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Example sentences for "houseboy"

Lexicographically close words:
hours; hous; house; houseboat; houseboats; housebreaker; housebreakers; housebreaking; housecarle; housecarles
  1. Missus name was Sarah and she made me a houseboy when I was small.

  2. He said I mus' be his houseboy and houseboy I was.

  3. I was trained for a houseboy and to tend the cows.

  4. Maáyu siyag tiknik kay nagpabúy arun makapaniktik, He was pretty smart, becoming a houseboy in order to spy on them.

  5. I was the houseboy for the Witts durin' the war and 'bout time it was over I enlisted at Alexandria as a soldier and they sent me to Mansfield.

  6. He served as houseboy in their home until he was 21, then came to Tyler, Texas, with one of his master's children.

  7. At the top of the stairs the constabulary colonel brushed aside a houseboy and strode into the living room where Lazada sat with Nast.

  8. The houseboy led them up a steep flight of stairs into a huge living room, sparsely furnished after the tropical fashion, but with exquisite and expensive Chinese furniture of rosewood and teak.

  9. Lazada waved a pudgy hand and a slippered houseboy appeared like a genie, carrying two iced glasses of coke.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "houseboy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    boy; butler; chauffeur; coachman; driver; equerry; garcon; gardener; gentleman; man; servant; valet