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Example sentences for "henbane"

Lexicographically close words:
hems; hemself; hemstitched; hemstitching; hen; hence; hencefoorth; henceforth; henceforward; henceforwards
  1. Yet it does not appear that henbane was ever called henebon.

  2. A popular remedy is to throw henbane seed on hot cinders, inverting a cup over them to receive the smoke and empyreumatic oil produced.

  3. An alkaloid obtained from common henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), and also from the thorn apple (Datura stramonium).

  4. When this plan does not succeed, recourse may be had to an emetic, followed by small doses of Dover's powders, and extract or tincture of henbane or squill pill.

  5. In the Paris Codex Extracts are ordered to be prepared from henbane both by the processes Nos.

  6. From henbane seeds, powdered and thrown into a basin of boiling water, and the affected part held in the steam.

  7. Small doses of tincture of henbane have also often a like effect.

  8. Henbane leaves, poppy heads, and mallows, of each 1 oz.

  9. The roots of the Henbane are to be distinguished by their very powerful and narcotic scent.

  10. The leaves of Henbane are said to have been applied externally with advantage, in the way of poultice, to resolve scirrhous tumours, and to remove some pains of the rheumatic and arthritic kind.

  11. Henbane and Rue I did not know, but I share his feeling toward the others, though I could not carry it to the extent of fancying these the plants which a young man gathered, distilled, and gave to his betrothed as a poison.

  12. In this uncertainty I should incline to the Henbane from the following description by Gerard and Lyte.

  13. In my first edition I expressed my belief that Hebenon was either Henbane or a general term for a deadly poisonous plant; but I had not then seen Dr.

  14. On the same ground Ebony and Henbane must be excluded; together with Gilliflowers, which he elsewhere speaks of as Carnations; and Woodbine, because he also speaks of Honeysuckle.

  15. Accidental poisoning from henbane occasionally occurs, owing sometimes to the apparent edibility and wholesomeness of the root.

  16. The smoking of the seeds and capsules of henbane is noted in books as a somewhat dangerous remedy adopted by country people for toothache.

  17. In small and repeated doses henbane has been found to have a tranquillizing effect upon persons affected by severe nervous irritability.

  18. The extract of henbane is rich in nitrate of potassium and other inorganic salts.

  19. Henbane yields a poisonous alkaloid, hyoscyamine, which is stated to have properties almost identical with those of atropine, from which it differs in being more soluble in water.

  20. Henbane juice= is recognised by the British pharmacop[oe]ia; it is about the same strength as the tincture.

  21. A tincture and an extract of henbane leaves and flowering tops= are officinal in most pharmacop[oe]ias; an extract of the seeds in that of France.

  22. Any preparation made with extract of henbane will be found to contain nitrate of potash, for Attfield has shown the extract to be rich in this substance.

  23. All this while the Khalif was diverting himself with watching him and laughing, and at nightfall he bade one of the slave-girls drop a piece of henbane in the cup and give it to Aboulhusn to drink.

  24. On the other hand not a few apply the word to the henbane (hyoscyamus niger) so much used in mediæval Europe.

  25. In the many curious tales related of the mystic henbane may be quoted one noticed by Gerarde, who says: "The root boiled with vinegar, and the same holden hot in the mouth, easeth the pain of the teeth.

  26. The henbane is also a dangerous, poisonous plant, but its leaves and seeds supply an important medicine.

  27. Henbane or opium, in many instances combined with stimulants, ice internally, and hot fomentations externally, will frequently be found of great service.

  28. To prevent a fatal result from the use of henbane or others of this group, we must trust to stimulant emetics, as sulphate of zinc, and full doses of castor oil, so as to get rid of the offending substance.

  29. As the last, but using henbane instead of hemlock.

  30. In cases accompanied by restlessness, a few drops of laudanum or tincture of henbane may be added.

  31. The same as the colocynth and henbane pill of the Ph.

  32. Extracts of henbane and Valerian, and oxide of zinc, equal parts.

  33. If the above means fail, a pill containing a grain of camphor in five grains of extract of henbane should be given, and a warm bath taken.

  34. She may now take an ammoniated saline, with tincture of hop or henbane during the day; five grains of Hydrarg.

  35. One night, when everyone was asleep and the path of the full moon lay shining across the sea, she went up on to Lashnagar with the shadows of the flowering henbane clean-cut and inky about her feet.

  36. An early idea was that toothache was caused by a worm and that henbane seed roasted would cure it.

  37. Even to-day, I suppose, druggists sell henbane seed for this purpose.

  38. When the hour of leave-taking draws near, fill a last cup and dropping the henbane in it, give it to her to drink, and she will not reach her sleeping chamber, ere the drug take effect on her.

  39. The deceased had been in the constant habit of getting aconite and occasionally henbane from Noakes; on this occasion he sent two bottles of his own, one marked, “Henbane, 30 drops at a time.

  40. The druggist by mistake put the aconite into the henbane bottle, the dose of thirty drops was taken, and the customer was no more.

  41. When thy mistress Cout el Culoub is asleep," said Zubeideh, "put this piece of henbane up her nostrils or in her drink, and thou shalt have of me as much money as will content thee.

  42. Lady Zubeideh bribed one of her waiting-women to drug her with henbane and laying her in a chest, commanded Sewab and Kafour to take it and bury it among the tombs.

  43. So she put the henbane in my drink, and when it was night, I drank, and the drug had no sooner reached my stomach than I fell to the ground, with my head touching my feet, and knew not but that I was in another world.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "henbane" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.