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Example sentences for "tormentors"

Lexicographically close words:
tormentes; tormenteth; tormenting; tormento; tormentor; torments; torn; tornado; tornadoes; torne
  1. But their tormentors take care that none of the blows they give prove mortal, as they wish to reserve the miserable sufferers for more severe inflictions.

  2. Their tormentors were taxed to the extreme in devising modes of suffering by which they hoped to succeed in getting the Christians to deny Christ.

  3. In a few days he was brought forth again, when his tormentors were wonderfully astonished to find that his wounds were healed and his body sound and perfect.

  4. There may be a momentary check at times when unforeseen obstacles are thrust in one's way, but the growth producing qualities within assert themselves and burst out with increasing force which make the tormentors wonder "what next?

  5. They must first be made to feel the impossibility of escape; to entertain their tormentors with their distress and horror.

  6. After all, he had the questionable satisfaction of assisting a few of his tormentors to a temporary berth in the penitentiary.

  7. They, in their turn, had corralled a couple of small brown men whom their tormentors were hustling rudely as if to provoke a resistance which would afford an excuse for rougher treatment.

  8. I announce these rights before the world, in order that the conscience of mankind may pronounce its infallible verdict as to who are the true oppressors of nations and the tormentors of human kind.

  9. The tormentors were men from distant provinces, with no possible personal grievances against the priests whom they martyrized.

  10. These tormentors never left them alone day or night.

  11. Being dog-tired with their previous night's vigil, in spite of the tormentors that bit and stung them incessantly, our heroes soon fell asleep and forgot their miseries.

  12. It is a cruel thing to represent doubt as the sign of intellect," Alick said sadly; "but you will shake off the tormentors when the power of thinking and reasoning is come back.

  13. And his lord delivered him to the tormentors till he should pay all that was due unto him.

  14. Foremost of their tormentors at this last moment was Nicholas Clere, who showed an especial spite towards Elizabeth Foulkes, and interrupted her dying prayers to the utmost of his power.

  15. At last he came to the sage conclusion that his tormentors were no cats, but witches.

  16. Thus the conscious innocence of many persons, which gave them fortitude to bear unmerited torture without flinching, was construed by their unmerciful tormentors into proofs of guilt.

  17. For years after, a single bar of this air awakened the most melancholy reflections in my mind, but now I forgave all my musical tormentors as the familiar strains came comfortingly from the piano-keys.

  18. My nephews were slumbering sweetly; it seemed impossible that the pure, exquisite, angelic faces before me belonged to my tormentors of a few hours before.

  19. Stung by his language, his tormentors had immediately bristled at him with a great show of resenting unjust oaths.

  20. The tormentors were flies sucking insolently at his blood, and he thought that he would have given his life for a revenge of seeing their faces in pitiful plights.

  21. Gripping his rude weapon he jumped up and made for the nearest cover, just as, his escape being discovered, several of his late tormentors sprang with shouts in his pursuit.

  22. Derisive jeers were the only reply to this appeal, and now their tormentors flung them down on the ground.

  23. He had the inoffensive Kiffin for a neighbour, his chief tormentors were far away from him in one of the back pews, and here at least he thought no harm could come to him.

  24. At last he could bear no more, and breaking away from his tormentors with a violent effort, he ran frantically down the silent road towards a house which he knew from former visits to be Dr.

  25. Ghastly my grim tormentors smiled, And thrusting me back to my den of woe, With a laughter even more fierce and wild Than their funeral howling, answered "No.

  26. I saw my livid tormentors pass; Their grief 'twas bliss to hear and see!

  27. As regards true insect parasites and tormentors of the dog, I can only allude to a few of them.

  28. Of the numerous insect parasites and tormentors of solipeds the gadflies (Œstridæ) demand chief attention.

  29. Then, what the tormentors shall have left, the dogs of the streets shall devour.

  30. Even the tormentors paused in their work, and looked at each other and at Fronto, as if asking what it should mean.

  31. And wouldst thou give up thy body to the tormentors and the executioner, to keep the singleness of thy mind, so that merely a few little thoughts, which no man can see, may run in and out of it, as they list?

  32. So often as they shall endeavor to get out of hell, because of the anguish of their torments, they shall be dragged back into the same; and their tormentors shall say unto them, Taste ye the pain of burning.

  33. His tormentors had wrapped it in one of the papers I had lent him.

  34. They even changed their programme from day to day, and in this way just when Angus felt he was about to discover his tormentors and know if they were human and not witches, they found some new method of annoyance and he was all at sea again.

  35. Firmly convinced that he was the victim of enchantment, he became palsied with terror, arid began to plead with the unseen tormentors who he believed held him in thrall.

  36. If I had had all the tormentors of the Middle Ages at my service, I could not have forced his fast-shut lips to open, or extorted an admission from his woebegone and yet impenetrable face.

  37. It would have been natural for me to question my mother; but the truth is, I felt quite unable to repeat to her what my unconscious tormentors had said.

  38. The laws which governed detection of tormentors of the bewitched will come under more extended consideration in subsequent parts of our work.

  39. Mather had said that "once her tormentors pulled her up to the ceiling of the chamber, and held her there before a numerous company of spectators, who found it as much as they could all do to pull her down again.

  40. Deerslayer watched his opportunity, and finding two of his recent tormentors in a range, his rifle first broke the silence of the terrific scene.

  41. The head was the only part he could move, and this had been purposely left free, that the tormentors might have the amusement, and the tormented endure the shame, of his dodging, and otherwise attempting to avoid the blows.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tormentors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.