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Example sentences for "assignments"

Lexicographically close words:
assignee; assignees; assignes; assigning; assignment; assignor; assigns; assimilable; assimilate; assimilated
  1. To the commander, whose assignments had been made necessary by the needs of the Special Order Squadrons, it was too much.

  2. Talking about assignments wasn’t considered good practice, but Rip was burning with curiosity.

  3. Notwithstanding this urgent appeal, the council reply that the assignments already made, and the payments absolutely indispensable, together with the failure of the supplies, would not suffer them to meet his wishes.

  4. See below, under the assignments for study.

  5. The list of assignments and questions at the end is intended, of course, to be freely treated.

  6. I had a talk with a fat Assignments Trontar in his plush office.

  7. No," the Assignments Trontar said, "it turns out that one of my sept brothers runs the local watch birds.

  8. Special bonuses are offered to economic trusts and their branches that fulfill or surpass their export assignments to noncommunist markets.

  9. Correspondents are sent on special assignments to investigate news that is considered to be of interest to Bulgaria.

  10. Inmates are given work assignments within seven days of their arrival at a prison.

  11. The plan of a single trust may be apportioned among several foreign trade organizations, and many foreign trade organizations receive plan assignments from several trusts so that their own foreign trade plan is a composite.

  12. One of its most important committee assignments is to the so-called First Committee, which was established as one of the original six committees under the General Assembly's rules of procedure in 1946.

  13. Yes; I had three club assignments and this was the one that took the most time.

  14. Would you please tell us what those assignments were?

  15. In a general order issued at the War Department, the assignments to the different corps and other important commands were announced.

  16. The order is as follows: “The following assignments of general officers to command is hereby made by the President: “Maj.

  17. Then after we had completed the search, to let no one in other than properly identified pressmen or policemen, and to not to leave those assignments unless they were relieved by myself or Sergeant Putnam.

  18. Now, what are your specific functions or duties or assignments within the department?

  19. Well, at the beginning of the morning I was performing my regular duties and carrying out my assignments and making my general investigations.

  20. When I came into the city hall, I went to the assembly room, and that is where any initial assignments are made, in the assembly room, making up the muster and the roster of the reserve officers that arrived.

  21. Did you receive assignments this morning when you came in?

  22. Were they written at the time that you made the various assignments and so forth?

  23. Nothing specific or no orders given, no assignments or anything.

  24. What sort of assignments were you making?

  25. My first assignments were made just prior to our searching the basement.

  26. They are not all--all my assignments are not here.

  27. Yes; what assignments did Jones make at that point?

  28. Mr. Griffin also asked me to bring a copy, if I had one, of my original notes that I had taken in the basement that day of my assignments and I have those.

  29. Usually after we get our assignments in the morning, we take a coffee break and go to work.

  30. Did you make any assignments on Elm Street?

  31. It should be understood that our corps organizations are very elastic, and that we have at no time had permanent assignments of divisions to corps.

  32. And the choice of assignments for officers was still so far from ideal as to make the house-cleaning a thorough job all around.

  33. The reporters who got afternoon assignments have most of them turned in their stories and have taken other assignments which will keep them out of the office until much later.

  34. Offutt looked, and marvelled that he had never noticed this place before since surely, covering assignments or on exploration jaunts, he must have passed it by a score of times.

  35. Fenton compared the names on the face of the certificates with the assignments on the back, while Porter watched him and played with a rubber band.

  36. The assignments are all straight," said Fenton, finally.

  37. He may well be required to train his memory to accuracy by learning certain assignments verbatim.

  38. The teacher should discover by assignments made in class what degree of proficiency in the use of an index is already possessed by his pupils.

  39. He should be given the most difficult of the assignments of outside work and if necessary an additional number of them.

  40. After being commissioned in 1916, he served in a variety of Marine assignments in the Caribbean, China, and the United States.

  41. There followed a series of overseas assignments in the Philippines, Nicaragua, Santo Domingo, and with the Marine Brigade in France in World War I.

  42. The teacher should have a detailed plan for every lesson, outlining her method of work, the leading questions for the discussion, and the home assignments which she desires to make.

  43. While the cheese is draining, make assignments of work and have the rice or cornstarch pudding made.

  44. I know it," smiled Tim, "And only a little more than three hours ago I was grumbling because there wasn't more chance for any flying assignments this week.

  45. He depends on you to keep things running smoothly, see that the boys all cover their assignments and that the copy goes steadily to the machines.

  46. The civilization of illiteracy reintegrated the military in the network of assignments and purposeful functions of the pragmatics of high efficiency.

  47. Assignments are given to them in small portions, and usually with photocopied pages, which they are expected to read.

  48. The assignments of Army officers to the Southern districts were made early in the spring of 1867.

  49. Mr. Henderson expressed the opinion that the President of the United States could command General Grant in making the assignments of officers to the respective districts.

  50. These assignments were made with due promptness after the enactment of the laws, and the several commanders at once proceeded to their novel and responsible duties.

  51. And I have not seen a respectable girl of my acquaintance in at least that time, except once or twice when I happened to have assignments that took me near Fifth Avenue in the afternoon.

  52. He envied the trim, clear-eyed young chaps who sat at the controls while they in turn would have been willing to exchange their daily routine for the adventurous news assignments which often came Tim's way.

  53. They're usually pretty poor copy," nodded Dan, "but you should kick on a few assignments like this after your thrilling flight of yesterday.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "assignments" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.