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Example sentences for "pardner"

Lexicographically close words:
parchment; parchments; parclose; pard; pardessus; pardners; pardon; pardonable; pardonably; pardoned
  1. Well, how would it git you if you had a pardner that--well, mebby was a girl and she got killed by a bunch of deputies jest because she was quick enough to spoil their game?

  2. Your pardner here said forty,"--and Annersley smiled at Young Pete.

  3. My pardner ain't like to be friendly if he's woke up sudden.

  4. But I got one pardner yet, anyhow," and his hand slid to his holster.

  5. Me an' my pardner trusts that the congregation will treasure our remarks in the future.

  6. Me an' my pardner promises not to turn violent or break into the sanctuary.

  7. As a pardner he's silent, but cheerful With never a kick 'bout the trails And if it wasn't for him in the winter There never would be any mails.

  8. He's a true friend in sorrow and sickness And he doesn't mind hunger or cold, And he's really the only one pardner You can trust when you uncover gold.

  9. His pardner is a white man, an' about as likely a lookin' lad as I've seen.

  10. An' this other--he come in a while back with his pardner from over on the Yukon side.

  11. You an' take yo'r pardner there, standin' by the wall!

  12. Once I waited, almost wishing that the dawn would never find me; Saw the sun roll up the ranges like the glory of the Lord; Was about to wake my pardner who was sleeping close behind me, When I saw the man we wanted spur his pony to the ford.

  13. I fetched a cowboy whoop and started in to rag, And cut her with my trotters till the floor began to sag; Swung my pardner till she got sea-sick and rushed for a seat; I balanced to the next one but she dodged me slick and neat.

  14. I'm surprised, Mr. Rhodes, that you abandoned your pardner and left him without water on the desert.

  15. But no more'n one pardner ought to do for another; no more'n you'd do for me, Stevie.

  16. Packard knew that; he knew that his old pardner fought hard, fought mercilessly, but fought fair.

  17. Pray God I can be as white with a pardner as you have been.

  18. Is it just jail for the man who shot down my old pardner in cold blood, just for the sake of a handful of money?

  19. As the morning sunlight spread to their camp Collie's natural curiosity in regard to Overland's pardner was satisfied.

  20. It is hardly right to leave the minute my new pardner arrives.

  21. The kid is his pardner who acts the tenderfoot.

  22. Yes, I felt some as if I wuz the Queen of Sheba and Josiah wuz Solomon, though I might have knowed, my pardner lacked the first ingregient in Solomon's nater, wisdom.

  23. As I said, the next day after that singular experience of Faith's wuz Sunday, and my pardner and I went to the Tabernacle.

  24. And then wuz the time I tackled my pardner on the subject I had thought over so long.

  25. I thought I would go upstairs into another part of the buildin' and mebby I might ketch a glimpse of my pardner in the dense crowd below.

  26. As they come nigh me I riz up almost wildly and ketched holt of my pardner and sez I: 'Desist!

  27. But all the answer my pardner made wuz to snatch up the paper and tear it right through the middle, and sez he, "There, I hope you're satisfied now!

  28. But, at the same time, it is bitter to know that your pardner has prevaricated to you, and so the sweet and the bitter is mixed all through life.

  29. Your pardner will fry up 2 pans full before she goes, Josiah; and I don't s'pose I'll be gone over four days.

  30. Soon, soon will you be with your beloved pardner at home.

  31. I told him how deep my love and devotion to my pardner wuz.

  32. If you have no power to help your pardner to patriotism and honor, you can, if your worst fears are realized, try to keep him to home.

  33. That's the kind of a dastard you've got for a pardner but you can tell him I'll never give up.

  34. But I was so doggoned sore at that pardner of yours that I kinder went out of my head.

  35. Never, not even to his dearest friend, would he tell the forecasting of his death; and as for dearest friends, if he ever had another pardner he could never trust him a minute.

  36. I in a dry voice; "that's a queer word from one old pardner to another.

  37. In my opinion the male bee has just as good a right to be monarch as his female pardner has, if he is as good and knows as much.

  38. They looked dretful dejected and onhappy as they come to this conclusion, my pardner looked as if he wuz most ready to bust out cryin'.

  39. I never learnt to swim, but if I could I shouldn't talk about leaving a pardner to shift for hisself.

  40. It was also clear that if the Boy now drew away from his pardner ever so little, by so much did he draw nearer to the dogs.

  41. Well," said his pardner haughtily, "he could afford to marry 'a flighty creature.

  42. His pardner pushed him down on his stool.

  43. Not to that pardner o' yours--not to nobody.

  44. It seems I'm the kind of man, Colonel--the kind of man who could leave his pardner to die like a dog in the snow.

  45. Before this quieter phase set in, Maudie had sent into Dawson for Potts, O'Flynn and Mac, that they might distract the Colonel's mind from the pardner she knew could not return.

  46. We haven't come on this trip to lie abed in the morning," his pardner returned with some solemnity.

  47. He would come up from his work almost on the run, and if he failed to find his pardner in the tent there was the devil to pay.

  48. No man who really knows the trail would have dared, under the circumstances, to remind his pardner that it was now his business to get up and fry the bacon.

  49. Not you neither, but that pardner o' yours.

  50. The Boy observed with scant patience that his pardner treated Maudie with a consideration he could hardly have bettered had she been the first lady in the land.

  51. When I saw me pardner fall I was agoin' after 'im like a whirlwind.

  52. I did it at fust, miss, fer her sake, an' also to help me pardner out.

  53. I'm goin' back to me pardner now, an' see how things are shapin' out thar.

  54. An' look ye, if me pardner comes here tell 'im I'll be back as soon as I kin.

  55. But my pardner is the real meat with boats, and when he says yourn ain't safe I reckon he knows what he's talkin' about.

  56. And I'm willing to say straight out in meeting that we'd sooner your pardner didn't play at our table.

  57. She was as square as a die; under fire she was a pardner for any man.

  58. And in any old kind of a fight a man wouldn't want a better pardner than I can reach now, putting out my hand.

  59. After a bit, the bear stops to ketch his breath, an' then me an' me pardner goes on with our breakfast.

  60. Up the tree it comes for me, while me pardner slips down, grabs the mail-sack, an' sails up the west pine again.

  61. Well, here comes my pardner an' I reckons I'll amble right along.

  62. If yu needs any referee or a side pardner in any ruction yu has only got to warble up my way.

  63. Oh, that's all right; I'll call my pardner down to keep house till yu gits back.

  64. Why, as I entered that magnificent arched vestibule, with my faithful pardner by my side, and my good cotton umbrell grasped in my right hand, the view wuz pretty nigh overwhelmin' in its profusion of orniment and gorgeous decoration.

  65. Josiah opposed me warmly, and brung up the dangers that might befall me with no pardner to protect me.

  66. Proud enough wuz my pardner of him, and of himself too for bein' born his cousin.

  67. I drew my pardner out of the way, for he stood open-mouthed with admiration a-starin' at the bride, and almost rooted to the spot.

  68. Every pardner has 'em, more or less, on his side and on hern; let not one pardner boast themselves over the other one; both have their drawbacks.

  69. Then do you tell your pardner the meanin' of your actions imegetly and to once.

  70. That man had been led round too much that day, for my own pleasure; to gratify my own esthetik taste I had almost ruined the pardner of my youth and middle age.

  71. But my pardner jined me at that minit with his handkerchief held triumphantly in his hand.

  72. She turned round, and see that Deacon Sypher had stopped some distance away to speak to my pardner and to look at sunthin' or ruther, and she told me all about it.

  73. You remember Wind-River Smith's pardner that the boys called Shadder, because he was so thin?

  74. He thought his pardner had been cut out of his herd for ever.

  75. My pardner threw the muzzle of his gun up.

  76. Consequently, my pardner and I are presenting an interest to the public, putting the nominal figure of fifty cents a share upon it, to save the feelings of our beneficiaries.

  77. Strictly speaking, my pardner Hy hasn't gone off on a business trip.

  78. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pardner" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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