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Example sentences for "bandana"

Lexicographically close words:
bandage; bandaged; bandages; bandaging; bandan; bandanna; bandbox; bandboxes; bandeau; bandeaux
  1. He calculated the distance with a quick glance, took the bandana from his neck and tied it to the rope, and increased the length by a second bandana from his pocket.

  2. Every man had a bandana handkerchief bound tightly about his head.

  3. He wore a checked shirt, a laced jacket, rings in his ears, and a bandana handkerchief about his head.

  4. He greatly fancied himself in this costume and he embellished it with a silk bandana of bright scarlet and with a large pair of silver spurs which had belonged to his uncle, and which he found in the saddle room of the barn.

  5. Howbeit, the next morning after she had returned and Zephas had sailed away, she flew a red bandana handkerchief on the little flagstaff before the house.

  6. It was gathered under her oval chin by a tape also tied behind her, while her fair hair was tucked under the usual red bandana handkerchief of the negro housemaid.

  7. Mention was made of the bandana handkerchief with which the strangulation had been effected, and it was produced in court; but the handkerchief steeped in chloroform which had been bound round the mouth was missing.

  8. Being white it could not have belonged to the deceased, who used only colored bandana handkerchiefs.

  9. But a red bandana handkerchief such as Sir Simon used might have been stretched across the window.

  10. Then I placed across the window a red bandana of Sir Simon's.

  11. That round the neck was one of Sir Simon's own, a yellow bandana woven of strong silk, and eminently suited to the deadly purpose it had been used for.

  12. They admired her bright bandana headdress and thought her the most interesting person in the world.

  13. Jack moved over to the dead outlaw and lifted the bandana mask from the face.

  14. A bandana was tied across his eyes, and the men led him into the pocket of rock.

  15. Behind it was a face masked by a bandana handkerchief.

  16. She was dressed in a very common black holuku, with a red bandana round her throat, round which she wore a le of immense oleanders, as well as round her hair, which was cut short.

  17. The sight so affected him that he had to draw out his bandana and violently blow his nose; but he smiled as the train went leaping down the track.

  18. Even the red bandana around his throat seemed to express it.

  19. She wore a skirt and a loose jacket of white Russian calico, decorated with huge gay figures, and her dark hair was only half covered by a bandana of red and yellow.

  20. Trembling all over, she scampered on tiptoe back into the bedroom, and after a little she returned in her calico dress and bandana kerchief.

  21. The pony came clattering in at the top of his speed, panting and blowing, as full of business and zeal as his master, while Bigelow's extended legs and fluttering bandana kept time to the movement.

  22. With great dignity he unwound his bandana handkerchief from his old fiddle and proceeded to tune for the fray.

  23. Thurman the "noblest Roman of them all" was there with his famous bandana handkerchief.

  24. Dewey soon afterward went to Washington, where he exhibited the grim features of the head to several leading Whigs, and finally carried it, tied up in a bandana handkerchief, to the Navy Department.

  25. After a moment's thought I tied a bit of stone from the coping in the end of my silk bandana and lowered it at arm's length.

  26. Then I lowered my contraption, caused it to tap gently a dozen times on the edge of the transom, and finally swung it with a rather nice accuracy to fly, bandana and all, through the opening.

  27. Thank you for your warning of your intended visit," said Hooper in silky tones, indicating my bandana which lay on the table.

  28. Silks formed an important item in the smugglers’ trade, and even the gentlemen of that day unconsciously contributed to it, by the use of bandana handkerchiefs, greatly affected by that snuff-taking generation.

  29. He assured himself that the door was locked and bolted, while Matt brought out the bundle in the bandana and opened it on the table.

  30. He remembered the jewels, and hastened to the bed, feeling under the pillow for the bandana bundle.

  31. As Jim listened, unconsciously his gaze left Matt's face and roved to the pillow, beneath which was the bundle wrapped in the bandana handkerchief.

  32. Into this he thrust the diamonds, large and small, wrapped it up in a bandana handkerchief, and stowed it away under his pillow.

  33. During this speech he had slowly produced from his hip pocket a frayed bandana handkerchief; as slowly taken off his hat and mopped his brow.

  34. I hid in a patch of the same that time I tried to coax an antelope up close enough to nail him, by waving my red bandana every little while.

  35. The sun was now an hour high, and getting very hot, he thought, as he stopped to drop his burden and rest; while he took his red bandana handkerchief and mopped his streaming brow with it.

  36. He unknotted his bandana and with it mopped his face to a semblance of cleanliness.

  37. And a blast of wind leaped down the street and lifted the brim of Barry's hat and set the bandana at his throat fluttering.

  38. Suddenly Salzar tore the bandana from his face, flung it down and stamped on it.

  39. Presently he bent and recovered Salzar's red bandana and his hat, lifted his own rifle and pack and struggled into the harness.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bandana" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.