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Example sentences for "voyaging"

Lexicographically close words:
voyager; voyagers; voyages; voyageur; voyageurs; voyagings; voyait; voyant; voyce; voyces
  1. Now that the vessel was close at hand it could be seen that she was very much battered by the storms and conflicts through which she had passed during her long voyaging in distant seas.

  2. Sure 'tis worth all my twenty-three years of voyaging to be back once more in Plymouth town and to again set foot on English ground!

  3. Why, bless you, lad, there would be small use in our voyaging if there were not!

  4. I know you are well, because I hear of your voyaging to London and the environs, which I rejoice to learn, because your note alarmed me by the purgation and phlebotomy therein prognosticated.

  5. On a single log, at a most daunting distance from either shore, came voyaging a lonely and bedraggled little traveller.

  6. Then, in a wide, comparatively sluggish reach of the river, some whimsical cross-current had borne his log over to the neighbourhood of a whole, voyaging fleet of brown timbers.

  7. Much disturbed, he kept on his vain search for land, forgetting to eat, and soon had circumnavigated his voyaging domain.

  8. As an instance of their voyaging may be given that of H.

  9. It was no unusual thing for the Rectory crockery to go voyaging in the cause of charity.

  10. But it befell In the royal garden on a day of spring, A flock of wild swans passed, voyaging north To their nest-places on Himála's breast.

  11. With fifty children voyaging the main To Argos came, and Æsch.

  12. Such were the sea-routes of that day that it took him some twelve months voyaging amid every kind of hardship and discomfort to reach his journey's end.

  13. Though in time they forgot the way to "Hawaiki," and even at last the art of building double-canoes, yet they never wanted for pluck or seamanship in fishing and voyaging along the stormy New Zealand coasts.

  14. Every member of the voyaging party seemed to be perfectly happy, and we travelled at our ease, for the purpose of prolonging the enjoyment of the voyage.

  15. Sandy Lake, where ended my voyaging on the Mississippi, is one of the most famous lakes of the northwest.

  16. The slave-trade nearer home was now, indeed, absorbing all energies and Affonso's main relation with African voyaging is to be found in his regulations for the security of this trade.

  17. That the Northmen voyaging to Vinland encountered natives, and that they were called Skraelings, may be taken as a sufficiently broad statement in the sagas to be classed with those concomitants of the voyages which it is reasonable to accept.

  18. Himilko, voyaging in the opposite direction, spent several months in exploring the ocean and tracing the western shores of Europe.

  19. While voyaging to the new Ophir, where gold was growing underfoot, I could not see any sound sense in being niggardly.

  20. Two years had been consumed in voyaging to Java, Sumatra, and along the coast of southern India.

  21. Your letter, however, set me a-voyaging about my bookshelves, taking up a volume of poetry here and there.

  22. Though a philosopher he was pious, and was courageous, dreading the plague no more than the good doctor dreaded the tempest that fell on him when he was voyaging to Coll.

  23. But very briefly I gave them to know, that after devoting the night to the due consideration of a matter so important, I had determined upon voyaging for the island Tedaidee, in place of the land to the westward.

  24. Voyaging in these seas, you may glide along for weeks without starting tack or sheet, hardly moving the helm a spoke, so mild and constant are the Trades.

  25. Voyaging along the zone, we came to an opening; and quitting the firmament blue of the open sea, we glided in upon the still, green waters of the wide lagoon.

  26. It will thus be observed that the real times of voyaging in each year are limited to the months of February and March, and from about the early part of June to the middle of December.

  27. So he went into Connaught, and embarked with 60 disciples in a ship skilfully made of boards, and toiled in voyaging for two years; and at length came to the island where he would be.

  28. Their failure, in the lazy days and evenings of voyaging and of rambling in the Bermudan islands, was undeniable.

  29. Inquiries during the leisurely voyaging through the canal had given Zeke knowledge concerning the life-belts.

  30. Ye are wasted with pain as with fire, But voyaging ever and winging, Arrayed in the wings of desire, Through the ocean of light to the portals Shining with silver that bar The house of the deathless immortals, Divine but afar.

  31. She had accustomed herself to submerged conditions, and ordinary voyaging was very different.

  32. Submarine voyaging is an entirely different profession from that of the old-time navigator.

  33. Thither too came the dear son of divine Odysseus out of sandy Pylos, voyaging with his black ship.

  34. Efforts of the Ministry of Shipping to evolve an order in our voyaging that would reduce irregularities had good results.

  35. Truculent perhaps, and overbearing in their pride of long voyaging over a mysterious and threatening sea, they were hardly the ambassadors to aid settlement of a dispute by frank goodwill and prudence.

  36. Long voyaging was better exercise for a progression in navigation than the daily pilotage of the war vessels.

  37. On perilous voyaging to the Holy Land, he must have given more than passing thought to the trials and dangers of his rough mariners.

  38. The earliest precaution took the form of a wide separation of the ships, branching the sea-routes apart on the sound theory that submarines would have voyaging to do to reach their victims.

  39. Their navigations, steering by the land on a short passage of a tide or two, have not the compelling emphasis of long voyaging on distant seas.

  40. The green sea-growth on her underbody fans and waves in the tide, showing long voyaging in the crust and stage of it.

  41. Well, there was nothing to do but just submit and forego the privilege of voyaging on Genessaret, after coming half around the globe to taste that pleasure.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "voyaging" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.