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Example sentences for "vines"

Lexicographically close words:
vinegars; vinegary; vineger; vineries; vinery; vineyard; vineyards; vingt; vingts; vini
  1. Here they settled for a time, and finding vines in the country, they named it Vinland.

  2. By a cottage are three, with a pilaster supporting an entablature, but enveloped in thick vines and trees.

  3. On the west side is a most magnificent arch, on the remains of which are some vines and clusters of grapes, carved in the boldest imitation of nature that can be conceived.

  4. Chateaux were levelled, vines uprooted, the harvests of poetry and song destroyed.

  5. While the King sitteth at his divan, my spikenard perfumes me and to me my beloved is a bouquet of myrrh, unto me he is as a cluster of cypress in the vines of Engedi.

  6. A thousand vines and parasites are climbing in every direction, over portal and pillar, over corridor and sacrificial shrine.

  7. Rank vines clung upon every stone, and half filled up with their green tendrils the yawning crevices everywhere gaping at us, and whispering of the flight of years.

  8. There were vines with masses of brilliant purple and pink flowers, and others with masses of little white flowers, which at night-time smell deliciously.

  9. He smote their vines also and their fig trees; and brake the trees of their coasts.

  10. He destroyed their vines with hail, and their sycomore trees with frost.

  11. Then, clasping with each dimpled arm The precious product of the farm, She bears it through the open door; And, down upon the parlor floor, Dumps the best beans vines ever bore.

  12. Threading as before that narrow trail I knew by heart, I broke the cob-webs and parted the fragrant tangle that beset our way, vines below, branches above us.

  13. So I tiptoed nearer through the crackling leaves, and touching the rose-vines very deftly for fear of thorns, again I listened.

  14. The vines fell back into place, and the lad crouched close to the ground.

  15. At last the dwarf paused and swept aside some matted vines from the face of what seemed to be a cliff of solid stone.

  16. Gently and swiftly Frank made the opening in the vines larger, and then he quickly stepped through, holding them aside for his friend to follow.

  17. Vines were trained over it, and a rude chair and table stood beneath the pleasant shade.

  18. Vines mount the slopes that rise around, the higher summits being crowned with forest, while here and there some pleasant village shelters itself under the brow of a lofty hill.

  19. A quarter of a century ago the low ground on our right near Sillery was planted with vines by M.

  20. Between Angoulême and Châteauneuf vineyard plots dotted over with walnut trees, or simple rows of vines divided by strips of ripening maize, and broken up at intervals by bright green pastures, line both banks of the river Charente.

  21. Guyot, the well-known writer on viticulture, he planted the vines in deep trenches, which led to the vineyards being punningly termed Jacquesson’s celery beds.

  22. Illustration] The vignerons of the Champagne regard the numerous stakes which support the vines as affording some protection against the white frosts of the spring.

  23. Irroy holds a high position as a vineyard-proprietor in the Champagne, his vines covering an area of nearly 86 acres.

  24. Filled with running vines and gay flowers, nothing could be more charming.

  25. A dense mass of wild-hop vines inclosed the eastern side of the scene of action.

  26. Even as the thought flashed through his brain, the tangle of vines began to shake violently; but the first man to appear therefrom was not Signor Trentatrante, as De Fervlans had expected, but Satan Laczi, with his ferocious followers.

  27. Even in the dense jungle he refused to walk, so the litter was carried by his bearers, while hatchet-wielding natives cut and slashed at the vines and brush.

  28. It was covered with woven vines and leaves, to make a private compartment where he could lie back or sit cross-legged and meditate.

  29. But the Boy King had his eyes on the screen of vines above the path.

  30. Cautiously the canoe entered a wide part of the stream where vines and bushes grew in a patch of sunlight.

  31. Two more appeared, and soon two others, and one could see the dim shapes of animals crouching low and wriggling from the tangle of vines and creepers, scarcely making a sound.

  32. The Kungoras used their hatchets and the Stone-Age men slashed with their flint implements, cutting away the creepers and vines that blocked their passage.

  33. The keen-eyed jungle tracker had spied an opening in the wall of trees and vines that Dick and his friend could hardly see, even when the canoe was making straight for it.

  34. Dick watched him draw his bow and take careful aim at something in the tangle of vines far ahead, then as he let the arrow fly, a creature that might have been man or beast fled through the undergrowth in terror.

  35. As Dick reached the center of the cleared space, he wheeled his horse suddenly and looked up at the lowest branches of the trees above the jungle path he had just left, but a dense tangle of vines and moss hung from limb to limb.

  36. At once the great animals crashed blindly through the jungles, flattening the saplings and tearing loose the clinging vines as they fled.

  37. Through the tangle of vines and saplings a huge head loomed above the party.

  38. From the river, there is hardly any trail but just a dense growth of trees, vines and creepers.

  39. It was slow, jaw-tiring work and the vines were many, stringy and reluctant to part.

  40. Through occasional rifts in the matted mazes of branches, leafs, creepers and vines of the semi-tropical forest and jungle, rays of the late afternoon sun dappled the dusty elephant path under his naked feet.

  41. Thick vines lashed his arms to his sides until he was trussed and helpless.

  42. Side by side they moved briskly along the winding trail, while the gloom of early night grew amidst the semi-tropical depths of forest and its inextricably tangled maze of branches, vines and creepers.

  43. A muffled chattering pushed through the wad of leaves and the prisoner shrank away as far as the vines binding his wrists to the tree would permit.

  44. Tykol cried out involuntarily and struggled to free his arms from the vines binding them to his sides.

  45. Vines continued to be grown by the great lords and monasteries, but the wine was used entirely for their own consumption, and in decreasing quantities.

  46. This is no doubt good for the rubber vines but bad for hunting.

  47. Rubber vines were being planted in the forest and rubber shrubs in the clearings.

  48. First the undergrowth was cleared from the forest and then the native rubber vines were planted and have commenced to climb the trees.

  49. Large baskets tapering to a point and open at the broad end are fixed by ropes, or rather by the strong vines which function as ropes here, just at the top of the rapids and the water rushes through with great force.

  50. Roots of trees below, branches and vines above have to be dodged all the time and it is a relief to march along the bed of a stream even if it has two or three feet of water in it.

  51. These are not tapped until they are ten years old, for although it is possible to obtain the rubber milk before, the vines are killed or seriously injured if they are cut when too young.

  52. Mount Vesuvius, which raises its conical mass, girdled with vines and chestnuts, above the fair city of Naples, is 3978 feet above the sea-level.

  53. Vines are trained about the sides--the stephanotis or some one of the countless fragrant and blossoming trailers which abound in the islands.

  54. The light was dim here, because vines and bushes and leafy foliage were all about them, and often the Tin Man had to push aside the branches that obstructed their way, or cut them off with his axe.

  55. Once down, many of the Loons held them, to prevent their getting up again, while others wound long tendrils of vines about them, binding their arms and legs to their bodies and so rendering them helpless.

  56. And, for the first time, they perceived, near the foot of the mountain, a charming house, not of great size but neatly painted and with many flowers surrounding it and vines climbing over the doors and windows.

  57. The path led into the forest, but the big trees grew so closely together and the vines and underbrush were so thick and matted that they had to clear a path at each step in order to proceed.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vines" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.