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Example sentences for "tombstone"

Lexicographically close words:
tombes; tombless; tombola; tomboy; tombs; tombstones; tomcat; tome; tomentosa; tomentose
  1. I found him sitting in the garden of the cottage where he lived, in the little shed he called his workshop, where the tombstone had been brought.

  2. Then a horror of the darkness seized me, and before I well knew what I was about I found myself wriggling my body up under the tombstone on to the churchyard grass, and was once more in the low evening sunlight and the soft sweet air.

  3. It was Ratsey the sexton at work in a shed which opened on the street, lettering a tombstone with a mallet and graver.

  4. These were removed to Southover Church, and Gundrada's grave has now its original tombstone of black marble, which was found in Isfield Church.

  5. On the left-hand side, in the loneliest part of the road, is the gruesome tombstone which marks the spot where an unknown sailor was murdered and robbed while tramping from Portsmouth to London.

  6. In the churchyard here was a tombstone to the memory of four ministers named Robertson, who followed each other in a direct line extending to 160 years.

  7. He was said to have copied the name from a tombstone in the churchyard.

  8. The tribe settled down; and the tombstone of the Kings of Bohemia was installed .

  9. The advertisement was inserted in the Times, and upon the second day after its insertion George Talboys visited Ventnor, and ordered the tombstone which at this hour records the death of his wife, Helen Talboys.

  10. A little before noon he carried out a board that required sawing, and rested it on a flat tombstone where, with his knee upon it, he could get a good purchase.

  11. As Taffy came running through the lych-gate a man who had been sitting on a flat tombstone and watching, stood up and touched his arm.

  12. The story of the tombstone war simply this.

  13. His sympathy had won her confidence, but she had treated him hitherto in an impersonal way, as something tributary to her brother's memory, like the tombstone or the flowers on his grave.

  14. Is that glass affair let into the tombstone a looking-glass or a portrait of the deceased--like that 'statoot of a deceased infant' that Holmes tells about?

  15. There was a wooden railing round the enclosure, and within it a single mound and a tombstone of fresh marble.

  16. It seems too bad to have to send you both to the Tombstone jail for thirty days, boys," sympathized the Justice.

  17. Glendon's broke jail at Tombstone with the rest of the bunch.

  18. The whole bunch of train-robbers and all the other prisoners in the Tombstone jail are loose.

  19. The presence of a number of horsemen galloping through the streets of Tombstone was too common a sight at the County seat to cause curiosity or comment.

  20. He wanted her to come to Tombstone at once and stay there until the trial was over.

  21. They, together with Alpaugh and Glendon, were taken to the County jail at Tombstone to await their trial.

  22. She had remained in Tombstone during the entire time of the trial, and like many others, believed Glendon and Alpaugh the victims of spite on the part of Three-fingered Jack.

  23. Thirty dollars, or thirty days in the Tombstone jail," answered the Justice.

  24. She made one more trip to Tombstone after the sentence had been passed.

  25. Vigna Molinari, and grant the funds necessary to discover the crypt to which this fragment of a tombstone belonged.

  26. Aurelius Theophilus was probably a contemporary of these events, as the inscription on his tombstone belongs undoubtedly to the end of the fourth century.

  27. His tombstone must have been worn by the feet of pilgrims, as only eighteen letters out of many hundred have been preserved to our time.

  28. A tombstone discovered in 1741, by Marangoni, in these very catacombs, mentions two names, Flavius Sabinus and Flavia Titiana.

  29. As hardly one tombstone out of ten has escaped destruction, we may assume as a certainty that Rome was surrounded by a belt of at least three hundred thousand tombs.

  30. Illustration: Inscription from the tombstone of a dentist.

  31. Her blue eyes do not possess a very happy look as they rest on the fat middle-aged bridegroom, and the old lady on the tombstone next to me heaves a sigh which tells unutterable things.

  32. The path leads to the grave of the abbot, so long dead that a huge tree growing from his ashes has encircled his tombstone with its very roots.

  33. The tombstone of many a minister of religion has been covered all over with handsome eulogy, when, if the true epitaph had been written, it would have said: "Here lies a man killed by too much cavendish!

  34. He had been picked up at sea, and stood in no present need of tombstone or epitaph.

  35. Upon my soul, you are the same as ever, I see, the same tombstone on your chest, and blowing yourself out with sighs, just as you used.

  36. Thurston, Frank Killed by Apaches To-ish-obe Paiute Chief Tombstone Mining history Tonto Basin Settlement abandonment authorized Tragedies of the Frontier List of Latter-day Saints killed by Indians or outlaws Trejo, M.

  37. Schieffelin recorded the first of his mining claims in Tombstone District, which then lay in Pima County.

  38. Development of a Market at Tombstone It happened on the San Pedro, just as in many other places, that the Mormons were just a little ahead of some great development.

  39. The Tombstone Gold & Silver Milling & Mining Company, of which former Gov.

  40. The following year Tombstone practically was abandoned and the market it had afforded was lost.

  41. Schieffelin's first discovery was several miles from the later site of Tombstone and about four miles from the San Pedro.

  42. Many a time have I stood and stared at the dingy backs of those unwholesome dwellings, wondering what it must feel like to live in a room with a discoloured tombstone peeping in at the window.

  43. The little corner where he lies was deserted and silent, and the inscription on the tombstone could be deciphered easily by the light of the gas lamp near.

  44. I had had the misfortune to break my slate a few days before, and the biggest fragment made a nice tombstone for Caspar Hauser.

  45. I pulled up the tombstone from the head of Caspar Hauser's grave and made an epitaph on the other side for Bay.

  46. On the tombstone still lay the coral bracelet which Dr.

  47. Swithin sat down upon a tombstone to await Bishop Helmsdale's arrival.

  48. Why, I should say the tombstone decidedly.

  49. Now, which is most right, the tombstone or the publican?

  50. If it did it would be a tombstone quite as sweeping in what it says as the publican, who tells you to think of your pint and pipe and let everything else go to the devil.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tombstone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    arch; brass; bust; cairn; cenotaph; column; cross; cup; dolmen; grave; gravestone; headstone; inscription; marker; mausoleum; memento; memorial; monolith; monument; mound; necrology; obelisk; obituary; pillar; plaque; prize; pyramid; reliquary; remembrance; ribbon; shaft; shrine; stela; stone; stupa; tablet; testimonial; tomb; tombstone; tope; trophy