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Example sentences for "idealize"

Lexicographically close words:
idealistic; idealists; ideality; idealization; idealizations; idealized; idealizes; idealizing; ideally; ideals
  1. There would be no Empire to idealize if their Irish principles had been applied just a little longer to any of the oversea States which constitute the self-governing Colonies of to-day.

  2. Take note of the characteristics which are peculiar to your model, and use them; do not change them nor idealize them.

  3. In trying to obscure or idealize them, you only lose character, or paint a character into your model which is unnatural to him; the result will not be satisfactory.

  4. The Tendency to Idealize the Defects of a Beloved Person.

  5. In the tendency to idealize the unbeautiful features of a beloved person erotic symbolism shows itself in a simple and normal form.

  6. Even the most normal man may idealize a trifling defect in a beloved woman.

  7. Shall we in our youth, then, in generous emulation idealize the great of old times, and honour them as our fair example of what we most would be?

  8. He aimed to idealize merely human beauty, and his imitation of Nature was carried out in the minutest details.

  9. And it required a great sensibility to beauty in order to select and idealize what was most perfect in the human figure.

  10. We idealize in fancy because our idealizations in fact are balked.

  11. It is as impertinent to decry the worth of experience because it is connected with a self as it is fantastic to idealize personality just as personality aside from the question what sort of a person one is.

  12. These characteristics of Joseph at this period of his life are not given any attention by most Jewish school teachers because of the tendency to idealize all Biblical heroes, thus overlooking the obvious significance of Genesis 37.

  13. For people can idealize down just as readily as they can idealize up.

  14. When we go to heaven, we may idealize in a superhuman mode, and have altogether different notions of the beautiful; but till then we must be content with the loveliest capabilities of earth.

  15. He said that woman's speciality was to idealize life by shedding a noble spirit upon its ordinary trifles.

  16. That the oldest of these three does not contain earlier attempts to idealize him is unlikely.

  17. She did not idealize him, but in the highest effect she realized him; she did him justice, and she would not have believed that she did him more than justice if she had sometimes known him to do himself less.

  18. But the praise of ordered liberty, of settled government, of political moderation, is far harder to idealize in poetry.

  19. The rebellious temperament of such a poet as Shelley leads him to idealize the future, and concern himself but little about the past.

  20. The conservative temper of such a poet as Sir Walter Scott leads him to idealize the past, and to concern himself but little about the future.

  21. Would it be possible to idealize anything at Sleepy Hollow?

  22. If you cannot realize your Ideal, you can at least idealize your Real.

  23. Theocritus had full reason to contrast court and rustic life and idealize the latter, for in his native Sicily there were still shepherds in primitive simplicity.

  24. The applications of this Principle to special cases, for instance, to Euphorbia by Brown, to Reseda by Lindley, have been attempts to idealize the facts of these special cases.

  25. I don't idealize any longer," answered Mariana, playing with the glove in her lap.

  26. To idealize means to wipe out character with turpentine and put in inanity with a paint-brush.

  27. We must idealize the world in order to be able to relate to it scientifically at all.

  28. Pharisaic Judaism, put to the severest test to which a religious system has ever been subject, showed itself able to control and idealize life in all its phases.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "idealize" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    dematerialize; exaggerate; glorify; idealize; overestimate; overstate; overvalue; romance; spiritualize