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Example sentences for "curiously enough"

  • Curiously enough, the Judiciary Committee was the one Senate committee whose members President Porter did not name.

  • Curiously enough, after the machine had worn the anti-machine forces out, Caminetti was the only Senator who refused to accept the machine's amendments to the bill which the anti-machine caucus had agreed upon.

  • Curiously enough, however, lobbying, in spite of the rule, continued on the floors of both Houses even during sessions.

  • Curiously enough, the only contest came over the election of the Chaplain of the Senate; the naming of the President pro tem.

  • Curiously enough, neither the term "absolute rate" nor "maximum rate" appears in the State Constitution.

  • I have alluded to the intrepidity of Miss Bronte in this matter; and, curiously enough, it is women who have the most courage in the expression of their literary opinions.

  • Curiously enough, though France originated the feuilleton, it was from America and our own colonies that England seems to have taken the idea of publishing novels in newspapers.

  • This prophecy has, curiously enough, been fulfilled in a different direction from that anticipated by him who uttered it.

  • Curiously enough, however, the lapse of years is far easier to suggest than that of hours; and locomotion from Islington to India than the act, for instance, of leaving the room.

  • Curiously enough, he became more austere than ever, shunned girls and especially the heroine of his adventure, and even avoided the company of boys who spoke habitually and "vulgarly" of sex.

  • Curiously enough, one of the sex perversions, masturbation, has in a few cases a similar genesis.

  • Curiously enough, the same causes which produce this trance in slow-moving species, like those of Scarabseus for example, have a precisely contrary effect on species endowed with great activity.

  • Certainly it seems a poor spider after the dynamical and migratory gossamer; but it happens, curiously enough, that a study of the habits of this dusty domestic creature leads us incidentally into the realms of fable and romance.

  • Indeed, curiously enough, my recent haste to have them answered had suddenly died down.

  • And, curiously enough, while my thoughts were thus running on towards the rapids of that swirling moment, the very thing happened which I had often imagined might happen to myself.

  • Curiously enough, "The Old Male," as he is now affectionately called, became from this moment quite a bosom friend.

  • Both became eminent in after life, though, curiously enough, neither in the law nor in the ministry.

  • Curiously enough, Morse himself could, in after years, never remember having suggested at that time the possibility of using electricity to convey intelligence.

  • Curiously enough, in both maps, the upper silhouette of the landscape in this part defines the real south shore of Java.

  • Curiously enough, as it may appear, there is an open sea where the Australian continent should be marked on this official map.

  • Curiously enough, to the present day the conception of the thunderbolt is essentially one of a bolt--that is to say, an arrow, or at least an arrowhead.

  • Curiously enough, at a little distance from the sandy levels or alluvial flats of the sea-shore, the sea-loving coco-nut will not bring its nuts to perfection.

  • Curiously enough, English sailors still call the nearest surviving relatives of the belemnites, the squids or calamaries of the Atlantic, by the appropriate name of sea-arrows.

  • The garden, curiously enough, was a quarter of a mile from the house, and the way to it led up a shallow draw past the cattle corral.

  • Curiously enough, she reminded me of Mrs. Gardener, for whom she had worked in Black Hawk so long ago.

  • Curiously enough, the old Pilgrim's Progress which he had read as a child was very forcibly in his mind in these days.

  • He looked very like Eddy as he sat there, and, curiously enough, he spoke almost at once of him.

  • Curiously enough, during the half-hour in the car he had held, as it were, a little truce with this fell appetite which had seized upon him.

  • Curiously enough, it never occurred to him as possible that he could die before what he had sown was grown and reaped.

  • Curiously enough, the charm struck Ishmael for the first time now that he saw her subdued, not troubling to exert it save mechanically.

  • Curiously enough my face showed no signs of the struggle I had gone through.

  • Curiously enough, the native now and then, and in Northern India more particularly, hates being over- protected against himself.

  • Curiously enough, every word that you say can be heard, not only by the other diner, but by the servants beyond the screen through which they bring dinner.

  • Curiously enough, the Subaltern was able to stick to the loan through all the troubles that followed, and was eventually able to return it to its owner, met casually in the London Hippodrome, months later.

  • Curiously enough, the line that suffered least was the first, and even in the others the casualties were negligible.

  • Curiously enough, he was wearing just the coat and hat that his father would wear.

  • Curiously enough, notwithstanding the strength of which he had justly boasted, as they neared the top of the house he felt his breath coming short and his heart beating faster, as though some unusual strain were upon him.

  • The police, without a doubt, have been in possession of this document, and, curiously enough, Starling was at the Milan that day.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "curiously enough" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being succeeded; bide here; both girls; compare the; curiously enough; dirty white; disease germs; ever had; feet above the sea; interesting paper; intermediate host; moment looking; not far from the; other beasts; play with; public elementary; regards their; situated above; small child; stable manure; what looked; with thee