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Example sentences for "beetroot"

Lexicographically close words:
beet; beeth; beetle; beetles; beetling; beets; beeves; beeyng; befal; befall
  1. Proskowetz obtained some seeds of the wild Sea-beetroot which is found on the south coast of France.

  2. It was nothing at first but an interesting experiment by Professor Marcgraf in a German laboratory, who had extracted a little cane-sugar from beetroot in 1747.

  3. And you see Aennchen open the narrow door of the old lower, with a similar dejeuner a la fourchette to that which you have had yourself, namely, a liberal helping of bread and ham, not forgetting the beetroot brandy, and go briskly in at it.

  4. The corn-arable was converted into plantations of beetroot for the manufacture of sugar, and a thousand hogsheads for its reception were ordered of the coopers.

  5. The cultivation of the beetroot was hardly more successful; still there was wherewithal to try the experiment of sugar-making, and to this our sanguine hero turned with his indomitable spirit.

  6. Great fields of beetroot are cultivated like flower-gardens, and the green and growing crops are as daintily ordered as the coils and plateaux of flowers with which it is the fashion to adorn dinner-tables à la Russe.

  7. The beetroot fields spurted up earth, and great holes were being dug by unseen ploughs.

  8. They seemed in desperate hurry and scratched up mounds of loose earth, like children building sand castles, and jumped down into wayside ditches which they used as cover, and lay on their stomachs in the beetroot fields.

  9. On many nights those brief hours of rest were in beetroot fields in which the German shrapnel had been searching for victims, and he awakened now and then to listen to the well-known sound of that singing death before dozing off again.

  10. The cultivation of beetroot has been introduced recently and is confined to the province of Sofia.

  11. I went cautiously on, feeling a little uneasy at the noise of my steps over the fields of beetroot or potatoes.

  12. I made my way once more over meadows, cornfields and beetroot fields, with pauses more or less prolonged at each disturbing noise.

  13. The best time for sowing beetroot is the beginning or middle of April.

  14. October: Twenty minutes to four, two kilometres from Estaires, scouting amongst beetroot fields.

  15. We crossed a field of beetroot and made straight towards them.

  16. Dissolve the butter in a frying pan, place in the beetroot and fry for twenty minutes, sprinkling each slice on both sides with the pepper and salt.

  17. Extraordinary, sultry day; you're as red as a beetroot already.

  18. Child, beaten from one side of the hall to the other, so that the potatoes and beetroot rolled out of her skirt.

  19. If after straining off the soup the remaining beetroot is not too much boiled away, it may be chopped fine with a little onion, vinegar and dripping, flavored with pepper and salt, and used as a vegetable.

  20. BAKED BEETS Boil large beetroot about two hours, being careful not to pierce it.

  21. There have, however, been numerous prosecutions for a fraud of another class, namely, the substitution of dyed beetroot sugar for Demerara sugar.

  22. It has manufactures of cloth, leather, chemicals and optical instruments; large quantities of beetroot sugar are produced in the neighbourhood; and there is a considerable transit trade on the Elbe.

  23. Put the beetroot and onion in the centre, and serve hot.

  24. Boil the beetroot carefully, and when cold, peel and slice up.

  25. Pour over it some remoulade sauce and shred on top some nice white lettuce leaves; it may be garnished with beetroot or hard boiled eggs.

  26. Put in the beetroot and simmer for about half an hour; dish the beets and pour the sauce over.

  27. Cut the beetroot into neat shapes and arrange as a garnish.

  28. Make the mashed potatoes into a border on a hot dish, and put the beetroot in the centre; boil up the sauce, pour it over, and serve.

  29. When quite cold, peel and slice up the beetroot and cut the macaroni into pieces about two inches long; arrange them in alternate layers on a dish.

  30. Boil both the macaroni and the beetroot by directions given elsewhere.

  31. Garnish with sprigs of watercress and slices of beetroot alternately.

  32. The planters are reproached as being behind the age; they are told that with the latest improvements they might still defy their beetroot enemy.

  33. On the top of this came the beetroot competition backed up by a bounty, and the Barbadian sugar interest, I was told, had gone over a precipice.

  34. England would give them no hand to save them from the effects of the beetroot bounties.

  35. They struggled on, and even when a new rival rose in the beetroot sugar they refused to be beaten.

  36. Steam and progress have given them a hundred natural competitors; and on the back of these came the unnatural bounty-fed beetroot sugar competition.

  37. Serve with garnish of beetroot or tomatoes.

  38. Beetroot should always be steamed by preference, but quite as much care must be taken not to break any of the fibres, or it will "bleed" as in boiling.

  39. Fried beetroot may be used instead of tomatoes, and crushed vermicelli or bread crumbs instead of tapioca.

  40. The mould might be decorated with slices of beetroot or hard-boiled eggs.

  41. Slice the eggs and beetroot, and arrange alternate slices of egg and beetroot round the base of the potato snow.

  42. Cut the beetroot into small dice, make a batter with the milk, meal, and egg, mix the beet with it, adding seasoning to taste.

  43. A notable discovery was made by Chaptal and Delessert, who improved on Markgraf's process of procuring sugar from beetroot and made it a practical success.

  44. In 1888 a society was formed in London called the Beetroot Sugar Association for clearing bargains in beetroot sugar.

  45. The beetroot and oysters of Circei had a certain reputation.

  46. If you use chopped beet-root as well as other vegetables, it is best to fill half the cups with half the mixture before any beetroot is added, then add the beet-root and stir the mixture well up and it will turn a bright red.

  47. Marseilles beetroot sugar is holding its own against other cheaper sugars imported lately and finds its way to Isfahan by the Ahwaz road.

  48. A model farm was actually started (and is still in existence) near Shah-Abdul Azim, where beetroot was to be grown in large quantities, the experts declaring that the soil was better suited for the crop than any to be found in Europe.

  49. The Belgian Company for the manufacture of Beetroot Sugar was another example of how speculations sometimes go wrong, and no wonder.

  50. Near Doboj, on the Bosna, there is a state sugar-refinery, for which beetroot is largely grown in the vicinity.

  51. On the clay lands wheat and barley are the principal products, and in the western corner of the province beetroot is largely cultivated for the beet sugar industry, factories being found at Bergen-op-Zoom, Steenbergen and Oudenbosch.

  52. And he pulled it this way and that, and the cloth on the sideboard had got all crumpled up, and suddenly down went a dish of beetroot with a smash, and all the rich red juice streamed over the cloth and on to the carpet.

  53. He was frightened then, and turned to run away; but his broad, flat paws had got into the beetroot juice, and he left great marks all across the cloth.

  54. He advanced through a huge beetroot field, and he ran with the others towards a fine white mist.

  55. XXVII At the edge of the beetroot field, a few paces from the road, in the white sand of Champagne, there is a burial-ground.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beetroot" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.