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Example sentences for "disclaims"

Lexicographically close words:
disclaim; disclaimed; disclaimer; disclaimers; disclaiming; disclose; disclosed; discloses; disclosing; disclosure
  1. Sokrates not only does not profess to make himself a measure for the respondent, but expressly disclaims doing so: he protests against being considered as a teacher, and avows his own entire ignorance.

  2. But he disclaims all such green-sickness appetites in future.

  3. If he disclaims having tempted Eve in the shape of the Serpent, it is only because the book of Genesis has not the most distant allusion to anything of the kind, but merely to the Serpent in his serpentine capacity.

  4. But if he be not so well qualified, he cries down all learning as pedantic, disclaims study, and professes to write with as great facility as if his Muse was sliding down Parnassus.

  5. He disclaims study, pretends to take things in motion, and to shoot flying, which appears to be very true by his often missing of his mark.

  6. When he hath his due, he magnifieth courtesy, and disclaims his deserts.

  7. But when he turns off his footman, and disclaims that postscript, I will tear it out, and see how far the rest deserves to be considered.

  8. Reason disclaims it altogether, and it cannot be said to lodge in the blood, or the animal spirits.

  9. Though Lady Chudleigh rejoices in these learned topics she modestly disclaims any accurate knowledge.

  10. But these very letters, in which Mrs. Evelyn disclaims learning, would be a capital point in refutation of Macaulay's charge of general feminine illiteracy.

  11. But Mr. Hastings disclaims it, unnecessarily disclaims it, for no one charges him with it.

  12. The prisoner put in an elaborate defence: he now disclaims that defence.

  13. The right which the Vice-President disclaims under the name of abrogating, but claims for a State under that of nullifying an act of the General Government, is thus stated by himself in the letter alluded to above.

  14. The person alluded to disclaims all sanguinary proceedings, and my information arose from a very erroneous account which was circulated of the conversation.

  15. Chaucer again and again disclaims all boasts of perfection, or pretensions to pre-eminence, as a poet.

  16. He first fights the battle of the weak for them, and then disclaims all participation in the spoils.

  17. And even in this department of his work he disclaims any desire to propagate a philosophy of his own.

  18. Germany disclaims all responsibility for such accidents and their consequences.

  19. He disclaims the open threat, but his conduct implies it.

  20. The Editor disclaims any responsibility for it, as in all cases where individuals are criticised by the old warrior.

  21. Geronimo's exact words, for which the Editor disclaims any responsibility.

  22. Or is an Orator really thought to be no Orator, because he disclaims the title?

  23. It disclaims all extortions and other transactions for individual gain; all acts of private revenge, or connivance at such acts.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disclaims" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.