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Example sentences for "commemorative"

Lexicographically close words:
commemorated; commemorates; commemorating; commemoration; commemorations; commen; commence; commenced; commencement; commencements
  1. Orlovski); the commemorative monument of Alexander I.

  2. The Winter Palace, adjoining the Hermitage, on the Neva, is like the palace at Versailles, conspicuous for rooms or galleries commemorative of military exploits.

  3. Quartered in this dingy hatchment commemorative of Symond are the legal bearings of Mr. Vholes.

  4. The psalmist summons priests and people to a solemn festival, commemorative of Israel's deliverance from Egypt, and sets forth the lessons which that deliverance teaches, the learning of which is the true way of keeping the feast.

  5. It was "a testimony," a rite commemorative of a historical fact, and therefore an evidence of it to future times.

  6. The second kind of carved post is the commemorative post, put up to celebrate some important event.

  7. There are three kinds of these carved posts,--totem posts, commemorative posts, and death posts.

  8. One other subject of interest belonging to the merely commemorative texts of sotoba remains to be mentioned,--the names of certain Buddhist services for the dead.

  9. In addition to scriptural and invocatory texts, each sotoba bears the name of the giver, the kaimyō of the dead, and the name of a commemorative anniversary.

  10. It was, I think, during this visit to Venice that he assisted at a no less interesting ceremony: the unveiling of a commemorative tablet to Baldassaro Galuppi, in his native island of Burano.

  11. But he confessed that he had been greatly broken up by the labor of preparing something that might be read at some commemorative meeting, and had suffered from finding first that he could not write something specially for it.

  12. He saw us from his carriage, and called us gayly to him, to make us rejoice with him at having finally got that commemorative poem off his mind.

  13. Yao or Yu, 65; erection of monument by, commemorative of the Deluge, 67.

  14. Is there not a probability and fitness in the conjecture of some such commemorative sacrifices and memorials among mankind when they lived together before the dispersion in the times immediately following the Deluge?

  15. After showing the resemblance of a feast at Argos to other commemorative feasts of the Deluge, Boulanger (vide infra, i.

  16. Why, these are the very Mandans among whom Catlin and the Prince Maxmilian of Neuwied discovered the curious commemorative ceremony of the Deluge!

  17. Cashmir, tradition of Deluge in, 68; commemorative festival in, 69.

  18. To these I must add the evidence of the indirect testimony of the commemorative ceremonies which I have collected in another chapter (vide p.

  19. Query, The tradition of the Deluge localised, and the shrine commemorative of that catastrophe (vide Boulanger, &c.

  20. A fast of forty days, beginning with Ash Wednesday and continuing till Easter, observed by some Christian churches as commemorative of the fast of our Savior.

  21. A festival commemorative of the founding of a city or the consecration of a church; also, the ceremonies (as at Oxford and Cambridge, England) commemorative of founders or benefactors.

  22. By the Jews it was generally regarded as commemorative of the gift of the law on the fiftieth day after the departure from Egypt.

  23. A mound or monument commemorative of Buddha.

  24. In England they are only found since 1700, being used as commemorative of the sisters Anne and Mary, both queens.

  25. Posthumus, possibly, in this case was commemorative of Sir Thomas, and not of Sir John.

  26. In crossing the square the five holiday-makers halted before the Hôtel de Ville and read with interest a commemorative inscription on the walls.

  27. The lessons of the second nocturn are generally commemorative of a saint or some episode of a saint's life.

  28. Then the festivals commemorating the facts of the life, death and resurrection were primarily commemorative of the Redeemer and secondarily of His Mother.

  29. Deliver a commemorative address suitable for the next holiday.

  30. Notice how the two are blended in the following conclusion from a much read commemorative oration.

  31. Defn: A fast of forty days, beginning with Ash Wednesday and continuing till Easter, observed by some Christian churches as commemorative of the fast of our Savior.

  32. Defn: A mound or monument commemorative of Buddha.

  33. The other sides, which are turned outwards, represent scenes in the Forum, and are commemorative of some public benefaction of one of the emperors, probably Trajan or Hadrian.

  34. This is inferred from numerous inscriptions, and some commemorative pillars and altars found there.

  35. Robinson a gold medal with appropriate devices and inscriptions, commemorative of the heroic conduct of the said Robinson on the fourteenth day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, in saving the life of the Honorable William H.

  36. To these annual commemorative offerings allusion is made in a poetical inscription by a husband to his wife, snatched away in youth.

  37. When the first Grand Army post was formed in St. Paul a name commemorative of one of Minnesota's fallen heroes was desired for the organization.

  38. Commemorative odes sung or recited at banquets and funerals.

  39. The commemorative odes appear to have been recited or sung at banquets, not by poets or rhapsodists, but by boys or guests.

  40. A sculptor having hastily smoothed the surface of a rock, cut out on it a figure of the king, to which was usually added a commemorative inscription.

  41. Joshua set up a stone commemorative of the establishment of the law.

  42. A dinner of the same kind, commemorative of the event, was for a long time given annually at the same tavern.

  43. Thus Hall merited the commemorative inscription on the brass tablet which the British polar expedition of 1875, with a generous appreciativeness creditable to its own brave men, erected to Hall's memory over his lonely northern grave.

  44. The next morn was that of Mardi-Gras, when our devout explorers celebrated mass, sang joyfully the Te Deum and raised a commemorative cross before voyaging further.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commemorative" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ceremonial; memorial; monumental; solemn