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Example sentences for "endocarditis"

Lexicographically close words:
endlich; endlie; endlong; endo; endocardial; endocardium; endocarp; endochrome; endocrine; endoderm
  1. Occasionally the ulcerations become serious, and ulcerative endocarditis or malignant endocarditis develops on the mild inflammation.

  2. Although mild endocarditis rarely causes death of itself, it may develop into an ulcerative endocarditis, and then be serious per se.

  3. This training is necessary in valvular lesions after acute endocarditis or myocarditis, and is the reason that the return to work must be so carefully graduated.

  4. Septic infections after parturition are prone to cause endocarditis and myocarditis, and a malignant endocarditis may develop from uterine infection or uterine putridity.

  5. The discomfort from blisters over the heart during the acute stage of endocarditis is greater than any good which they can do.

  6. There is generally but little local pain; the temperature from simple endocarditis alone is not high and the acute symptoms tend to abate.

  7. If there is a diastolic murmur, there can be no question of serious endocarditis having occurred.

  8. Nearly 75 percent of secondary endocarditis occurs as a complication of acute articular rheumatism and chorea, or subsequently.

  9. When loud murmurs are heard at the aortic orifice and the heart is evidently diseased, it is useful to divide the endocarditis into two types, the arteriosclerotic and the endocarditic.

  10. This is in marked contrast to the cases of diffuse endocarditis where the reaction is rarely present.

  11. This arteriosclerotic endocarditis at times leads to very definite heart lesions, chiefly aortic or mitral insufficiency, or both with, at times, murmurs of a stenotic character at the base.

  12. Autopsy revealed chronic fibrous endocarditis of aortic and mitral valves, arteriosclerosis, bilateral carcinoma of the ovaries, and signs of general chronic passive congestion.

  13. In fatal cases of endocarditis death often occurs about the fourth day, from the formation of heart clot or too great embarrassment of the circulation.

  14. Endocarditis may be ushered in by a chill, with sudden and marked rise in temperature.

  15. It is a very common result of endocarditis extending into the aorta, which we find perhaps the most frequent seat of atheroma.

  16. Endocarditis frequently occurs as a complication of rheumatism, some of the specific or zymotic fevers, specific poisoning, etc.

  17. Endocarditis may be acute, subacute, or chronic.

  18. Endocarditis may be suspected in all cases where plain symptoms of cardiac affection are manifested in animals affected with influenza, rheumatism, or any disease in which the blood may convey septic matter.

  19. The small, wartlike excrescences occurring sometimes in endocarditis may occasionally form a foundation on which a thrombi may develop.

  20. It seems likely that the heart affection is often responsible for the symptoms and it is probably through the endocarditis that whatever connection there is between chorea and rheumatism exists.

  21. Endocarditis and pericarditis in the course of rheumatism; acute fevers like typhoid, etc.

  22. Gas collecting in the stomach causes much distress to one who has endocarditis or valvular disease.

  23. Endocarditis is an inflammation of the lining membrane of the heart, and is generally confined to the valves, though other parts may be affected.

  24. How complex the sequence often of valvular disease of the heart, itself in many instances the effect of rheumatic fever, with {126} endocarditis as a local manifestation of that disorder!

  25. It subsides in a few days with the ordinary treatment of acute rheumatism, and even without special treatment, the chief danger being that, as in idiopathic rheumatism, endocarditis may arise, with permanent crippling of the valves.

  26. Endocarditis and pericarditis require rest in the horizontal position, avoidance of all excitement, the use of the tincture or infusion of digitalis or of the fluid extract of convalaria to procure a slow and steady action of the heart.

  27. This murmur is sometimes soft in the beginning, but becomes harsh and intense later, or may have these characters from the start to such a degree as to give the impression that endocarditis exists.

  28. The same may be said of the endocarditis and pericarditis noted by several authors.

  29. The cases of diphtheria complicated with endocarditis in my practice have ended fatally.

  30. Bridges first called attention to the occurrence of endocarditis in diphtheria.

  31. Aside from this, there is actual endocarditis during the course of diphtheria or convalescence therefrom.

  32. Endocarditis occurs as a complication of or sequel to pneumonia, blood poisoning, inflammation of the womb, rheumatism, or severe wounds or abscesses.

  33. The valves are subject to abnormal growths and structural changes in chronic endocarditis or as a result of acute endocarditis.

  34. It is generally the ordinary verrucose endocarditis that obtains.

  35. Goodhardt[62] has lately insisted upon the tendency of ulcerative endocarditis to appear in groups or epidemics, but the evidence is not conclusive.

  36. If endocarditis have existed, a longer rest is desirable, more especially in severe cases, in order that the reparative process going on in the lately inflamed valves may not be in the least disturbed.

  37. Sudden death in this disease is very rarely due to embolism of the pulmonary artery or of the cerebral vessels, while ulcerative endocarditis is very exceptionally one of the sources of a fatal issue.

  38. Active treatment is quite uncalled for, as a rule, in acute rheumatic endocarditis unattended by pericarditis.

  39. Existing valvular disease, the result of a previous attack of rheumatism, favors the occurrence of endocarditis in that disease.

  40. Endocarditis is probably more frequent than pericarditis, and the aortic are more liable than the other valves to suffer.

  41. Moreover, it is a gratuitous assertion to say that endocarditis exists in all cases of the disease.

  42. The advice is given: “In pneumococcic meningitis, endocarditis and pleuritis, 3% of salicylic acid should be added to this oil.

  43. The first reference deals with the relation of Streptococcus viridans to arthritis deformans and endocarditis and reports the following cases: Case 1.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "endocarditis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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