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Example sentences for "heavie"

Lexicographically close words:
heavenward; heavenwards; heaver; heavers; heaves; heavier; heavies; heaviest; heavily; heaviness
  1. English Woods, that when very dry are found to be full as heavie as water.

  2. Confiscate all her goods unto the Crown, Thereby disburdening many heavie taxes Impos'd upon the commons of the land.

  3. I know not, but i'me sure tis as heavie as a horse and-- 1 Por.

  4. I not repent me of my love to him, But that thereby I have provoked God To heavie wrath and indignation; Which turne away, great God, for Christes sake.

  5. Now will I high me to the water side, And fling this heavie burthen in a ditche, Whereof my soule doth feele so great a waight That it doth almost presse me downe with feare.

  6. A heavie sentence, full of wondrous feare: I cannot choose but credit such a vowe.

  7. Yet let me beare a part in thy lamentes, I love thee not so ill but I will mone Thy heavie haps; thou shalt not sigh alone.

  8. Novemb^r, wherin (after y^e apologie made for your selfe) you lay many heavie imputations upon him and us all.

  9. In which they rane a great adventure, as their present state stood, having many other heavie burthens allready upon them, and all things in an uncertaine condition amongst them.

  10. Thus was all their hops dasht, and the joyfull news they ment to cary home turned to heavie tidings.

  11. But y^e charge fell heavie on them hear, not only in M^r.

  12. I complaine of your backwardnes, for I am perswaded it lys as heavie on your harts, as it doth on our purses or credites.

  13. But I must now acquainte you how the Lords heavie hand is upon this kingdom in many places, but cheefly in this cittie, with his judgmente of y^e plague.

  14. Heavie newes it is, and I would be glad to heare how farr it will discourage.

  15. Mastives to kill heavie beastes of rapyne and for nighte watches.

  16. And nowe, no doubte, many of them remember that the threateninge of the prophet hath taken holde upon them, whoe pronounceth an heavie woe againste all suche as spoile, because they themselves shall at length be spoiled.

  17. Whatte heavie tydynge thenne have I to feare?

  18. A page cam rinning out owr the lie: 'O heavie tydings I bring,' quoth he.

  19. They came toom and light to me, But heavie went they waie frae me.

  20. A heavie slumber calles me to the earth; Heere will I sleepe, if sleep will harbour heere.

  21. And liquid Pearle, hang heavie now On every grasse that it may bow In veneration of her brow.

  22. Nothing new is free from detraction, and when Princes alter customes even heavie to the subject, best ordinances are interpreted innovations.

  23. Ape, "the charge is wondrous great, To feed mens soules, and hath an heavie threat.

  24. Who now shall give unto my heavie eyes A well of teares, that all may overflow?

  25. So went the Sheepe away with heavie hart; So manie moe, so everie one was used, That to give largely to the boxe refused.

  26. When God's wrath lay heavie upon us for the sins of our nation, my ever honoured Master was put to a violent death, and immeadiately after his Royall Sonne .

  27. Will's loss is as heavie as mine, yet he bears with me tenderlie.

  28. It is no laughing matter, my friends, it is a weeping matter, a heavie matter, a heavie matter.

  29. XXXI Thence turning backe in silence soft they stole, And brought the heavie corse with easie pace To yawning gulfe of deepe Avernus hole.

  30. Therewith his heavie hand he high gan reare, Him to have slaine; when loe a darkesome clowd° Upon him fell: he no where doth appeare, 115 But vanisht is.

  31. His fearefull friends weare out the wofull night, Ne dare to weepe, nor seeme to understand The heavie hap, which on them is alight, Affraid, least to themselves the like mishappen might.

  32. Just at this Moment, a few heavie Drops fell agaynst the Window Pane, and were seene by both.

  33. Will's Loss is as heavie as mine, yet he bears with me tenderlie.

  34. Father sayd, that the graduallie increast Severitie of Church Discipline concerning minor Offences had become such as to render Indulgences the needfulle Remedie for Burthens too heavie to be borne.

  35. Then came a heavie, heavie Sleep, not such as giveth Rest; and a dark, wild Dream.

  36. During that heavie Season of Probation, our Hearts were unlocked, and we spake oft to one another of Things in Heaven and Things in Earth.

  37. Rose's heavie Eyes graduallie lookt up from the Ground into her Husband's Face, and thence up to Heaven.

  38. Yesternight he knew me for a While, kissed me, and fell into an heavie Sleepe, with his Hand locked in mine.

  39. That which makes them so to charge themselves with matter, is the distrust they have of their owne sufficiency, and that they are not able to undergoe so heavie a burthen with their owne strength.

  40. And, to say truth, mine had no other fault, but a certaine dull languishing and heavie slothfullnesse.

  41. A weake bending, and faint stopping bodie hath lesse strength to beare and under goe a heavie burden: So hath our soule.

  42. As gif the hoill bodie be heavie with oft scharpe punctiounis, stinkand sweiting, tyritnes of bodie, ganting of mowthe, detestable brathe with greit difficultie, at sumtyme vehement fever rather on nycht nor day.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heavie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.