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Example sentences for "ignite"

Lexicographically close words:
igneous; ignes; igni; ignibus; ignis; ignited; igniter; ignites; igniting; ignition
  1. In ancient times various devices were adopted to ignite the charge.

  2. It was impossible to ignite with certainty this primitive fuze simply by firing the gun; the fuze was consequently first ignited and the gun fired immediately afterwards.

  3. In this case the flame is dispersed laterally, and fails to ignite the charge; it is therefore a good precaution to pinch the end of the tube before putting it into the vent.

  4. Then having kindled torches at it they proceed with them to the jungle and ignite the felled timber and brushwood.

  5. If they ignite by simple friction there is danger of accident; if they "ignite only on the box," a supply of friction tablets should be carried, for the box will soon go to pieces with rough usage.

  6. There is a steel punch c, in the magazine, whose under end stands above the pan, ready to ignite the priming when struck upon the top by the cock d, whenever the trigger is drawn.

  7. D'Arcet, to whom this discovery is due, recommends to ignite the piece after it is cast, and to plunge it immediately into cold water.

  8. But then came the greatest difficulty, for he had to strike fire and ignite the string.

  9. It is one thing when powder bursts in the butt of the cannon, for then it casts forth the ball and the force flies out forward, but another if you stop the mouth of a gun with powder and ignite it,--no cannon can stand such a trial.

  10. It was fortunate that the Swedes ceased their assaults, so as to prove more convincingly that they needed no longer either balls or cannon, that it was enough for them to ignite one little powder fuse.

  11. Antimony and many other metals thrown into chlorine gas ignite and burn with brilliancy: the same phenomenon takes place in the vapours of iodine or bromine.

  12. When the mass is charred to the point that water will not be colored by soluble organic matter, lixiviate with hot distilled water, filter, wash and ignite the residue in the platinum dish.

  13. Return the filtrate and washings to the dish, evaporate the water, and carefully ignite without fusion.

  14. Evaporate to a syrup, dry for one hour at the temperature of boiling water, weigh, ignite and weigh again.

  15. It is often possible to place plain burners close enough so that they can ignite by contagion.

  16. Through an extension of the latter a pin is driven, one end acted upon by the upper armature to open the valve and ignite the gas, the other by the lower armature which serves to close the valve and extinguish the flame.

  17. I got my time-watch ready, and told him to press the electric button to ignite the motorite.

  18. As it was a condition of the test that I should get up steam within ten seconds, the chief engineer stood ready with his stop-watch when the electric button was pressed to ignite the motorite.

  19. This is not high enough to ignite the oil that is sprayed in, and so a hot tube or bulb is employed at the top of the cylinder against which the fuel jet is directed.

  20. On the other hand, when the air-cooled engine is overloaded or is run at very high speeds it is liable to become overheated and may ignite the incoming charge of gas prematurely.

  21. The aeronauts each carried a bundle of fuel to feed the fire and a wet sponge to extinguish sparks that might ignite the bag.

  22. Smokers carried a roll of tobacco, a knife and tinder to ignite their tobacco.

  23. In the olden times some people had flint lock pistols without barrels, which were used only to ignite punk for the purpose of fire-building.

  24. A spark of fire is sufficient to ignite our powder, and then where should we be?

  25. I will show you after we pass the bend of the stream," the convict continued while on his hands and knees trying to ignite a fire with prairie chips, "a flock of sheep that are counted by thousands.

  26. Having wrung the water from our trousers, and dried ourselves as well as we could under the circumstances, we proceeded to ignite the torch.

  27. In the latter case, a pilot flame fed separately is always alight, and serves to ignite the gas issuing from the main burners when the cock is opened.

  28. The flasher is operated through a pilot jet, which serves to ignite the gas at the burners when the supply is turned on to them at the prescribed intervals by the clock- work mechanism.

  29. Oxygen gas will ignite a red-hot match, but hydrogen will extinguish an inflamed one, though it will itself burn.

  30. All we can do is hope that if lightning does ignite any small fires, a good rain will follow soon enough to douse them.

  31. You should be able to ignite this dry grass easily with that.

  32. It is a flame produced by spontaneous combustion, caused by the decay of animal or vegetable bodies, which evolve phosphoretted hydrogen gas, under circumstances attended by a low degree of heat, sufficient to ignite the gases.

  33. Why will not wood ignite by the flame of a match?

  34. Because the lighted paper gives a heat sufficient to ignite the gas; and because also hydrogen requires the contact of flame to ignite it.

  35. If a cannon ball be made red hot, and then be placed in an iron stand between two bright reflectors, inflammable materials, placed in a proper position to catch the reflected rays, will ignite from the heat.

  36. Because, the fire being slow, the temperature is not high enough to ignite the gas.

  37. Phosphorous will ignite when held in a warm hand, but it does not then produce spontaneous combustion, because it ignites through the agency of applied heat.

  38. Because, before the flame of the candle can ignite the paper, the oxygen contained within it is consumed, and the flame is suffocated.

  39. Does phosphorous ignite spontaneously when held in a warm hand?

  40. Does a match ignite spontaneously when drawn over a rough surface?

  41. The bottom of the piston is particularly likely to retain grease which has become caked, and which is likely to become heated to incandescence and spontaneously to ignite the explosive mixture.

  42. Likewise, faces having either inserted parts or bolt-heads are to be avoided, since they are liable to become red-hot and to ignite the mixture prematurely (Fig.

  43. Ignite with nitre on red-hot plate carefully, and in small quantities to avoid explosion, run down to button with borax and sodic carbonate.

  44. They required a considerable effort to ignite them, and the composition was apt to be torn off by the violence of the friction.

  45. It is well to have a saucer at hand, and if the oil should be a bad oil, and ignite with the match, place the saucer on the mouth of the cup, and the flame is extinguished.

  46. Black and glistening; does not ignite readily, but burns up to a clear hot fire.

  47. Wash sediment on filter, and ignite to recover silver.

  48. Ignite the hydrate in an atmosphere of carbonic anhydride.

  49. In the manufacture of this mixture on a large scale considerable care is necessary, since the mixture of nitrate of lead and charcoal is very liable to ignite by friction.

  50. For the determination of the ash it is only necessary to ignite the milk solids from 5 c.

  51. Red cedar has similar qualities, but is rather hard to ignite and must be fed fine at the start.

  52. They ignite readily and give out intense heat.

  53. He also cut sticks and made a little instrument by which he was able to ignite bits of wood and so start his fire.

  54. Ignite the chromic chloride in a current of dry hydrogen.

  55. Filter, evaporate to dryness, and ignite to get rid of the organic matter.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ignite" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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