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Example sentences for "appendicitis"

Lexicographically close words:
appendages; appendant; appended; appendice; appendices; appendicular; appending; appendix; appends; appened
  1. Nagsakuung ang táwung bag-ung giupirahan sa apindisítis, The man had been recently operated for appendicitis and bent forward in walking.

  2. The disease called appendicitis has either in our times become wonderfully frequent or else the improved methods of diagnosis have made us acquainted with what has long been one of the principal maladies of mankind.

  3. The surgical treatment of appendicitis has become so common as to attract little or no notice from the profession.

  4. An appendicitis case--an outbreak of measles?

  5. Then he got kind of serious again; asked if I didn't know any cheaper way of getting killed; said I might have appendicitis for the same money and be fashionable.

  6. And yet, to-morrow you may join the Appendicitis Colony and day after to-morrow you may lie in the darkened Front Room with Floral Offerings on all sides," said the Stranger.

  7. While he was struggling to get to the Fence he heard some one say that Appendicitis was right and would win by a City Block.

  8. For the peritonitis that sometimes results from appendicitis there is no hope of recovery except by operation.

  9. Appendicitis is very much talked about in our day; but the fatal affection represented by the new word is no more frequent than it was half a century ago, or, for that matter, twenty-five centuries ago.

  10. Where symptoms of appendicitis are present, it is the part of safety to have the patient receive at least the Sacraments of Penance and the Holy Eucharist.

  11. Babson says that in looking up appendicitis cases he learned that in 17 per cent.

  12. Well," answered the applicant, "I was operated on but I have never felt quite sure whether it was appendicitis or professional curiosity.

  13. As we became friends, she agreed that her appendicitis and her resolve not to return to school, where she was unhappy, were but different ways of saying the same thing.

  14. I remember being called in consultation by a surgeon who had been asked to operate for appendicitis upon a girl of fourteen.

  15. What is your fee for an appendicitis operation, Dr.

  16. I have often looked in history for the cases of appendicitis which occur so frequently in our day and with regard to which people ask how is it they did not occur in the past.

  17. PART III 1906 I On the same afternoon Lady Victoria developed appendicitis and went to bed for two months.

  18. But its impossible that she got appendicitis from that.

  19. She says she is born to ill luck; this is the second Christmas that has been spoiled, two years ago the appendicitis operation, and now this wretched influenza.

  20. Late in pregnancy appendicitis rapidly goes on to suppuration and perforation, with a high mortality.

  21. When the appendicitis is perforative abortion, infection of the uterine contents and death of the child happen in most cases.

  22. Acute gonorrhea, inflammations of the Fallopian tubes, and appendicitis sometimes interrupt pregnancy.

  23. Deaver tells us the muscular rigidity in the right groin characteristic of appendicitis is often missing in pregnancy, and that sometimes the pain is on the left side of the belly.

  24. Appendicitis and appendectomy are especially likely to interrupt gestation, apparently as a result of infection and because pregnant women are prone to defer operation.

  25. An infected uterus after cesarean section complicated with appendicitis has to be amputated.

  26. In a discussion of a paper by Finley on Appendicitis in Pregnancy,[117] Dr.

  27. Labor is very painful when appendicitis is present, and the uterine contractions are often weak.

  28. When appendicitis goes on to suppuration and perforative peritonitis the condition is worse in pregnant women than in the non-pregnant.

  29. Acute appendicitis is likely to be confused with an inflammation of a Fallopian tube.

  30. The man's whole appearance, all his actions, his eager grasping of the appendicitis theory, proclaimed insanity.

  31. You have appendicitis symptoms in spite of there being no pain, and you might do yourself no end of harm by getting up now.

  32. Say, Doctor, I haven't appendicitis at all; I am as well as I ever was.

  33. The pulse was considerably disturbed, but there was only a slight rise in temperature, and for a time it was thought that this might be a case of appendicitis without fever.

  34. This is all the more necessary because now, in patients' minds, the words appendicitis or biliary calculus are associated with the thought of operation.

  35. Appendicitis cases are found with the right knee drawn up because this relieves the tension of the abdominal muscles, and probably also of the large muscles that go to the thigh and lie behind the peritoneal cavity.

  36. When I was discharged my appendicitis was well, but my eye had took sore.

  37. It was something I caught in the hospital when I had appendicitis three years ago.

  38. It was in his senior year that he was captain of the team and when the announcement came at the start of the football season that Brickley had been operated upon for appendicitis the football world extended to him its deepest sympathy.

  39. Shortly after the football season that year he was operated upon for appendicitis and it soon became evident that he could not recover.

  40. In the matter of appendicitis, for instance, it was formerly asserted that the seed of grapes was responsible for the local inflammation, and that one could never have appendicitis if such seeds were not swallowed.

  41. Similarly, appendicitis starts from some irritating cause, resulting in inflammation and the formation of pus.

  42. Almost in every instance where I am called in to attend a case of acute appendicitis or peritonitis, I find hot compresses or hot water bottles, by means of which the inflamed parts are kept continually in an overheated condition.

  43. In this instance, the Lord "took care" of the patient's bowels until she was taken down with a severe attack of appendicitis and peritonitis.

  44. The infirmary has had bad cases of appendicitis probably running up into hundreds without failing to relieve and cure a single case.

  45. A few accidents and an occasional case of appendicitis form the bulk of the cases removed to general wards of Suez Hospital.

  46. He did enter Doctor Hadley's office, although no sufferer from pyorrhea or appendicitis awaited him.

  47. He has diagnosed the case as chronic appendicitis and wants to operate.

  48. Oh, Dicky Boy, and you might be here specializing on appendicitis or something equally reasonable and modern.

  49. There are more people, my friend, who have appendicitis on their minds than there are those who have it in their vermiforms.

  50. I never knew that the operation for appendicitis was a mind cure.

  51. I thought it was a pretty good prescription and if applied carefully you would never have appendicitis or a good many other complaints.

  52. The mad rush to join the appendicitis club and sing in the choir invisible has lost its popularity, both for the good of posterity and the pocket book.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "appendicitis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    appendicitis; arthritis; bronchitis; bunion; colitis; encephalitis; enteritis; gastritis; gout; hepatitis; inflammation; laryngitis; lumbago; meningitis; myelitis; nephritis; neuritis; peritonitis; phlebitis; pyorrhea; rheumatism; tonsilitis; wryneck