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Example sentences for "confrere"

Lexicographically close words:
confoundedly; confounding; confounds; confraternities; confraternity; confreres; confront; confrontation; confronted; confronting
  1. The appearance of his judicial confrere fairly startled George.

  2. But his juvenile confrere shrugged away from his clutch.

  3. He bent again to his confrere and they conferred awhile.

  4. The inspector glanced over the various "informations" and handed them over to his confrere for perusal.

  5. I found that the confrere mentioned, and who alone could identify M.

  6. Having only heard the outlines of this story from another, I repaired to my confrere after my last interview with Monsieur, and learned what I now tell you from his own lips.

  7. Confreres, this affair settled, I proceed to distribute amongst you sums of which each who receives will render me an account, except our valued confrere the Pole.

  8. My confrere had no time allowed to him to prosecute such inquiries.

  9. I must go and look up a former confrere who was an enthusiastic Red Republican, and I fear does not get so much to eat since he has no longer an Emperor to abuse.

  10. Dr Revault, confrere of Guyot, regretted the failure to perform a post-mortem on the body of Perrotte.

  11. A confrere he called in ordered bouillon to be given.

  12. Devergie's confrere Flandin later declared his conviction that the death of Lacoste was due to one dose of the poison, but, from a verbatim report, it appears that he did not give any reason for the opinion.

  13. At the time the Minister was my confrere at the Institute, Rambaud the eminent historian, and at the head of the Beaux-Arts as director was Henri Roujon, since a member of the Academie des Beaux-Arts and the permanent secretary.

  14. Next I found myself one morning on the Place du Dome at Milan walking with my companion Chaplain, the famous engraver of medallions, and later my confrere at the Institute.

  15. Henry Roujon, my confrere at the Institute, was good enough at the banquet the following day, to read the speech I would have delivered myself had I not been obliged to stay in bed.

  16. I dedicated them to my good friend Paladilhe, author of Patrie, later my confrere at the Institute.

  17. My celebrated confrere Louis Diemer, the marvellous virtuoso, who had consented to play the harpsichord in the first act of Therese, Mme.

  18. A confrere who had been attached to a medical mission in the East said to me afterwards that to him they recalled fanatics.

  19. We were two hours because we first took those whom our Luxembourg confrere believed to be medical men.

  20. They were ten Germans to us five Frenchmen, for, as I have already told you, our Luxembourg confrere hardly spoke at all.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "confrere" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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