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Example sentences for "alehouse"

Lexicographically close words:
aldermen; alders; ale; aleatory; alegre; alehouses; alembic; alembics; aler; alert
  1. If I had not a key to every drawer in mother's bureau, how could I go to the alehouse so often as I do?

  2. No, no; the alehouse and the stable are the only schools he'll ever go to.

  3. No, Tony, you then go to the alehouse or kennel.

  4. You've forgot what you set out to do up at the alehouse just now.

  5. They've had it in for me for some time back because o' my tryin' your trumpets on their sick; and I reckon by the talk at the alehouse they won't stand much more.

  6. They ran to the village alehouse like hares.

  7. There are two little shops exceedingly anxious to under–sell each other, and one mild alehouse conducted strictly upon philosophic principles.

  8. Abroad, it raining, to Blackfriars, and there went into a little alehouse and staid while I sent to the Wardrobe, but Mr. Moore was gone out.

  9. The delinquents were then all dispatched to prison under a guard of watchmen, and the justice and the constable adjourned to a neighbouring alehouse to take their morning repast.

  10. About nine or ten at night the pains of hunger and cold drove us to an alehouse in the flats of Bedfordshire, not far from Bedford itself.

  11. In one place I saw the sign of an alehouse painted on the gray stones of one of the old round towers.

  12. The children were tidily dressed and respectful in manner, the women bright and cheerful, and the solitary alehouse remaining had but few customers, and those few were never allowed to transgress the bounds of moderation.

  13. I stopped at the alehouse as I came here, and have ordered the landlord to draw no more liquor for you, and unless you amend your conduct, and that quickly, I will have you out of the village altogether.

  14. A third time I began, and when the alehouse looked tolerable the retrospective chapter that followed it seemed flat and poor.

  15. Throwing the chapter aside I began with an alehouse scene, intending to work back to the history in a piece of retrospective writing.

  16. Very near the College, facing the passage which leads to it from Pembroke Street, still stands an old alehouse which must have been old in Johnson's time.

  17. Do you remember our drinking together at an alehouse near Pembroke gate[894].

  18. He knew me, and asked if I remembered one Edwards; I did not at first recollect the name, but gradually as we walked along, recovered it, and told him a conversation that had passed at an alehouse between us.

  19. I used to go and sit with him at an alehouse in the city[929].

  20. We had an alehouse boy who attended always in the house to supply the workmen.

  21. We had left the alehouse where we first met, and hired a room to hold our club in.

  22. Trice the original to prove, so he took my father and me to one of the judges of the Court, and there we were sworn, and so back again to the alehouse and drank and parted.

  23. Hence to Graveley, and there at an alehouse met with Chancler and Jackson (one of my tenants for Cotton closes) and another with whom I had a great deal of discourse, much to my satisfaction.

  24. From thence to an alehouse while it rained, which kept us there I think above two hours, and at last we were fain to go through the rainy street home, calling on his sister Utbeck and drank there.

  25. Hence, with my mind full of trouble, to my uncle Fenner's, when at the alehouse I found him drinking and very jolly and youthsome, and as one that I believe will in a little time get a wife.

  26. This morning to the Wardrobe, and thence to a little alehouse hard by, to drink with John Bowies, who is now going to Hinchinbroke this day.

  27. It says thou drinkest prodigiously, liest confoundedly, and swearest most profanely; that thou art ever more ready to go to the alehouse than to church, and that none of the girls can 'scape thee.

  28. Not only was John Lawe's of the Dragon full, but the Chequers, and the Swan also, and the roadside alehouse to boot.

  29. Some time after, at a review, he jocosely asked a soldier, who had got a deep cut in his cheek, Friend, at what alehouse did you get that scratch?

  30. An alehouse girl took it into her head to be catechised at church.

  31. On a summer evening a group of villagers are sitting at the door of an alehouse on Windermere; a certain master Alexander, a wandering ballad-singer, is "making merry with them.

  32. Mounts from the cobbler's end, twisted round a wooden last, to the world's end, elegantly exemplified by a bursting globe on an alehouse sign.

  33. A sign of the globe on fire, flames bursting out of the Globe Tavern and three other buildings, with each an alehouse sign, to explain what nations are meant, borders upon the bathos.

  34. The young soot merchant was seated upon an alehouse bench, and had in one hand his brush, and in the other a hot buttered roll.

  35. But the house so full there was no getting in there, so forced to go through an alehouse into the pit, where the bears are baited; and upon a stool did see them fight, which they did very furiously, a butcher and a waterman.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alehouse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alehouse; bar; barroom; cabaret; cafe; dive; local; nightclub; public; saloon; taproom; tavern