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Example sentences for "bonbon"

Lexicographically close words:
bonaj; bonam; bonan; bonanza; bonas; bonbons; bond; bondage; bonde; bonded
  1. On top of each one was an apple--or at least they thought it was, until taking it in their hands, when it proved to be a bonbon box filled with delicious nut candy.

  2. In these were the favors--small yellow bonbon boxes filled with orange conserves and tied with baby ribbon.

  3. Each bonbon is tied about with a band of baby-ribbon.

  4. Lilies of the same type, only larger with larger boxes having no covers, can form the bonbon boxes.

  5. Have smaller wreaths around the bonbon and nut dishes, and mats of leaves laid under the plates and dishes and used for doilies under the finger bowls.

  6. When you have made one of these novel bonbon boxes for each guest, you can begin to make The Big Pie or Pudding which is to grace the centre of the table.

  7. The Cabbage Bonbon Box is made in the same manner, only in this case you must carefully peel off the first covering of leaves from the head of cabbage and then cut a hole for the bonbons, as in Fig.

  8. If it had been too soft, the bonbon would have run and been out of shape.

  9. Maybe when the very last sugar-plum is eaten you may think about the way they are made, and then you can ask for more, so as to be fully impressed with the cleverness of the bonbon art.

  10. The word bonbon is French, and really means "good-good.

  11. There is just as little touching of the sugar-plums as possible; not that the hands of the working-people are not clean, but to finger a bonbon before you help yourself to it is to take away something of its pretty bloom.

  12. It seemed that the eels did not care for salted almonds, so Pee-wee endeavored to tempt them with a chocolate bonbon but the bonbon dissolved on the pin, forming a sort of subterranean chocolate sundae, and the eels ignored it.

  13. Zwilk's Bonbon had an ancient uncle, Prince Schirmberg, who lived in a curious old rococo Chateau, about an hour out of Salzburg.

  14. He became the intimate friend of Prince Bonbon Liscat, a very limited person, between ourselves, whom they had shoved into the army to keep him occupied, until they could arrange a marriage for him, to provide his line with heirs.

  15. Whereupon Suzanne giggled and tossed her victim a silver sheathed bonbon by way of reconciliation.

  16. Because of the eggs, oriental cream is whiter than bonbon cream, and so it is a little difficult to tell just when it is beginning to get creamy.

  17. Various kinds of bonbon dishes in which to serve candies are to be had, some of them being very attractive.

  18. To coat with bonbon cream, put the cream in a double boiler without any water and allow it to melt with as little stirring as possible.

  19. Dishes made of glass or china answer the purpose equally as well as silver ones, and if a bonbon dish is not in supply a small plate will do very well.

  20. This is the test for fudge, bonbon creams, and similar candies that are creamed and are expected to be hard and dry enough to handle when they are finished.

  21. Cherries preserved in maraschino wine and creme de menthe add attractive touches of color to candies and make delicious confections when coated with bonbon cream or chocolate.

  22. In the third form of treatment, the sirup is poured out and then cooled before it is stirred to make it creamy, as in opera creams or bonbon creams.

  23. If it is desired not to use fondant in the centers, the nuts or candied fruits themselves may be dipped into the melted bonbon cream and then placed on waxed paper to harden.

  24. When especially nice candy is desired for a special occasion, it is often made into small pieces and then coated with bonbon cream.

  25. These are usually treated in a rather elaborate way, being often coated with bonbon cream or with chocolate.

  26. Peter Snooks examined: Was employed by plaintiff; recollected defendant coming to the van to propose a speculation, in which Madame Bonbon was to play with him.

  27. Mr. Bonbon was the envied owner of a perambulating exhibition: he counted among his riches a Spotted Boy, a New Zealand Cannibal, and a Madagascar Cow.

  28. We are credibly informed--though the evidence was not adduced in court--that Monsieur Bonbon first suspected his dishonour from his wife's hair papers.

  29. Laura, as she lifted the last bonbon from the box.

  30. Home was never--" But here Grace inserted another bonbon so deftly that Mollie choked and almost precipitated another appalling accident.

  31. I just hate jealous people, anyway," added Grace, diving into her pocket and bringing forth a luscious bonbon which Mollie eyed covetously.

  32. Which title she gave with a saucy laugh, hitting with a chocolate bonbon the black African-burnt visage of the omnipotent chief she had the audacity to attack.

  33. With which she departed through a door, from which came an aroma that led to madness of hunger, and left the bonbon servant to attend us.

  34. I said to myself as I ascended the steps, was admitted by the Bonbon and conducted up the stairway to my apartments by good Kizzie, whom I met in the wide hall.

  35. For an instant I could not think of one single bonbon of compliment to offer the lady and I wished I had sat up all of the night to talk to that Mr. G.

  36. With which resolve I turned to make an answer to the faithful Bonbon at the door.

  37. I have the intention of calling on the telephone my faithful Bonbon and asking that he come and find me and deliver me to the home of Madam Taylor and from thence transport this paper to you that you go to sleep for a much needed rest.

  38. A dim light burned in the hall and I knew that there I would find my faithful chocolate Bonbon sitting upon a chair by the great door in a deep sleep.

  39. In not a moment was the good Bonbon at my door with a knocking.

  40. Bonbon and with a groan he fled into the darkness in the back regions of the house.

  41. My beloved Uncle, the General Robert, entered the door in a great hurry, with that much frightened Bonbon following close at his heels.

  42. She opened the door for us herself, though a nice boy the color of a chocolate bonbon stood in waiting to perform that office.

  43. That is apparently true," returned the fish, amiably; "but just lay a soft bonbon on top of me and see what will happen.

  44. It is in here," the Blue Wizard said, holding out a pretty gold bonbon box.

  45. After the telegram reached me from the Crushed Strawberry Wizard," remarked the cat, "I rolled the bonbon out into the middle of the floor.

  46. Morris looked at the bonbon dish, and beads of perspiration started on his forehead.

  47. She was a motherly young person, and when people fell down and scraped their knees, she ran and helped them up and patted them, or found in her pocket a bonbon or some other article of a soothing nature.

  48. If we just had something for bonbon dishes," Sara murmured.

  49. To the one reserved from the rest attach a small piece of coal, or charcoal, wrapped in a bonbon paper which also encloses a verse describing the magic powers of the coal.

  50. Perhaps that very day twelve months later I might delight the children with my bonbon box, and a second time make tea on their breezy playground.

  51. With which he put a bonbon in his mouth and gave it such a bite that everything rattled and rang.

  52. Arranged along the table should be plates of sandwiches and cakes, bonbon dishes and dishes with salted nuts.

  53. Dishes of candies and bonbons (with bonbon spoon beside them) are placed on the table at will, wherever they make the best appearance, but large dishes with spoon must be taken from the serving table and passed.

  54. Perhaps it was fortunate the last bonbon had now been eaten, for they might easily have caused considerably more trouble than they did.

  55. But under the influence of the chocolate bonbon she sat down and ran her fingers lightly over the keys producing such exquisite harmony that she was filled with amazement at her own performance.

  56. While the mayor was introducing him the great man sat fidgeting in his chair; and, happening to put his thumb and finger into his vest pocket, he found the lavender-colored bonbon he had placed there the evening before.

  57. This may clear my throat," thought the senator, and slipped the bonbon into his mouth.

  58. The chocolate piece will charm you into playing the piano better than Rubenstein, while after eating you lemon-yellow bonbon you can easily kick six feet above your head.

  59. So she dumped the contents of the box into a bonbon dish that stood upon the hall table and picking out the chocolate piece--she was fond of chocolates--ate it daintily while she examined her purchases.

  60. Mr. Bostwick, who was hungry, picked up the bonbon dish that lay on the table beside him and ate the pink confection.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bonbon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.