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Example sentences for "bartering"

Lexicographically close words:
bartender; bartenders; barter; bartered; barterer; barters; bartizan; baryta; barytes; barytic
  1. As it is not wise to let any one cheat you if you can prevent it, I coldly declined any further overtures to bartering with the Indians until my ducks made their appearance.

  2. As Oubril's instructions have never, I believe, been published, the passage given above is somewhat important as proving how completely he exceeded his powers in bartering away Sicily.

  3. This letter was written when Bonaparte was bartering away Venice to the Emperor in consideration of the acquisition by France of the Ionian Isles.

  4. In vain did Rousseau and many other champions of popular liberty protest against this bartering away of insular freedom: in vain did Paoli rouse his compatriots to another and more unequal struggle, and seek to hold the mountainous interior.

  5. These Negroes were likewise provided with small assortments of toys for bartering with the natives, and were especially charged to make inquiry as to the situation and distance of the dominions of Prester John.

  6. No money is coined in the land of the Tawny Moors, or Azenhaji; nor is any money used by them, or in any of the neighbouring countries; but all their trade is carried on by bartering one commodity against another.

  7. I never heard of women bartering their goods for provisions in the provision shops.

  8. Have you had many cases coming under your observation in which women have been unable to obtain the necessaries of life without bartering away the goods they have obtained for their hosiery?

  9. I never heard of them selling or bartering their goods to Robert Irvine or James Coutts.

  10. The bartering went on as usual, but Tandy kept his weather eye lifting.

  11. Then bartering begins, and after a few days we get volunteers enough.

  12. When any goods differed from such as the English traders had sold them, my Indian agent would ascertain the price from me and proceed in his usual way in bartering and selling.

  13. We made our passage to Old Providence in seventeen days, where we remained about three days bartering off goods in our usual manner.

  14. After treating with a few gallons of rum, by way of introduction, I opened a brisk trade with them, bartering my goods for the same kind of articles I had bought at the Cape.

  15. They wandered through the streets of Antigua begging for food, and once-wealthy cavaliers of proudest lineage might have been seen bartering their rich ornaments and vestments for a few mouthfuls of cassava bread.

  16. Under pretext of bartering they tried to tempt him to come out and buy provisions, they having discontinued their supplies.

  17. More often he will never succeed at all; he will give up the unequal struggle, and be too glad if, by bartering his independence, he can feed his wife and children.

  18. At last, in despair, he made a compact with the devil, bartering his soul for a long lease of years, during which he should be enabled to eclipse the best musicians in Europe.

  19. Never before has he thought much about repentance; but now that he sees heaven on one side and hell on the other, all that once seemed right in bartering and selling the bodies and souls of men, vanishes.

  20. In consequence, becoming highly disgraced by king Sweyn for bartering their fidelity for money, they were driven into banishment.

  21. On the following morning they finished bartering what little they had, when they embarked in their canoes, asking us not to take any steps towards taking down their dwellings, which we promised them.

  22. But in all the feasting, trade has not been forgotten; and as soon as the Indians recover from post-prandial torpor bartering begins.

  23. Fools indeed, sacrificing all that should attend old age and death for less than a wretched mess of pottage, bartering all the realities of life for the pursuit of a phantom they were never to grasp.

  24. For this the Egyptian can and will make many sacrifices, even bartering much of his liberty that he may enjoy it.

  25. These being the immediate neighbours of the Kamtschadales, and likewise in the habits of bartering with them, a knowledge of Kamtschatka followed of course.

  26. Inside the store a tall Indian was bartering with a white man, whom he easily guessed to be the factor, and as he looked round from the open door of the factor's house, emerged a white woman whom he divined was the factor's wife.

  27. Several Indians were standing outside the store, and inside the factor and his clerk were already busy with others; bartering for the peltries brought from the frozen north to serve the whims of fashion in warmer lands.

  28. Stane looked forward through the open doorway, and standing near the long counter, watching a tall Indian bartering with the factor, saw the beautiful Indian girl from the neighbouring camp.

  29. In bartering one article for another, the person who receives the gold always weighs it with his own teelee-kissi.

  30. For several weeks they cruised among the islands bartering goods with the natives of sea-coast villages.

  31. I did not mention my agreement to my daughter at the time, not wishing it to appear to her that I was bartering her in return for a mere jewel.

  32. The otters are obtained by sealers in a great measure by bartering with native canoes (the Fuegians catching them with dogs), and also by shooting them, as they swim through the kelp close to the beach.

  33. This seems to be intended as a sort of weather screen; but, strangely enough, it is one of the first things parted with when a chance of bartering occurs.

  34. We stopped to allow her to communicate with us, and, of course, the usual bartering of skins for knives and tobacco took place between the natives and our seamen.

  35. Side on tomorrow for the purpose of bartering with them.

  36. Cuthlahmahs left us this evening on their way to the Catsops, to whom they purpose bartering their wappetoe for the blubber and oil of the whale, which the latter purchased for beads &c.

  37. The Cath IA mahs left us this evening on their way to the Clatsops, to whome they perpose bartering their wappato for the blubber & Oil of the whale, which the latter purchased for Beeds &c.

  38. North side of the river tomorrow for the purpose of bartering with them.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bartering" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    agency; barter; brokerage; dealing; exchange; interchange; jobbing; merchandising; retailing; swapping; trade; trading; trafficking