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Example sentences for "vaccine"

Lexicographically close words:
vaccinating; vaccination; vaccinations; vaccinator; vaccinators; vaccines; vaccinia; vace; vache; vaches
  1. Diseases are not introduced with vaccination now that the vaccine matter is taken from calves and not from the human being, as formerly.

  2. When unsuccessful, the vaccine matter or the technique is faulty.

  3. The vaccine treatment of ulcerative endocarditis was not shown to be very successful by Dr.

  4. The cause of pericarditis being so varied, any anti-toxin treatment or any vaccine treatment could be indicated only if the cause of the inflammation rendered the serum or vaccine advisable.

  5. Theoretically an autogenous vaccine is the only vaccine which should be successful.

  6. Why the arms of those inoculated with the vaccine matter in the country should be more disposed to inflame than those inoculated in London it may be difficult to determine.

  7. The change which took place in the general appearance during the progress of the vaccine inoculation at the Smallpox Hospital should likewise be considered.

  8. However, they were inoculated with vaccine matter, but I cannot say I flattered myself with its proving successful, as they had previously been so long and still continued to be exposed to the variolous infection.

  9. Two days afterwards I was desired to inoculate a woman and four children with the cow-pox, and I inadvertently took the vaccine matter on the same lancet which was before charged with that of smallpox.

  10. Pearson, who has occasionally reported to me the result of his private practice with the vaccine virus in London, and from Dr.

  11. Wishing to see the effects of the disease on an infant newly born, my nephew, Mr. Henry Jenner, at my request, inserted the vaccine virus into the arm of a child about twenty hours old.

  12. Notwithstanding this I was agreeably surprised to find the vaccine disease advance and go through its regular course; and, if I may be allowed the expression, to the total extinction of the smallpox.

  13. Yet, after all, further experiments made in London with vaccine virus generated in the country must finally throw a light on what now certainly appears obscure and mysterious.

  14. Miss R--, a young lady about five years old, was seized on the evening of the eighth day after inoculation with vaccine virus, with such symptoms as commonly denote the accession of violent fever.

  15. Even the vaccine virus, fresh from the subject, fails every day to produce its legitimate effect, though every precaution is taken to insure its action.

  16. Has the vaccine matter, by its irritative property, produced a mere blister, the fluid of which has the same irritative property?

  17. A minute cut is made in the skin, and an infinitesimal quantity of vaccine matter is inserted into the wound.

  18. The scientific virus, like vaccine lymph, if passed through too long a succession of organisms, will lose all its effect in protecting the young against the intellectual epidemics to which they are exposed.

  19. Or does the vaccine matter contain living particles, which have grown and multiplied where they have been planted?

  20. Within a certain time a vesicle appears in the place of the wound, and the fluid which distends this vesicle is vaccine matter, in quantity a hundred or a thousandfold that which was originally inserted.

  21. It is not impossible, since Jenner found the vaccine virus, Pasteur the hydrophobic lymph and now Koch the tubercle lymph.

  22. That excuse scarcely exists now, for there are few physicians who cannot obtain a better form of vaccine within a very short time.

  23. The so-called varicella prurigo of Hutchison of London[2] includes several of the disorders considered above under the titles impetigo, impetigo contagiosa, and the vaccine rashes.

  24. The last of our five forms of animal vaccine, that produced by the continued propagation of spontaneous cow-pox through calves, is what is now known as animal vaccine par excellence.

  25. Under ordinary circumstances there is no difficulty about preserving animal vaccine with its energy practically unimpaired.

  26. The idea that an enfeebled stock of humanized vaccine can have new life infused into it by passing through the system of the cow is not reasonable primâ facie, and there are no particular facts to support it.

  27. For the preservation of vaccine in these various forms tubes need only be kept in a cool place.

  28. Footnote 31: The particulate character of variolous and vaccine virus has been already alluded to, as asserted to have been shown by Chauveau and others.

  29. On no account should long-humanized vaccine be used so long as our present stocks of animal virus maintain the excellence they have thus far preserved, nor should humanized virus of any sort be preferred in the general run of cases.

  30. In a broad sense the term animal vaccine includes--1.

  31. Vaccine virus and the venom of the viper have each been tried, but with no good effect.

  32. Let me quote here his own words: "The first experiment was made upon a lad of the name of Phipps, in whose arm a little vaccine virus was inserted, taken from the hand of a young woman who had been accidentally infected by a cow.

  33. Edward Jenner: The Origin of the Vaccine Inoculation, London, 1801.

  34. For he was so thoroughly known everywhere as the discoverer of vaccination that, as he himself said, he was "the vaccine clerk of the whole world.

  35. The Royal Jennerian Society having failed, the national vaccine establishment was founded, for the extension of vaccination, in 1808.

  36. In 1818 a severe epidemic of small-pox prevailed, and fresh doubts were thrown on the efficacy of vaccination, in part apparently owing to the bad quality of the vaccine lymph employed.

  37. Jenner concluded at once that this was due to an accidental contamination of the vaccine with variolous matter, and a visit to London in the spring of 1799 convinced him that this was the case.

  38. Having given away a cow, the giver should, for three nights, adopt the vaccine vow, and pass one night with kine.

  39. In this case a general reaction is stimulated by the vaccine which may aid in the destruction of the invading organisms.

  40. The effect of the injection of a small quantity of vaccine is usually to produce an increase in the opsonic index within a few days.

  41. If the amounts of vaccine used and the times of the injection are suitably chosen, there may thus be produced by a series of steps a rise of the opsonic index to a high level.

  42. If then an additional quantity of vaccine be injected there occurs a fall in the opsonic index (negative phase) which, however, is followed later by a rise to a higher level than before.

  43. One laboratory promised the vaccine in ten days; another said a week.

  44. They had expected that demand for the vaccine would be great--but even the grisly memory of the early days of the Salk vaccine had not prepared them for the mobs of sneezing, wheezing red-eyed people bombarding them for the first fruits.

  45. The public response to the vaccine was little less than monumental.

  46. Report on a Vaccine for the Treatment and Cure of the Common Cold,' by C.

  47. Science just wasn't Ellie's long suit; she didn't know a cold vaccine from a case of smallpox, and no appeal to logic or common sense could surmount her irrational fear of hypodermics.

  48. The vaccine he's been giving to certain high officials to protect them against becoming para--it satisfies the monstrous appetite of para without requiring them to eat scavengers.

  49. I suspect that you carry a small quantity of your vaccine with you all the time.

  50. Lett has perfected and is making a vaccine which will protect every citizen and cure every para.

  51. Calhoun took another droplet of the vaccine and put it between two plates of glass, to spread out.

  52. The little of my vaccine that is available is needed for high officials, who must be protected from the para condition at all costs.

  53. I repeat: a vaccine has been found which absolutely prevents anyone from becoming a para, and which cures those who are paras now.

  54. Absolutely submissive citizens would receive their dosage of vaccine to keep them "normals" so long as it pleased their masters.

  55. He inserted half a droplet of the supposed vaccine and plugged in the fractionator's power cable.

  56. Calhoun said casually: "The substance that makes the vaccine do what it does do is in the vaccine, obviously.

  57. Lett, of the planetary health service, has produced the vaccine which is already in small-scale production and will shortly be available in large quantities, enough for everyone!

  58. But his hands were steady as he drew a sample of a few drops from the vaccine bottle.

  59. And to hasten the time when every person on the planet will have the vaccine in the required dosage and at the required intervals, Dr.

  60. Looking Forward At present the trend of allopathic medical science is undoubtedly toward the serum, antitoxin and vaccine treatment.

  61. After communicating the vaccine matter to 600 natives, I left this place, where mountains rose behind to shelter it; and the sea stretched out its boundless expanse before it.

  62. I reminded them all that they must return on the fourth day, provided no signs of the complaint appeared; and that they were not to rub, or roughly touch the spot, should the vaccine matter have proper effect.

  63. My opinion with regard to his motive in the case was, that he was less unwilling to grant our liberty, as the payment for my services in spreading the vaccine disease, now that he knew we had no property for him to extort from us.

  64. Having completed my vaccinations in this quarter, and procured a sufficient quantity of the vaccine matter to answer my purpose, I declared myself in readiness to proceed further.

  65. It is essential that the vaccine bud or germ have a congenial soil, uncontaminated by another poison, which, like a weed, might choke its healthy growth.

  66. To secure, as far as possible, against the chances of escaping the vaccine disease, I invariably vaccinated in each arm.

  67. Nearly all those Indians vaccinated with those two crusts, have been vaccinated, and passed regularly though the vaccine disease.

  68. The efficacy of the vaccine disease is well appreciated, even by the most interior of the Chippewa Indians; and so universal is this information, that only one instance occurred where the Indian had never heard of the disease.

  69. It is possible that vaccine therapy may become of great service in the treatment of disease.

  70. The mixed stock vaccine of commerce is a makeshift.

  71. The noted advance in therapeutics shown in the development of vaccine therapy has brought with it grave dangers as well as advantages.

  72. It is equally useful with vaccine as a preventative of disease, and in a school, for instance, where diphtheria has broken out, it is only a reasonable precaution to use antitoxin freely to prevent infection of those exposed to the disease.

  73. Since that time, therefore, cowpox matter or vaccine has been used to develop a mild form of disease for the express purpose of preventing subsequent attacks.

  74. If this does not occur, that is, if the vaccination does not take, it may be either because the vaccine was not good or because of the unsusceptibility of the person.

  75. Smallpox is a splendid stimulator of vaccination; so much so that some of the country's leading sanitarians now advocate the abolition of pest-houses for this avoidable ailment, and dependence upon the vaccine virus alone.

  76. Jenner began his experiments on vaccine inoculation, which have since been adopted throughout Europe, and in great part of Asia and America.

  77. It won't hurt any more," he said, as he rubbed the vaccine point over the red spot on her arm.

  78. In a small bottle there were three vaccine points.

  79. The vaccine is a filthy substance, and it is foolish to expect that one kind of filth can be removed by another.

  80. The vaccine that is prepared from the blood of a small-pox patient is likely to contain and transmit the germs of all the several diseases that he may be suffering from.

  81. Miller in New York had just received from England a thread which had been steeped in the newly discovered vaccine matter, and was about to begin vaccination in this city.

  82. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vaccine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    antitoxin; bang; booster; fix; hit; hypodermic; injection; inoculation; preventive; shot; vaccine