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Example sentences for "emphasizing"

Lexicographically close words:
emphasises; emphasising; emphasize; emphasized; emphasizes; emphatic; emphatical; emphatically; emphysema; emphysematous
  1. Then contrast the two characters emphasizing the physical prowess of Esau, which won him the more universal admiration and the preference of his father with the quiet thoughtfulness of Jacob.

  2. Then tell the story, emphasizing Jacob's submission to Esau and the humility of his prayer to God.

  3. In the discussion which follows the presentation of the lesson, again associate the tabernacle with the synagogue, this time emphasizing points of similarity rather than of difference.

  4. A belief in the supernatural and transcendent power of God is essential in Judaism, and the miracle tale is the best means for emphasizing this doctrine.

  5. They mark out certain objects as familiar or strange, emphasizing the difference, so that the slightly familiar is seen as very familiar, and the somewhat strange as sharply alien.

  6. By emphasizing the importance of dress I do not mean that you should be like Beau Brummel, the English fop, who spent four thousand dollars a year at his tailor's alone, and who used to take hours to tie his cravat.

  7. What would become of us if it were not for the great souls who realize the divinity of life, who insist upon bringing out and emphasizing its poetry, its music, its harmony and beauty?

  8. Do you know what I was thinking of, you dear old brother," said Lottie, emphasizing the speech with an affectionate hugging.

  9. Perhaps the invigorating sea breeze may coax a few brighter roses," said the fond father, emphasizing his words by patting Marguerite's cheek with childlike playfulness.

  10. I have run across many of the same, wholly different each from the other, but each emphasizing the one simple tremendous fact of the constant presence with us of this same mighty Jesus.

  11. And it becomes of intensest interest to notice that these are the very three ways that the crowd is emphasizing to-day, some this, others that, as the way of being saved.

  12. He read the last verse twice, emphasizing the nots, and dwelling on them as if they gave him actual pleasure, and were hard to part with.

  13. And remember," added the Doctor, emphasizing the words, "a good sound thrashing before the whole house.

  14. This is not surprising, when we remember how complicated is the problem and how short the time during which we have been emphasizing the human relations as distinguished from the material or mechanistic aspect of business organization.

  15. In our study of business we are always emphasizing the "long-time point of view," and we fall back upon this convenient phrase to harmonize many discrepancies between our so-called scientific principles and present facts.

  16. He will be assisted in this by emphasizing strongly the word which receives the inflection, thus.

  17. So he commenced reading the petition slowly and with great formality, emphasizing every word, and prolonging the articulation of every syllable.

  18. B) In it all, he is emphasizing the rewards of the righteous and certain punishment of the wicked and thus he appealed to both the hopes and the fears of men.

  19. Those emphasizing the beauty of holiness, the importance of faith and the soul's privilege of communion with God.

  20. Mr. Sharp, while emphasizing the undramatic quality of the play, counts it "the most imperishable because the most nearly immaculate of Browning's dramatic poems.

  21. Though emphasizing an important side of evolution, it is evidently incomplete.

  22. The conditions of the associated state have therefore called for an emphasizing of those restraints on conduct entailed by the presence of fellow-men.

  23. It would not be fair to close this chapter on intuitionism, an ethical theory competing with others for our approval, without emphasizing the value of the role played by the moral intuitions.

  24. Kropotkin has shown just what were the limitations of scientific progress in the Middle Ages while emphasizing how much these wonderful generations accomplished.

  25. Emphasizing the slave as the victim of the slave system further reduces him to a passive object by insisting that the slave was effectively detached from his African heritage.

  26. Emphasizing the threat with another shake of his finger, he turned and went on with quiet indifference to comment upon the scenery.

  27. By emphasizing some features and softening others strange attire always gives a new view of a woman.

  28. I was only emphasizing the importance of the paper.

  29. It avoids also the inconsistencies and defects of the notion of self-sacrifice for its own sake, while emphasizing that the present incomplete self must be denied for the sake of attainment of a more complete and final self.

  30. This fundamental division is at once cut across by another, arising from emphasizing the problem of the individual and the social.

  31. The Call for Country Educators There is little need of emphasizing to college students the opportunities of the teaching profession.

  32. The main reason for emphasizing these agencies for rural redemption is the present divided condition of religious forces in the country.

  33. Marillac, emphasizing the word "love" so strongly as to attract his friend's attention.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "emphasizing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.