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Example sentences for "bureaucracy"

Lexicographically close words:
burdock; burdocks; burds; bure; bureau; bureaucrat; bureaucratic; bureaucrats; bureaus; bureaux
  1. The only rule of conduct in the bureaucracy there and in the Horse Guards is to reverse his decision, his judgment, and (if they can do nothing more) his words.

  2. Inside the bureaucracy there is a slow movement determined by seniority.

  3. The city is divided between enterprisers, their subordinates, owners of country estates and members of the state bureaucracy on one side and vassals, servants, serfs, and slaves and the unemployed on the other.

  4. Heading this bureaucracy are the ministers of state, each with a separate department.

  5. Once established, both the civilian bureaucracy and the military apparatus tended to maintain themselves, to extend their privileges and strengthen their positions.

  6. A political and social bureaucracy develops which feeds at the public trough.

  7. The outcome was a civil bureaucracy backed by a military or police strong enough to defend and perpetuate an unpalatable superior-inferior position.

  8. No bureaucracy can hope to make such a people as this do or undergo anything that they do not like.

  9. But where everything is done through the bureaucracy, nothing to which the bureaucracy is really adverse can be done at all.

  10. When Liberalism has achieved its ambition, the Irish bureaucracy will cease to hold the power that makes or mars every viceroyalty.

  11. He attacked the Dublin Corporation and all official Ireland, and, of course, the bureaucracy roused itself and crushed him for a time.

  12. Policy discussions continue in the bureaucracy over the proper pace and scope of economic reform.

  13. How much more interesting, we may say, would Europe be under the variety of such a regime than under the monotonous bureaucracy and officialism of any Great Power!

  14. For a time the strongest bureaucracy in Europe was driven to act on the defensive.

  15. Possibly this prosperity prompted in the Russian bureaucracy the desire to bring the Grand Duchy closely into line with the rest of the Empire.

  16. To the stiff bureaucracy of St. Petersburg these were so many motives for adopting a forward policy in Asia.

  17. Licence will soon be understood, not as the abuse of liberty, to which democracies are prone, but as a new weapon by which our bureaucracy will do away with liberty by tightening the shackles on our economic and other activities.

  18. Does it come to this: that whatever declaration is made the bureaucracy has made up its mind not to let responsible government be introduced in this country?

  19. I said and I repeat that within the last 30 years there never has been a reform proposed which had not been opposed and defeated by the Bureaucracy (hear, hear).

  20. In my opinion, bureaucracy is bureaucracy, be that bureaucracy of Englishman or of Anglo-Indians or of Indians.

  21. They know that the moment non-co-operation succeeds that very moment bureaucracy will be crushed.

  22. We have had enough of the Bureaucracy in this country.

  23. The Bureaucracy says we who want Home Rule are not fit to represent the people!

  24. That is why the Bureaucracy has failed and that is why the Bureaucracy has got to be removed by the introduction of some sort of responsible government--that is why the British Cabinet has suggested the introduction of responsible government.

  25. When I ask for Home Rule, for Self-Government, I am not asking for another bureaucracy, another oligarchy in the place of the bureaucracy that there is at present.

  26. It has been pointed out over and over again, but the Bureaucracy will not listen.

  27. We ought not to waste our energy any more in discussing the question whether this Bureaucracy has succeeded or whether it has failed.

  28. Do not wish to substitute obedience to the Bureaucracy in place of the people's loyalty to the Empire.

  29. It contributes all the strength upon which the strength of the bureaucracy depends.

  30. The bureaucracy and the law courts had therefore become a network of German-speaking officialism extending over the whole country; no one had any share in the government [v.

  31. On the other hand, where the government is founded upon the representative principle, the appearance of bureaucracy is an indication of some imperfection in the organisation of the State itself.

  32. As the basis of the new bureaucracy in Castile the Catholic Kings had at hand the Consejo Real, which with some changes was admirably adapted to the purpose.

  33. The consulado of Madrid introduced some novelties, principal among which was its close attachment to the national bureaucracy through the intervention in its affairs of the Consejo Real.

  34. The collision was between autocracy and bureaucracy and French democracy and radicalism.

  35. E] I take it that Bebel was, in this instance, simply pointing out to the German bureaucracy the inevitable consequences of the Russian system.

  36. It was only when the German Government began to imitate the terrorism of the Russian bureaucracy that a momentary passion for retaliation arose among the socialists.

  37. And, if all that was possible, would it be surprising if it also happened that at least one flaming rebel should have developed a philosophy of warfare no less terrible than that of the Russian bureaucracy itself?

  38. The courts were corrupt, the bureaucracy oppressive.

  39. It is not difficult to see that in order to place "all means of production, distribution, and exchange" under social ownership and control, the creation of such a bureaucracy as the world has never seen would be necessary.

  40. When this is understood, the nightmare of the bureaucracy of Socialism vanishes.

  41. The intolerable bureaucracy of collectivism is wholly an imaginary evil.

  42. Even if the bureaucracy were omniscient, such a condition of life would be intolerable.

  43. It was composed mainly of the worst elements of the population, and derived all the power that it had from the support given to it by the bureaucracy and the police.

  44. When at last it was permitted, the bureaucracy managed it so badly, and paid so little attention to the distribution and proper settlement of the emigrants in Siberia, that nearly nineteen per cent.

  45. Official position is more highly esteemed than birth and the bureaucracy takes the place of the aristocracy in the west.

  46. But the bureaucracy of China, which had battened for centuries on corruption and ignorance, had no taste for self-sacrifice.

  47. Several other doors were, however, open by which admission to the ranks of bureaucracy could be obtained.

  48. This bureaucracy was the core of the consolidated mass called the Empire; it was the embodiment of money, the ultimate expression of force, and it recognized and advanced men who were adapted to its needs.

  49. The monied oligarchy which formed this bureaucracy was a growth as characteristic of the high centralization of the age, as a sacred caste is characteristic of decentralization.

  50. But by the fourth century military service had become commercial; the legions were as purely an expression of money as the bureaucracy itself.

  51. The only other method would be to have the state assign men to their work, and that would be bureaucracy and slavery, the essence of everything we wish to get away from in our co-operative commonwealth.

  52. We did not waste any time in theoretical discussions about the rights of private capital, or the dangers of bureaucracy and the destruction of initiative.

  53. The stolid and trustworthy Bundesbank succeeded the Reichsmark and the Union was finally vanquished only by the bureaucracy in Brussels and its euro.

  54. The EU's faceless and Kafkaesque bureaucracy in Brussels - Moscow revisited - should prove to be a relief compared to the IMF's ruffians.

  55. Everyone decries the "new Moscow" - the faceless, central planning, remote controlling bureaucracy in Brussels.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bureaucracy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    administration; authorities; beat; bureaucracy; directorate; grind; groove; hierarchy; ins; interests; management; ministry; officialdom; round; routine; run; rut; them; they; top; track; treadmill