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Example sentences for "deficiency"

Lexicographically close words:
defiant; defiantly; defibrinated; deficiences; deficiencies; deficient; deficit; deficits; defie; defied
  1. This was the General Fund; the deficiency of which was to be made good annually out of the first aids granted by parliament.

  2. The commons voted one hundred and twenty-five thousand pounds for making good the deficiency in recoining the hammered money, and the recompence for bringing in plate to the mint.

  3. They resolved that a supply should be granted for making good the deficiency of parliamentary funds, and appropriated several duties for this purpose.

  4. He reinforced his squadron with some store ships, mounted with guns, and armed for the occasion, and supplied the deficiency in his complements, by taking on board seamen from the merchant ships, and soldiers from the garrison.

  5. But if, contrary to expectation, any deficiency should happen in supplying this demand, his majesty's troops will be obliged to forage, and use the same means as those taken by the enemy for their subsistence.

  6. To make good the deficiency of the grants for the service of this present year, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine, they assigned the sum of seventy-five thousand one hundred and seventy pounds, and threepence farthing.

  7. Then they took cognizance of the state of affairs in Spain, and found there had been a great deficiency in the English troops at the battle of Almanza.

  8. Similarly in the case of two bodies charged with a deficiency of, or negative, electricity, neither wish to add to the deficiency already there.

  9. In the latter case, further deficiency will but add to the irregularity.

  10. Every body in nature has its own natural quantity of electricity, and when an object is negatively electrified, or has a deficiency in its normal quantity, there is a tendency to receive a supply from any convenient source.

  11. I am pleased that you are so fully convinced of my candour, for to know that you suspected me of a deficiency in this virtue would grieve and mortify me beyond expression.

  12. They revealed a gaping deficiency of the subtle insight she now possessed.

  13. Other causes are the deficiency of the natural stimuli, as hunger, thirst, and want of fresh air.

  14. Swellings of the spleen, or in its vicinity, are frequently perceived by the hand in intermittents, which are called Ague-cakes, and seem owing to a deficiency of absorption in the affected part.

  15. As these patients are pale and weak, there would seem to be a deficiency of oxygene in their blood, and in consequence a deficiency of phosphoric acid; which is probably produced by oxygene in the act of respiration.

  16. The membrane of the upper end of the gullet becomes torpid, and consequently painful, when there is a deficiency of aqueous fluid in the general system; it then wants its proper stimulus.

  17. When a deficiency of stimulus is too great or too long continued, so as to impair the life of the part, no further accumulation of sensorial power occurs; as when the skin is long exposed to cold and damp air.

  18. In other cases the lochia continues too long, or in too great quantity, owing to the deficiency of venous absorption.

  19. The general weakness from fatigue is owing to a similar cause, that is, to the too great expenditure of sensorial power in the increased actions of one part of the system, and the consequent deficiency of it in other parts, or in the whole.

  20. Owing to deficiency of sensorial power, as explained more at large in Sect.

  21. On the contrary, loss always ensues when the individual plant, through deficiency of space, is hindered in its full development.

  22. Sandy soils are characterised by excess of silica, and deficiency of alumina, phosphates and potash.

  23. Give air freely at every opportunity, and be careful not to administer too much water, or the blunder will result in a deficiency of fruit.

  24. A limited number, well grown, will produce a greater wealth of bloom, of finer quality, than a larger number which become feeble from deficiency of space for development.

  25. The manifest deficiency of lands to supply all the claimants for whom the act of settlement provided, made it necessary to resort to a supplemental measure, called the act of explanation.

  26. It did not, like some other acts of attainder, inflict a punishment beyond the offence, but supplied the deficiency of legal evidence.

  27. No one has ever accused your poor mother of any deficiency in that.

  28. The foreign clerks at the receiving office calculate, in the money of their country, the amount of deficiency and double it up, stamping this charge on the covers for collection by office of delivery.

  29. The despatching offices have marked on each article the amount of deficiency in prepayment.

  30. Should such a deficiency occur as I apprehend, I would recommend that the necessary revenue be raised by an increase of our present duties on imports.

  31. Nor can the postponed installment of the surplus revenue be deposited with the States nor any considerable appropriations beyond the estimates be made without causing a deficiency in the Treasury.

  32. But with the increasing amount of our commercial tonnage in the aggregate and the larger size and improved equipment of the ships now constructed a deficiency in the supply of reliable seamen begins to be very seriously felt.

  33. With the scanty means at his command the Postmaster-General has managed to pay that portion of this deficiency which occurred in the first two quarters of the past fiscal year, ending on the 31st December last.

  34. The causes of this deficiency are various; sometimes it arises from a constitutional inertness of the breasts, sometimes from insufficient nourishment, and sometimes from profuse discharges in other parts.

  35. The general form of the parts and their size, should also be noticed; particularly of the pelvis, so that any deformity or deficiency may be discovered.

  36. His deficiency in the Welsh language had been concealed by alternately feigning deafness and drunkenness, which, with the aid of the pipe left him free from suspicion.

  37. The one was a poor blind man, who was drawing from his flute tones in which the melancholy beauty of the air compensated for any deficiency (the deficiency was but slight) in the execution.

  38. In order to make up the deficiency between their actual wages and their necessities, the conductors and drivers have fallen into the habit of appropriating a part of the money received from passengers to their own use.

  39. The reason is that journalists are unable to live on their salaries, as a rule, if they be married men, and are forced to make up the deficiency by contributing to the magazines and weekly papers.

  40. If you do not dance you must leave, unless you atone for your deficiency by a liberal expenditure of money.

  41. There is nothing about which Councilmen need feel so little anxiety as a deficiency in the supply of regimental colors.

  42. Deficiency of the Americans in arms and ammunitions.

  43. Every military operation was also seriously affected by the total want of engineers, and the deficiency of working tools.

  44. Deficiency of the Americans in arms and ammunition.

  45. Sidenote: Deficiency of the Americans in arms and ammunition.

  46. In every military division of the continent, loud complaints were made of the deficiency of supplies.

  47. The deficiency has been necessarily supplied during the campaign, by other than regular troops, with all the inconveniences and expense incident to them.

  48. But as a preparation for war, it is still worse; because it produces a deficiency of that out of which war alone cannot be sustained.

  49. It first wastes what is its own, and then seeks how it may make up its deficiency out of the property of other people.

  50. While we had enjoyed the carrying trade, we had supplied the deficiency in navigation of those nations; and all the inconvenience felt for the want of it ceased because we stepped in and aided them.

  51. On the subject of revenue, I can only say, that at present there appears to be no deficiency of money in the Treasury.

  52. I shall here say nothing concerning the difficulties of executing this scheme; nor about the possibility of a deficiency both in men and money.

  53. The deficiency has been necessarily supplied during the campaign by other than regular troops, with all the inconveniences and expense incident to them.

  54. In looking over the ration account, Mr. Jardine found a deficiency of 30 lbs.

  55. Realising this deficiency a Danish professor is striving to record the Aurora Borealis in motion upon the celluloid film.

  56. If this is not supplied, and if the operator wishes to avoid the waste of 2 or 3 feet of sensitized ribbon, the deficiency can easily be remedied.

  57. No time is given him to see the deficiency of atmosphere or environment.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deficiency" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.