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Example sentences for "becaus"

Lexicographically close words:
becalmed; becam; became; becamest; becase; because; becaze; bechune; beck; becke
  1. The said day George Foster his penaltie given to George Davidsone, schoolmaister and reiddar, becaus of his povertie.

  2. We could get nane in the toune to carray away this crepill the morn, becaus of their business.

  3. We sayd yea, and tould that they weare a nation not to be trusted, and if we came to that sea we should warre against them, becaus they weare bad nation, and did their indeavour to tak us to make us their slaves.

  4. But this would have ruined our trade; therefore I resolved to stand firm in this occasion, becaus what wee now concluded upon with these Salvages touching comers would have ben a Rule for the future.

  5. But becaus the death of that child was nott onlie the cause of joy to us in Scotland, but also by it war the faythfull in France delivered, as it ware, from the present death, we think expedient to entreat the same somewhat more largelie.

  6. Thai sowped skarslie,[40] becaus thair schippis war takein, in the quhilk was thair victuellis and ordinance, quhiche thai intendit to have placed in Sanctandrois.

  7. Miss Ruth I Have Named my Black Kitty After your Dinah Diamond, her Last Name has to Be Spot Becaus her Spot is not a Diamond, this is from your Friend.

  8. Francis licked 5 fellers today becaus they sung rong when we was singing speek kindly it is better for to rule by luv than feer.

  9. Cele and Keene went out last Wensday but i coodent becaus i hadent got done peeling.

  10. Cawcaw but he was sick becaus he et to many apples up to Whacks.

  11. Beany and Fatty and Nibby and Lees Moses and Whacker went home by the libary building, when the girls came out they dident pay enny attension to us becaus the high school fellers was there.

  12. Pewt or Beany becaus they miss there lesons most every day and they aint enny other fellers living on Court Street so it must be me, becaus old Francis shook me and Medo Thirsten up day before yesterday and Medo lives on South Street.

  13. Keene and Cele felt prety big becaus they was in the seminary and Aunt Sarah felt prety big becaus she had on her earings and her dolman and father felt prety big becaus i was going to get a prise.

  14. Tomtit was mad becaus we woodent take sheet iron for pay.

  15. Missis Sawyer went home kind of mad becaus it wasent me and Beany whitch rung her doorbell ennyway she thougt it wasent.

  16. When we got there old Nat made us promise to give him a hat or a pair of old boots becaus he kept lady Clara over Sunday.

  17. Keene got sent to bed for sticking out her tung at father when she thought he wasent looking but he was, becaus he woodent let her go over to see Lucy Watson Beanys sisters new hat.

  18. Pewt giv himself the prise becaus he had the say.

  19. Dal Gilmors and Dal said you cood keep geese for nothing becaus all they et was grass and father says he can raise geese on grass until October and then kill them and sell them and make lots of money.

  20. I guess mebbe you rite better than I do, and I no that mister Teddy dose becaus miss Betty saw his letter and she sed it was a fine letter.

  21. I have only one photo of myself and I look as if I wood dye grinning becaus the man that took it was jumpin up and down and sayin, Look hear!

  22. Yesterday the fife and drum corpse plaid it and the Star Spangled Banner and some of the boys lafft becaus the fifes sort of sqweekt.

  23. I made Carl Odell give me the money rite off becaus he is a Red Indian fer cheatin.

  24. I aint sayin much but I got a few idees and I woodnt let it sprize you if I was to invent something one of these days, but I cant tell you what it is becaus the censer wood cut it out.

  25. Deer godchild, I am sending you this letter in anser to yours quick, becaus I think if you are not careful that Teddy will poison you with his eats.

  26. And I stept out and sed, Hold on, dont go and make it Tuesday becaus Amandas promist to go fishin and dad wont let me go to Frost Lake without her, caus its 16 feet deep, and you should have seen them jump.

  27. Carl Odell give me becaus I do not feel al-rite and Mother wont let me go out to work, but I guess I will get out soon again so dont worry about my suportin you.

  28. Dad sez it is becaus sugar has turned to dimonds, so we have sirup insted and it is pretty good, the pancakes I was tellin you about was made with that.

  29. Thomas, becaus thow hast sein me thow belevest; but happie ar thei that have nott sein, and yit beleve in me.

  30. These our Petitionis did we first present to the Quein Regent, becaus that we war determined to interprise nothing without hir knowledge, most humlie requyring hir favorable assistance in our just actioun.

  31. And becaus of the lait contracted amitie, and gentill intertenement that thei found at the first, thei maid no great expeditioun.

  32. Bot, becaus that this is nocht the principall whiche I have to speak, omitting the same to be considderit by the wisdome of those to quhome the cair of the commone wealth apperteaneth.

  33. The Preacharis spared not openlie to say, "That thei feared the successe of that interpryse should nott be prosperous, becaus the begynnyng appeired to bring with it some contempt of God and of his word.

  34. By whiche questioun, it is evident, that thei supposed that the caus of thair overthrow and discomfeit was, becaus thei had lifted the sword against thair brethren and naturall countreymen.

  35. The Second reassone is, Becaus that your helth springeth of the worde of God, for he workith all thing by his word: it war tharefoir ane unrychteous thing, yf ye should stope your earis from me teiching trewlye the word of God.

  36. And becaus all sik dedis is wikkitnes, crueltee, and tyranny, tharfore is the Ordre of Knychthede ordanyt, as in that poynt amang the lave, to gaynstand.

  37. The reason was, that 'the said kingis grace haid greit suspicioun of the temporall lordis, becaus thaj favourit sum pairt the Douglassis.

  38. The king said it was not possible, becaus they war so many, and so weill fastened togidder.

  39. Becaus I knaw the greit unstabilnes Brukkil as glas, into my-self I say, Traisting in uther als greit unfaithfulnes, 570 Als unconstant, and als untrew of fay.

  40. Sum knew hir weill, and sum had na knawlege Of hir, becaus sho was sa deformait With bylis blak, ourspred in hir visage, 395 And hir fair colour faidit and alterait.

  41. Becaus I have over mekle to wryte, and it is lait: I give traist unto him upon zour word.

  42. He declairit unto me his seiknes, and that he wald mak na testament, but only leif all thing to me; and that I was the caus of his maladie, becaus of the regrait that he had that I was sa strange unto him.

  43. Tak heid that nane that is heir se it, for all the warld will knaw it, becaus for haist it was made in yair presence.

  44. Becaus that rink thay ran in vane Than Talbart wald not ryn agane Till he had gottin ane better steid; Quhilk was brocht to him with gude speid.

  45. I thort i would tell you and Dick right away becaus you would be intrusted so no more at present with love from "your old frend "Cedric Errol (Not lord Fauntleroy).

  46. I write this in a great hury becaus i have something curous to tell you i know you will be very mutch suprised my dear frend when i tel you.

  47. An Hobby bird[34] so calld becaus it comes in ether with or a litle before the Hobbies in the spring.

  48. I queried whether you had dentalia [see Note 83] becaus probably you might haue met with them in england.

  49. I don't suppose its wicked becaus I couldent help being one but it is orful.

  50. Ime going away becaus I canot bare living with folks I havent any right to.

  51. Gilman is lucky becaus he has got a house to put the picture on.

  52. Pewt aint so frendly now becaus old man Purinton has bougt 2 boats, new ones and is leting them to peeple for less than i get for mine.

  53. Teribl 3 i wanted them to mark old docter Soule to paist sum nite but they woodent do it becaus they sed we was all townies and we woodent notise the academy.

  54. Terible 3 got licked in school today becaus he sed geogrify is the sience of numbers and the art of compewting by them.

  55. Rooshy and Prooshy so i gess he was triing to find out where he lived becaus he wanted to know last nite and nobody told him.

  56. Pewt becaus i can spel so mutch beter than Pewt can.

  57. Saterday nite and after i had luged in about a milion pales of water and filled all the tubs for the folks to taik there baths in father he sed to mother, Joey, he calls her Joey, becaus her name is Joanna.

  58. Terible 3 hadent augt to have a chirch gob, but me and Pewt told him he must kep his gob becaus if he wasent going to get caugt when we done tuf things we must be respecktable befoar folks.

  59. Pewt had went i felt wirse than ever becaus i realy was glad to see him and wanted him to stay and have sum fun but sumhow i coodent help being meen to him.

  60. Beany has got his gob back becaus they found out that Pewt put the overhals and old hat into the organ.

  61. Flunk Ham and Chick Randall or the Warren boys, all big fellers becaus they sed it must be big fellers to have sutch a big cannon.

  62. Pewt coppied them after we had talked them over becaus Pewt can wright so good.

  63. Tom Dick and Harry have it jest becaus they wanted it.

  64. Medo Thirstems seet and he coodent get up to resite and old Francis yanked him up and found the gum and licked me becaus i set jest behine his seet.

  65. Enny time old Francis dont know how to do a xample he looks in his key and lerns how and then a feller whitch dont have a key is snached baldheaded becaus he dont know how to do it.

  66. Francis but dident dass to becaus he licked me for teling that i paisted Cawcaw Harding that time.

  67. Potter was going yesterday after school but father woodent let me becaus i dident split my kindlings.

  68. George how can you tell such feerful stories, you know you were scart most to deth becaus you was afraid you wood be drafted.

  69. Beany not to treet becaus i did as much hollering as he did.

  70. It is funny, my father wont let me go with Beany becaus he is tuf, and Pewts father wont let Pewt go with me becaus im tuf, and Beanys father says if he catches me or Pewt in his yard he will lick time out of us.

  71. Beany was mad becaus i cared more for the band than for getting rid of the warts.

  72. Cele had her hair curled and Keene had a new red silk ribbon on her hair becaus her hair wont curl and Aunt Sarah had on a new dolman with beeds on it and some long coral earrings and they all looked fine.

  73. Pewt was mad becaus we got in the paper and he dident and told all round that it dident mean me and Beany but Rashe Belnap and Horris Cobbs.

  74. Francis licked 5 fellers today becaus they sung rong when we was singing speek kindly it is better far to rule by luv than feer.

  75. Keene was a crocuss and had to come out and sing first becaus the crocuss is the first flower that comes out.

  76. Tak heid that nane that is heir se it, for all the warld will knaw it, becaus for haist it was maid in yair presence.

  77. He declairit unto me his seiknes, and that he wald mak na testament, bot only leif all thing to me; and that I was the caus of his maladie, becaus of the regrait that he had that I was sa strange unto him.

  78. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "becaus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    because each; because even; because every; because faith; because his mercy endureth for ever; because love; because she; because some; because that; because the; because their; because then; because there; because they; because they are not; because they are spiritually; because they were not; because thou; because thou hast done; because what; because when; because you