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Example sentences for "this field"

  • Later I wanted to plant corn on this field, and, as I wanted to grow just as good corn as I could, I got out what manure we saved and put it on the land preparing for plowing.

  • The application of raw phosphate will be made to this field, and all of this material plowed under for corn.

  • But his first paper in this field, 'On Phenomena called Spiritual', was at once and almost unanimously rejected by his colleagues, and as long as he concerned himself with such matters he suffered through their opposition.

  • Nevertheless his campaign was not merely against Newton's opinions in this field.

  • Every point in space, both inside and outside the earth, is characterized by a definite intensity of this field, the so-called gravitational potential.

  • When Goethe undertook his studies in this field he had not to reckon with the forms of thought which have become customary since the development of mechanistic and above all - to put it concisely - of 'electricalistic' thinking.

  • It was soon as it had been in the days of Henry III.

  • He was the darling of the clergy, who looked upon him as the pillar of orthodoxy, the disciple of Winchelsea, and the upholder of the rights of Holy Church.

  • He could afford to despise aristocratic jealousy and royal malignity.

  • The others went back to more remote ancestors.

  • Students whose power of concrete imagery is low do, on the average, in situations where a concrete image would supposedly help, just as well as students whose power in this field is high.

  • However, there are some suggestions which should be borne in mind in the application of these laws to this field.

  • Some members of the class were engaged in building and in decorating the stage scenery; others were responsible for costumes; those who were strong in music devoted themselves to this field.

  • It must be recognized by all those working in this field that, after all, man to some extent selects his own environment.

  • Just as England seems the home of cantatas, and Germany of orchestral work, so France is especially devoted to opera, and her women have held their own well in this field.

  • These names are enough to prove that French women could equal their English sisters in this field, if the national taste demanded it of them.

  • If these could be grasped and firmly kept in mind our progress in this field in America would be faster, more certain, less costly, and farther reaching than it promises otherwise to be.

  • At present development in this field is along two lines, that of subsidized trade-union relief (the Ghent system), and that of compulsory state insurance in certain industries.

  • Its administration in close connection with the labor exchanges will give valuable experience in this field.

  • It is certain that in the future also the economic changes in this field will be related closely to social and political changes of a fundamental character.

  • It was this undertaking of the initiative by the government, the treatment of the problem as one of the general welfare, that marked a new epoch in this field.

  • Native reactions are much less numerous, so that the student may hope to obtain a fairly comprehensive survey of this field, though, of course, without much detail.

  • Summary and Attempt at a Definition Having now made a rapid preliminary survey of the field of psychology, and of the aims and methods of the workers in this field, we ought to be in a position to give some sort of a definition.

  • Little has been done to determine the elementary sensations in this field; probably the organic sensations that every one is familiar with are blends rather than elements.

  • When one considers what an insignificantly small portion of this field can be covered by any individual, it is apparent that the title of economic geologist implies no mastery of the entire field.

  • For instance, the organization of the Southern Graphite Association made it possible to guarantee much more uniform supplies from this field, and thereby to insure a broader and more stable market.

  • In writing this book, it is hoped in some measure to convey an impression of the breadth and variety in this field.

  • While applied phases of the geologist's work may be truly scientific in the broader sense, it is undoubtedly easy in this field to drift into empirical methods, and to emphasize facility and skill at the expense of original scientific thought.

  • The contact, so close between actual allied scientific workers in this field, became less evident in the application of their results to field warfare, for several reasons.

  • It is impossible to adopt a more than speculative outlook in this field.

  • Are we to yield in this field of economic war?

  • In this field of chemical attack upon hitherto immune human functions, it is particularly easy to class suggestions as visionary and to be wise only after the event.

  • The Russian numbers expected in this field appeared in far greater strength than this expectation had allowed for, and it was soon apparent that von Auffenberg's command would have to resist very heavy pressure.

  • Now, this field in which one party has the superior numbers can only be a portion of the whole area of operations.

  • You're going to have as square a deal as you ever received in all your career, but you're not going to bulldoze the umpire or any one else on this field.

  • This field was an uneven, rocky strip of land, and the lake down yonder was half drained, the dam having fallen into disuse.

  • We'll have no fighting here on this field.

  • Yet this thou hast said well, did Rustum stand Here on this field, there were no fighting then.

  • Yet my heart forbodes Danger or death awaits thee on this field.

  • Hence we will not go deeper into the problem of errors, but we can still undertake an expedition through the length of this field, in which we will reencounter things familiar to us, and will come upon the tracks of some that are new.

  • And just at this point I can give you an example to illustrate how the procedure in this field is precisely the reverse of that which is the rule in medicine.

  • This field is the neurotic, its materials, the symptoms and other expressions of the nervous patient, for the explanation and treatment of which psychoanalysis was devised.

  • Thanks to our efforts in this field, under the conditions known to you, we have evolved two different things, a conception of the elements of the dream and a technique for dream interpretation.

  • In this field of inquiry the nineteenth century has again beheld her sons take a place which the achievements of their forefathers have as it were by right of inheritance assigned to them.

  • I have not been actuated by any desire to belittle the achievements of other nations in this field of human activity.

  • But the opportunities of eventually getting a large salary, or of obtaining an enviable position, do not exist in this field of work.

  • This may account for the large number of young ladies who, of late years, have sought employment in this field of labor.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "this field" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    civil government; economic life; four degrees; this action; this body; this camp; this cause; this day; this department; this event; this fact; this figure; this good; this group; this hour; this institution; this last; this movement; this name; this old; this prince; this rule; this treaty; this trip; this world; this year