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Example sentences for "antitoxine"

Lexicographically close words:
antithesis; antithetic; antithetical; antitoxic; antitoxin; antitoxins; antitrinitarian; antitrust; antitype; antitypical
  1. A very ingenious theory which well accords with the facts has been given by Ehrlich in explanation of the production of antitoxine and of the reaction between toxine and antitoxine (Fig.

  2. It has been found that the production of antitoxine can be so stimulated by the injection of toxine that the blood of the animal used for the purpose contains large amounts of antitoxine.

  3. Yersin, with the collaboration of his former colleagues of the Pasteur Institute, has developed, and has used with success, an antitoxine from the microbe of the plague which recently ravaged China.

  4. In other words, according to theory, an antitoxine has been developed in the system of the animal subjected to the progressive inoculations of the diphtheria toxine.

  5. This antitoxine neutralizes the effects of the diphtheria toxine, and then the body develops strength to drive off the bacteria which have obtained lodgment in the throat.

  6. When, however, the recovery results from the artificial inoculation of antitoxine the body cells have not actively produced antitoxine.

  7. So long as this antitoxine is not present the poisons produced by the disease will have their full effect to weaken the body and prevent the revival of its resisting powers to drive off the bacteria.

  8. It is upon this principle that is based the use of antitoxines in diphtheria and tetanus It will be clear that to obtain the antitoxine we must depend upon some natural method for its production.

  9. The antitoxine which was inoculated is soon eliminated by secretion, and the body is left with practically the same liability to attack as before.

  10. This applies less, however, to a recovery after the artificial inoculation with antitoxine than when the individual recovers without such aid.

  11. The neutralization of the poisons has been a passive one, and after recovery the body cells are no more engaged in producing antitoxine than before.

  12. Plainly, if it is possible to obtain this antitoxine in quantity and then inoculate it into the body when the toxic poisons are present, we have a means for decidedly assisting the body in its efforts to drive off the parasites.

  13. Its cells react and produce a considerable quantity of the antitoxine which remains in solution in the blood of the animal.

  14. When I last went to the Jellifies', after changing all my clothes, and taking all possible precautions, I told her that the child was better, and that I was under the impression that the antitoxine was having a favorable effect.

  15. I've sent our mate for all the antitoxine he can buy, and he's driving around to all the druggists in the place.

  16. I've got a doctor, that's the main thing, and all the antitoxine in the place.

  17. If she can only resist until the antitoxine acts upon her we may pull her through.

  18. Johnson filled a syringe with the antitoxine and injected the stuff in Dr.

  19. He had a large dose of antitoxine and it is beginning to show its effect.

  20. Run up to St. John's and buy all the antitoxine you can get hold of, any amount, barrels of it, if it comes that way.

  21. The patient will be given a proper dose of Sanatoxine, to convert his malady into a curable form of the disease, and then the antitoxine will counteract the poison which has deprived him of the use of his reasoning faculties.

  22. Hereafter, when the proper antitoxine shall have been discovered, it will be a simple matter to cure insanity.

  23. In the long run, provided the sick person survives, more antitoxine is generated than is required to save life.

  24. The immense reduction of the mortality from this disease that has followed the introduction of the treatment with the artificial antitoxine we owe to Behring, of Germany, and Roux, of France.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "antitoxine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.