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Example sentences for "foxholes"

Lexicographically close words:
foxed; foxes; foxglove; foxgloves; foxhole; foxhound; foxhounds; foxhunter; foxlike; foxskin
  1. We are going to Foxholes on May 20th to stay there.

  2. And the Journal for the summer runs:-- At Foxholes all May.

  3. They then returned through Brussels and London, reaching Foxholes on August 14th.

  4. Barthélemy St.-Hilaire came to Foxholes on a visit.

  5. Otherwise the Journal is almost a blank, containing little beyond the dates of going to Foxholes or returning to town.

  6. On the 4th, in torrents of rain, we fixed, with Cockerell, the exact site of Foxholes House.

  7. As he returned to Foxholes the country was in the throes of a general election.

  8. The first planting at Foxholes was done in the course of this autumn, but the garden was not made till the following spring.

  9. A week later Reeve returned south; and, paying a few short visits on the way, including a day at Knowsley, was back at Foxholes by the 26th.

  10. Early in August Reeve was visited at Foxholes by Count Adam Krasinski [Footnote: Son of Ladislas and grandson of Reeve's early friend Sigismond Krasinski.

  11. And Foxholes afforded him a tempting excuse.

  12. With the new year the party from Foxholes came to town, and there Reeve was laid up with a serious illness which lasted nearly a month.

  13. We are going to Rutland Gate on Friday and to Foxholes on Monday, and shall remain there, except for a visit to a neighbour.

  14. The Japanese finally were tricked when another company, relieving the first one, jumped into the enemy foxholes before their rightful owners.

  15. There were “fanatical attempts by the Japanese to reoccupy the position” in the form of “wild charges that sometimes carried the Japanese to within a few feet of their foxholes on the crest of the ridge.

  16. The military police of Guard Posts 3 and 4 were instructed to be in foxholes south of Mockingbird Gap.

  17. He then continued five kilometers north along Broadway to the foxholes from which the military police had watched the detonation.

  18. The military police of Guard Posts 1 and 2 were instructed to be in foxholes approximately five kilometers west and north, respectively, from their posts.

  19. The Base Commander, after being contacted by the chief monitor, drove to the foxholes and ordered the guards to return to their post.

  20. When other shelters are not available, HSS units must prepare foxholes and trenches for patients and unit personnel.

  21. Most of the Marines, though, began feeling that foxholes were better.

  22. His men dug foxholes amidst brush and all of the physically capable officers and men stayed at the field.

  23. No foxholes had been dug near the field, but the rough ground nearby offered natural cover to those who reached it.

  24. Elements of the 1st Division had dug in on the top and both sides of a ridge and had utilized caves to construct a defensive position in which there were more than 100 foxholes with communicating trenches.

  25. An enemy force estimated as two battalions had dug in under the houses and in foxholes along the sides of the road.

  26. Company A also met and overcame some resistance from enemy in foxholes in its zone, but was not held up.

  27. The Japanese had pockmarked Matagob and the area surrounding it with foxholes and emplacements and had dug spider holes under the houses.

  28. On both sides of the road from Cogon to Catayom foxholes lined Highway 2, in the ditches and under the shacks.

  29. At first there was little enemy opposition, but the troops observed many well-camouflaged foxholes under the houses, and many stores of Japanese food and ammunition.

  30. The 2d Squadron, on the other hand, was held up by an estimated 200 Japanese who were entrenched in pillboxes and foxholes and behind the dense vegetation that covered the hilly area.

  31. All the foxholes were covered, some with coconut logs and earth, and others with improvised lids of metal and earth.

  32. They were held up by well-emplaced pillboxes and foxholes on the highest crest of the ridge, having discovered that the crest they had first occupied was not the true crest.

  33. While Company E was so engaged, Company L on its right advanced through dense foliage and burnt the Japanese out of their foxholes and the bamboo thicket with flame throwers.

  34. The well-camouflaged enemy defenses consisted of numerous foxholes and ten-foot-deep spider holes, many of which were connected by interlacing communication trenches.

  35. Some of these bombs had electric fuzes and could be detonated by enemy troops hidden in foxholes a short distance away.

  36. Many of those who had remained in foxholes during the naval shelling were badly shaken up.

  37. At Tambuco the foxholes extended along the highway for 400 yards, with machine gun emplacements on the sides of the foxholes.

  38. They had seen thirty-one comrades mortally wounded, watched fifty-five others lie suffering in muddy foxholes without adequate medical attention.

  39. Night after night, officers and men slept in wet foxholes even when no enemy troops were within shooting distance.

  40. Keir Brought him to stay at Foxholes till a path was clear.

  41. There was a sale; the Foxholes passed away To strangers, who discussed the points of cows, Where love had put such glory on the lovers' brows.

  42. Up on the line Marines huddled under ponchos in their wet foxholes trying to figure out the meaning of the obvious activity on the part of the opposing Japanese.

  43. The men of the 1st still manning the frontline foxholes and the rear areas--if anyplace within Guadalcanal’s perimeter could properly be called a rear area--were plain worn out.

  44. The Japanese were everywhere, fighting hand-to-hand in the Marines’ foxholes and gun pits and filtering past forward positions to attack from the rear.

  45. Inland of the beaches, defensive gun pits and foxholes lined the west bank of the Tenaru and crowned the hills that faced west toward the Matanikau River and Point Cruz.

  46. They all looked it over just as Dick had done, noting at once the big boulders that could give good cover, the depressions out of which good foxholes might be dug, the occasional overhanging rocks which made half-caves.

  47. Men were digging foxholes out of the rocky soil, selecting spots beside boulders for the maximum protection.

  48. The park-like lands of Foxholes and Hamer lie close by the north side of the road.

  49. Foxholes is the seat of the Entwisles, a distinguished old Lancashire family.

  50. Foxholes Hall is situated among its old woods and lawns, retiringly, upon the summit of this swelling upland, which rises from the level of Heybrook.

  51. Before I lay down, I would make careful mental notes of where the company Command Post [CP] was and where my squad leaders’ foxholes were.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foxholes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.