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Example sentences for "entreat"

Lexicographically close words:
entrapping; entrar; entraron; entraunce; entre; entreate; entreated; entreaties; entreating; entreatingly
  1. Let me, sir, simply entreat to have her hand in mine before you.

  2. What I would entreat of you is to help me.

  3. I understood him to entreat me to intercede with her.

  4. My love, I would entreat you to propose if I were convinced that I could obey.

  5. I have come to entreat you to take me away, papa.

  6. May I entreat you to pardon him when he comes home?

  7. Entreat Him to enable me to stand to his Truth; which I shall not do if He deject or forsake me.

  8. I entreat you to read and seriously to consider.

  9. Rebuke not an elder but entreat him as a father, and the younger men as brethren.

  10. In relation to the doctrine, to which you appear so violently opposed, I entreat you, as a father, to take into consideration, 1st.

  11. Sir, I entreat you as a father to consider, 1st.

  12. I would entreat and beseech you to read and seriously consider.

  13. I must entreat my readers to understand, that though my naturall genius is to write fancy, yet .

  14. Entreat him, therefore, before another day has passed.

  15. Then the Tsar began to entreat him piteously.

  16. But she began to entreat and caress and implore him that he would take her with him.

  17. Thea, apparently calmly passive, and yet wretchedly restless, had just adopted a resolve to entreat Bernhard to tell her frankly of his sentiments for Frau von Wronsky.

  18. Dearest Adela, I entreat you not to trifle with me.

  19. I entreat you, do not force me into another career for which I am quite unfit.

  20. Be calm, I entreat you, dearest madame; your husband has met with an accident.

  21. I entreat your Majesty to sacrifice your love, and think of the security of your Dynasty.

  22. Let me entreat your Majesty to remit their contributions and extend favor towards them!

  23. Having made up my mind on this subject, I must entreat you to let me know by the earliest possible means what I am to expect in regard to the steamships.

  24. I entreat the strictest scrutiny and a patient hearing.

  25. I would therefore entreat your excellency to tell me what it is that the Government has engaged to do.

  26. Watch yourself, therefore, I entreat you, even during this one day.

  27. O wise Asha, I will entreat that friendship may display itself through the stars.

  28. She cleanses the seed of men, and gives a happy delivery to women; those who are with child entreat her assistance.

  29. O thou who art of golden colour, I entreat thee for skill and power, passing through the whole body, for beauty and health, for prosperity and increase, for greatness spreading over the whole form.

  30. Kai Kaus and Kai Chosru entreat the fire Adar gucasp, that Afrasiab may not escape them.

  31. Captain Crowle, do not dismount, I entreat you, until the conclusion of the next act.

  32. He is a gentleman who lives by his wits; not one of the ragged poets who haunt our shops with offers and projects and entreat work at a guinea a sheet.

  33. I entreat your favour towards Miss Molly, who deserves all the favours you can afford, being at once modest, as yet little acquainted with the world of fashion, and endowed by fortune with gifts which are indeed precious.

  34. If only he could have conveyed a message to that box, to entreat her to fly before it was too late!

  35. Shall I meet him at the entrance and entreat him to go away at once, on some pretext or another?

  36. If that were true, she would entreat his silence in vain.

  37. I would entreat you, therefore, not to lean To tales of slander, rather than of candor.

  38. Well, Sir, Since you're so positive, shall I entreat you To go to her?

  39. Ah, Chremes, I must now entreat the more, More urge you to confirm the promis'd boon.

  40. First, I must entreat you then, Believe, I would not dare do any thing Against your order.

  41. I have in consequence anxiously awaited your coming, and now entreat you to go with me to the place pointed out in the vision.

  42. But take heed, I entreat you, of Jesuits.

  43. If these alleged severities were inflicted on the Vaudois for acts of turbulence or dangerous fanaticism, we should not presume to entreat Her Majesty's gracious interposition.

  44. And in the spirit of meekness and charity let me entreat those, who reject Christianity, to pause, reflect, and examine deeply into the grounds on which they have come to a decision which involves their eternal destiny.

  45. O Lord, who art rich in mercy and goodness, suffer not, we entreat Thee, any evil to happen to us, neither any plague to come nigh our dwelling.

  46. I've intruded already too long on your leisure; If so, I entreat you with penitent sorrow To pause, and resume the remainder to-morrow.

  47. Though lowly kneeling He fain would frame a prayer within his breast, Would fain entreat for some sweet breath of healing, That his sick body might have ease and rest; He strove in vain!

  48. I therefore entreat you, dear Laurence, not to measure the depth of my regard by my present expression of it.

  49. In the name of your love for me, and of all your sorrows, I entreat you, eat and be strong!

  50. A sudden inspiration of grace may have turned your heart, but do you not most fervently entreat that every moment prior to that inspiration may be effaced from the remembrance of the Lord?

  51. Let me entreat every serious person, once more to fix his attention here.

  52. On this many soldiers began to call upon him to pardon them for that day, and entreat that he would now, whenever he pleased, make trial of the courage of his soldiers.

  53. Moreover, I entreat you, sire, not to trouble yourself about me.

  54. Sire, I commence, and entreat your majesty to have pity on the misfortunes of our house.

  55. If, however, the suddenness of this request should create to your royal highness any embarrassment, I entreat you to say so by the messenger I send, a gentleman of my suite, M.

  56. The President is, therefore, constantly anxious to know the state of things with you: and I entreat you to keep him constantly and well informed.

  57. I must entreat you, therefore, to avail yourself of every occasion of friendly remonstrance on this subject.

  58. Let me entreat you again to come with him; there are other important things to consult on.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "entreat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adjure; appeal; apply; approach; ask; beg; beseech; brace; call; conjure; crave; entreat; implore; importune; invoke; petition; plead; pray; press; push; request; solicit; supplicate; urge

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    entreat thee; entreat you; entreated them