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Example sentences for "ducats"

Lexicographically close words:
ducal; ducally; ducat; ducates; ducation; ducatus; duce; ducem; ducere; duces
  1. When it was completed, he sent it covered up to Agnolo's house by a messenger, with a note demanding seventy ducats in payment.

  2. Thereupon Michelagnolo sent them back to him, with a message to say that he should send back either one hundred ducats or the picture.

  3. During that time, then, Michelagnolo had five ducats a month from that lord as an allowance and also to help his father; and for his particular gratification Lorenzo gave him a violet cloak, and to his father an office in the Customs.

  4. Whereupon he had the marble given to him, and Michelagnolo executed them in such a manner, that they are the best figures that are there; and Messer Francesco Aldovrandi caused thirty ducats to be given to him for the two.

  5. Antonio and Bassanio went together to Shylock, and Antonio asked the Jew to lend him three thousand ducats upon any interest he should require, to be paid out of the merchandise contained in his ships at sea.

  6. It is an agreement with one Rodrigo Osorio, a manager, who was to accept six comedies at fifty ducats (about 6l.

  7. Why, you villain, I have not yet had the government half a day, and you want me to have six hundred ducats already!

  8. The governor on this asked him if he had any money in silver about him; he said he had about twenty ducats in a leather purse in his bosom.

  9. I print at my own risk," said the author, "and I expect to make a thousand ducats at least by this first edition, which is to be of two thousand copies that will go off in a twinkling at six reals apiece.

  10. At Imola I received sixty ducats and paid debts of seventy.

  11. Write to Count Belgioioso that I send him thirty--no--forty or fifty thousand ducats to spend in new donatives, let him spare nothing.

  12. Two hundred imperial ducats to the monastery of St. Maria delle Grazie for oil and candles, if it ends well!

  13. He took twenty ducats which he promised to return on receipt of his money from Florence; then immediately paid his score, with the lavishness of a great noble.

  14. She thrust the packet into the bosom of her dress, flung a bag of ducats at the poet, as one might fling a bone to a dog, and departed.

  15. Five hundred and six ducats for every league: in all, fifteen thousand one hundred and eighty-seven.

  16. Consternation spread through Italy; the pope trembled; and ten thousand ducats were set upon the head of the fugitive.

  17. I am extreme to mark trifles such as the price of the feather in Salaino's cap; yet thousands of ducats go from me, and I know not whither.

  18. In this fashion the six thousand ducats of his patrimony had been dissipated in the smoke which ascended from his chimney.

  19. Must he restore to Spain the two hundred thousand ducats which formed Catherine's dowry?

  20. Scatter money plentifully; sacrifice every thing, provided you procure a secret interview with his holiness; ten thousand ducats are at your disposal.

  21. Fraulein Fruzsinka had her ducats when she came back.

  22. Item, he insists on my redeeming my word, because to-morrow there is to be an enquiry into the accounts, and among other things will be missing the twenty ducats from the treasury.

  23. And there are two hundred ducats for the man who brings him back alive.

  24. But what did you so suddenly want ducats for?

  25. Even to-day three thousand ducats are not a sum to be despised: in those days, indeed, they represented a respectable fortune.

  26. He reckoned two hundred ducats would cover it, and with this sum off he went to Vienna, ostensibly, on a question of his wine trade.

  27. The commission had expected that he would come out with ducats by the thousand, but he produced nothing more than a cellar full of wine.

  28. As you will, Mr. Raby," said the Jew, and he put the ducats in his pocket.

  29. Is it the ten thousand ducats you are seeking?

  30. As soon as the delegates who are told off to take charge of it, notice that by chance ten or twenty heaps of ducats have been left perhaps on the table, they go back and verify that all is in good order.

  31. At each wayside inn Raby could read the notice which posted him up as a criminal and outlaw, for whose identification a reward of two hundred ducats was offered.

  32. The ducats Duke Ernest got for his soldiers he spent in a series of the most brilliant entertainments.

  33. Come, thief, the ten ducats without more ado, or I'll burn your nest of infamy and hang you above the ruins.

  34. Particularly a justice that puts ten ducats in your pocket," laughed Galeotto.

  35. And now, rogue, ten ducats for that mule.

  36. It will be five ducats for the mule, and five for your life.

  37. And presently we heard that Mondolfo had been conferred by Farnese upon his good and loyal servant and captain, the Lord Cosimo d'Anguissola, subject to a tax of a thousand ducats yearly!

  38. Three hundred ducats yearly to recompense the hospitality I have given you--and six hundred later upon the coming of the Duke!

  39. Oh, but for that a stipend of three hundred ducats is too little.

  40. The seneschal shall have orders to pay you ten gold ducats in discharge of all that may be still your due from us.

  41. Five thousand ducats yearly is my offer," said Farnese, "provided that you bring three hundred lances.

  42. O, there is a stipend waiting--a stipend of three hundred ducats yearly that shall be made into six hundred presently, and all for my complaisance, all that I may be a joyous and content cornuto!

  43. The Spanish historian, Marmol, recounts that the sum of three thousand ducats was paid by Kheyr-ed-Din Barbarossa for the redemption of Dragut.

  44. Dragut, like all the sea-wolves, was fond of money, fonder still of what money could buy; he now hankered after revenge as the sweetest morsel that his hoarded ducats could procure for him.

  45. Charles offered the admiral sixty thousand ducats a year; this was accepted.

  46. In consequence he gave Barbarossa eighty galleys, eight hundred Janissaries, eight thousand Turkish soldiers, and eight hundred thousand ducats for expenses (some three hundred thousand pounds sterling of our money).

  47. I know you have filled your coffers from the royal treasures--as was proved by the confession of the wretched Semblençay, who gave you the five million ducats he ought to have sent to Italy, and who paid the penalty of his folly with his life.

  48. To appease him, Çlement VII, secretly gave twenty thousand ducats to his ambassador, and compelled the Florentines to furnish a like sum.

  49. His calculation regarding the value of the boat which had been lost seemed to be just and even moderate; and after having paid him his demand, the earl added ten Venetian ducats more.

  50. Soon after, the cardinal ascertained how he had been imposed upon, and invited the artist to Rome, with the hope that the hundred and seventy ducats could be obtained from the dishonest agent who effected the sale.

  51. Michael Angelo at once sent a messenger demanding a hundred ducats or the picture, but, not inclined to lose so valuable a work by a famous artist, Agnolo gladly offered the sixty which he at first refused to pay.

  52. In 1661, Don Miguel Manura Vicentelo de Leca determined to restore and beautify the church and its adjacent buildings, and secured over half a million ducats for this purpose.

  53. Venice in 1574, he saw this picture, and offered eight hundred ducats for it.

  54. Three years ago I only asked 40 ducats for a quartet; we must therefore refer to the exact words you have written.

  55. I think thirty ducats would be enough for one of the Allegri di Bravura, but I should like to publish them here at the same time, which might easily be arranged.

  56. In this view, I offer you an entirely new Quartet for two violins, viola and violoncello; you must not, however, be surprised at my demanding the sum of 80 gold ducats for it.

  57. The ducats must be in gold; mention, as a precedent, that others do this.

  58. I therefore request you will transmit the 100 Viennese ducats to Herr Glöggl, and let me know when you have done so.

  59. Mayseder receives 50 ducats for a set of violin variations!

  60. Mozart consulted his wife, and the sum of fifty ducats was mentioned.

  61. The pope giving entire credence to this representation, on account of its apparent reasonableness, sent Niccolo five thousand ducats and loaded him with promises of states for himself and his children.

  62. But in a few days he became suspected, and having attempted unsuccessfully to tamper with the legate and people of Perugia, he took eight thousand ducats from them, and returned to his army.

  63. It was proposed by the Spanish Government that England should undertake this part of the job, and that King James for such service should receive an annual pension of one million ducats a year.

  64. The addition of a million of ducats to the revenue of our sovereign will be a good help to his estate.

  65. The watchman gave evidence to the effect that Borachio had said that he had received a thousand ducats for conspiring against Hero.

  66. Give me my three thousand ducats that I lent him, and let him go.

  67. A watchman overheard them, and thought that a man who had been paid a thousand ducats for villainy was worth taking in charge.

  68. Let those ten ducats be used for masses to benefit her soul, and Vyrambki I will sell even for a trifle.

  69. Yatsek," exclaimed he, "thou canst give ten ducats for a crupper.

  70. I hold for thee ten ruddy ducats which thy late mother left with me--and her letter, in which she begs not to give thee this money, lest it be spent ere the time comes.

  71. I became dizzy,--and nothing but double ducats seemed sparkling before my eyes.

  72. I ordered double ducats to be scattered among them.

  73. But this morning I found two ducats in your vest pocket," remarked the old servant.

  74. That is a genuine Crivelli blade, and I have been offered ten ducats for it; but I won't part with it for less than fifteen.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ducats" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.