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Example sentences for "feints"

Lexicographically close words:
feill; feined; feint; feinted; feinting; feir; feirce; feit; feitch; feith
  1. After with great difficulty persuading the Dutch to allow him to move their army eastward, he executed a series of skilful feints which led the French to imagine that he was about to invade Alsace.

  2. By a system of skilful feints and countermarches, Marlborough broke through the lines with the loss of only 80 men, and got possession of the plain of Brabant.

  3. On the 22nd he also made feints to cross at Magasis and Kut, but on the 23rd the real attack was made at Shumran.

  4. But these attacks and others along the front were merely feints designed to conceal the German preparations against Verdun, and to prevent the Allied forces from concentrating on its defence after the plan had been revealed.

  5. But these were only feints designed to prolong the delusion that Germany would attack on the only front legitimately open to warfare and to delay the reconstruction of the French defence required to meet the real offensive.

  6. After some feints that there was nothing more important to tell, Sewell went on to the end; and when he had come to it, Evans shook his head.

  7. He made feints of reclining on his arm at first, to see if he were noticed; then he stretched himself out, with his bag under his head, and his hands in his pockets clutching the money which he meant to make those fellows take back.

  8. By feints in directions calculated to deceive the enemy as to his real designs he hoped to assemble sufficient ships to command the Channel, if only for a few days.

  9. By means of feints he succeeded in making the enemy believe that his plan was similar to that which had obtained at the battle of Aspern.

  10. Some Men mark Feints with the Head and Body, which is a very disagreeable Sight, and dangerous with Regard to Time.

  11. Feints and the Thrust; the Foot must make as many, in order to answer the motions of the Hand.

  12. The only Feints that should be made in Tierce, are those that are marked from below above to return below, and from above below to return above.

  13. Wellington kept up their illusions by feints at several points, while he prepared to thrust a mighty force over the fords of the Tormes and Esla.

  14. From my everyday school life in Copenhagen, I knew hundreds of tricks and feints that he had never learnt, and as soon as I perceived this I flung him into the ditch like a glove.

  15. Johnston, was back, with part of his old army; that he would not be misled by feints and false reports, and would somehow compel me to exercise more caution than I had hitherto done.

  16. Instinct and conviction alike prompted him to make imposing feints that should lead his enemy to lay bare his heart, and that heart was our great capital.

  17. This is an advantage at all times: for the aggressor can generally mislead his adversary by a series of feints until the real blow can be delivered with crushing effect.

  18. To evade obstacles on which an opponent relies, to multiply them in his path, to bewilder him by feints before overwhelming him by a crushing onset, these are the arts which yield success either to the negotiator or to the commander.

  19. He should have concentrated on the American left and centre, sending merely a small force to amuse Washington, and making feints on the west side of the road and from behind the western hills.

  20. Feints are movements which threaten or simulate attacks and are made with a view to inducing an opening or parry that exposes the desired point of attack.

  21. In double feints first one part of the body and then another is threatened and a third attacked.

  22. There was the usual indispensable series of feints at the outset, as if it were impossible for statesmen to meet around a green table except as fencers in the field or pugilists in the ring.

  23. He ordered feints to be made both up and down the river while he quietly collected boats.

  24. Judicious feints deceived Villeroy as to his intentions, and suddenly his own army, that of the Brandenburgers and that of the Elector of Bavaria, marched straight against the city.

  25. For this purpose frequent feints were made, but were all unavailing.

  26. After two or three preliminary feints for the perfect adjustment of his faculties and pose, he bounded into the air with distended talons well over his screeching playmate.

  27. With many feints and huddling up of its neck, and dodges, and ducks, and lateral movements of the head quick as thought, the post was chastised for its insolence and stolid stupidity.

  28. I watch the birds making feints at bees and butterflies visiting the blooms but they do not seem to catch insects.

  29. So after many feints and approaches and dartings off with a loud angry hum as if it would none of it, the bee settles down and fills itself.

  30. One of the weasels was disabled by my shot, but the troop was not discouraged, and, after making several feints to cross, one of them seized the wounded one and bore it over, and the pack disappeared in the wall on the other side.

  31. A short mile in front of the latter place the enemy was found; and as our rapid advance had left the infantry far to the rear, feints were made to the right and left to develop his position and strength.

  32. Liddell's seven hundred newly-organized horse, with four guns, was of little service beyond making feints to distract the enemy.

  33. When the instructor is demonstrating the combinations, feints returns, and parries the rapidity of his attack should be regulated by the skill of the pupil, and no more force than is necessary should be used.

  34. With this object undoubtedly in view, the Germans indulged in a succession of feints up and down the whole frontier, feeling and probing the line at all points.

  35. It seems hardly credible that all these fierce attacks were mere feints to withdraw attention from their objective--Verdun.

  36. All his own feints and passes were known, while those of his antagonist had been strange and new, and he might well have even others.

  37. And Rodriguez remembered all those passes and feints that he had had from his father, and which Sevastiani, a master of arms in Madrid, had taught in his father's youth: and some were famous and some were little known.

  38. Feints are old, silly tricks, almost impossible with large armies, and therefore very seldom feints are successful.

  39. He almost ran into the man, and was evidently not in a good temper, for he growled and blustered, and two or three times made feints of charging, before he finally concluded to go off.

  40. The feints and slight encounters preceding the battle of Fredericksburg are not of much interest or importance.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "feints" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.