitute a complete refutation of Von Harnack's view, when that view is taken as a whole.

  • These questions, it is supposed, were in the mind of Paul.

  • These questions in recent years have occasionally been answered in the affirmative, especially by Kirsopp Lake.

  • The objection suggested by these questions is a very valid and important one, and morphology was in an unsound state so long as it rested upon the mere perception of the analogies which obtain between fully formed parts.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "these questions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    dwelling place; great delicacy; more interesting; pass through thy land; these birds; these circumstances; these countries; these days; these great; these islands; these last; these latter; these laws; these lines; these little; these may; these men; these mountains; these pages; these places; these points; these the; these three; these times; these two; things hoped