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Example sentences for "encourager"

Lexicographically close words:
encountring; encourage; encouraged; encouragement; encouragements; encouragers; encourages; encourageth; encouraging; encouragingly
  1. Hussee was a great encourager of towardly youths.

  2. Johnson's advice: 'I have no great timidity in my own disposition, and am no encourager of it in others.

  3. Prince Henry was the first encourager of remote navigation.

  4. You, whom the authour considers as a great encourager of ingenious men, will receive a parcel of his proposals and receipts.

  5. Honoured Sir, 'Having heard that this Nation is a great Encourager of Ingenuity, I have brought with me a Rope-dancer that was caught in one of the Woods belonging to the Great Mogul.

  6. Thou art the king of the mighty, the entertainer and encourager of Bards.

  7. He was an encourager of learning, though a pedant himself.

  8. Lover and encourager that I was, and interested as I still am in that manly sport, I would sooner that it were entirely lost to the world than it should be disgraced by human bloodshed.

  9. Pour encourager les autres=--To encourage the rest to go and do likewise.

  10. The grand encourager of Delphic and other noises is the echo.

  11. He was of an heroique and publick spirit, bountifull to his friends and servants, and a great encourager of learned men.

  12. John Wyndham was also a generous benefactor and encourager of this undertaking.

  13. Ils prirent donc leur poste chacun a une des extremites de l'attaque, et ils furent toujours aux endroits les plus exposes, uniquement occupes a baptiser des mourans, et a encourager les combattans a n'avoir que Dieu en vue.

  14. He was, however, in spite of his adroitness in deception, an encourager of industry and commerce, and a protector of the arts.

  15. He was an encourager of learning and the arts, and a dabbler in science.

  16. Why are its poor devoted ministers to be driven to contract, in the interests of Christian liberty, illegal unions of this kind themselves, pour encourager les autres?

  17. He was a great encourager of learning and learned men.

  18. There never was a truly great man, who was not a lover and encourager of learning, as of the highest improvement of the human mind.

  19. He is not only a man of mettle, but of metal; in plain English, he has money, and was allowed partial success, pour encourager les autres.

  20. It was he who called Mrs. Bovey "the Christian Hypatia," and he was the chief encourager of Elizabeth Elstob.

  21. She likewise took an exact copy of the Textus Roffensis upon vellum, now in the library of that great and generous encourager of learning, the Right Honourable the Earl of Oxford.

  22. Alderman Boydell, the great encourager of art, when he first began with half a shop, used to etch small plates of landscapes in sets of six for sixpence.

  23. Zurbano the other day thought it punishment enough for any Basque traitors to cut off their bigotes, and turn them loose, like rats without tails, pour encourager les autres.

  24. The person unprovided altogether with cash is generally made a severe example of, pour encourager les autres, either by being well beaten or stripped to the skin, after the fashion of the thieves of old, near Jericho.

  25. King James of Scotland, who with but few regal qualities, yet certainly had a propension to literature, and was an encourager of learned men, took Mr. Alexander early into his favour.

  26. He was very hospitable and a generous encourager of all public designs.

  27. Monarch; he had a taste as well for erudition as for arms; he was an encourager of men of wit and parts, and permitted them to approach him, without reserve.

  28. That the ridicule might not stop here, and that it might be as offensive as possible to his own sovereign, he dedicated the print to the King of Prussia, as an encourager of arts.

  29. That lazy, idle brook became to us one of the best of friends; the pathfinder of happiness on many a bright summer day; and, through long vacations, the faithful encourager of indolence.

  30. You may find an encourager of indolence in almost any stream of the South Side, and I wish you joy of your brook.

  31. There is no country so civilized, no existence so humdrum, that there is not room enough in it somewhere for a lazy, idle brook, an encourager of indolence, with hope of happy surprises.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "encourager" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abettor; admirer; advocate; angel; apologist; backer; buff; champion; comforter; defender; dependence; endorser; exponent; fan; father; gadfly; inspirer; lover; mainstay; mover; partisan; patron; pleader; promoter; prompter; protagonist; reliance; second; seconder; sectary; spark; sponsor; stalwart; standby; support; supporter; sustainer; sympathizer; tempter; upholder; votary