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Example sentences for "jeopardy"

Lexicographically close words:
jeopardise; jeopardised; jeopardize; jeopardized; jeopardizing; jer; jerboa; jerboas; jeremiad; jerk
  1. Fool that I was, to be seduced by the hope of rank and dignity held out to me by the French ambassador, to embark in plots which place me in such jeopardy as this !

  2. Fortunately, none of the above species have been reported in jeopardy as a result of spills in American waters.

  3. When they have won their booty they will repair thither; ofttimes they ride there unarmed upon their palfreys, and so put themselves in jeopardy of speedy death; right soon could we do them damage, and hurt and annoy.

  4. The king was upon a tower, in sore dread because of his men; and much he complained of Eliduc, who, he feared, had brought his knights into jeopardy through treason.

  5. Albeit nowadays we see, that almost all wars spring up I cannot tell of what titles, and of leagues between princes, that while they go about to subdue to their dominion some one town, they put in jeopardy all their whole empire.

  6. Thereafter, Bobby Burnit was in no more jeopardy from hired thugs, and for a solid year he kept up his fight, with plenty of material to last him for still another twelvemonth.

  7. And he said, Be it far from me, O Lord, that I should do this; is not this the blood of the men that went in jeopardy of their lives?

  8. She would not stoop to plead with him, in whatever jeopardy she might be.

  9. Yet how could he place Nell in greater jeopardy than need be?

  10. The drums of jeopardy and Stefani Gregor and Johnny Two-Hawks, all interwoven.

  11. Stefani Gregor, who, upon a certain day, had placed the drums of jeopardy in the palms of a war correspondent known to his familiars as Cutty.

  12. Cutty was now positive that the drums of jeopardy were hidden somewhere in this house.

  13. He had been real that night when he entered through her kitchen window, with the drums of jeopardy about his neck.

  14. Cutty, did you know that your wonderful drums of jeopardy are here in New York?

  15. Will purchase the drums of jeopardy at top price.

  16. Molly, then Kitty; but the drums of jeopardy were his!

  17. As if the drums of jeopardy would ever again see light, after that tempest of fire and death--that mud volcano!

  18. The real drums of jeopardy weren't emeralds but the roll of warning that prescience taps upon the spine, the occult sense of impending danger.

  19. The secret agent who had passed as a negotiator for the drums of jeopardy had disappeared.

  20. The principle that a man's life may not twice be put in jeopardy for the same offence had been pretty well established before 1612.

  21. It does not seem to have occurred to the court that the principle that a person could not twice be put in jeopardy for the same offence was already an old principle in English law.

  22. These held bravely to the task that had been set for them, putting their property and lives in jeopardy until finally they were driven to seek refuge in the Castle.

  23. He had, it was asserted, "cankered the principles of republicanism" "and carried his designs against the public liberty so far as to put in jeopardy its very existence.

  24. Saul's daughter cost me dear; I bought her with the jeopardy of my life; Saul's daughter is near to me; she is my beloved wife.

  25. When the crews of the vessels take to their own boats, and disobey the directions of the Southport pilots, their jeopardy is tenfold greater, and their loss almost inevitable.

  26. Seventy-five years ago a closely divided Court held that the protection against double jeopardy prevented an appeal by the Government after a verdict of acquittal.

  27. A contumacious witness is not twice subjected to jeopardy for refusing to testify before a committee of the United States Senate, by being punished for contempt of the Senate and also indicted for a misdemeanor for such refusal.

  28. A plea of former jeopardy must be upon a prosecution for the same identical offense.

  29. He was doubtless in jeopardy often enough, but chance befriended him and he encountered naught inimical till the fourth day when he came in at the gate of the station and met the partners of the hunt, themselves not long since arrived.

  30. That no cruel or unusual punishment shall be inflicted; that no one shall twice be placed in jeopardy for the same offense.

  31. And now, since ye go to the great wars about the king, and I continue to dwell here in extreme jeopardy of my life, and the saints alone can certify if we shall meet again below, I give you my last counsels now at your riding.

  32. And meanwhile, an ye know of any issue, any sally-port we could get opened, or any window that we might descend by, I will most joyfully face any jeopardy to flee with you.

  33. Not since I backed a horse have I been pressed so hard; peril of life, jeopardy of land and livelihood, and to sum up, all these losels in the wood to hunt me down.

  34. The very fact that these men needed, for their comfort, reiterated assurances of a policy not hostile to slavery indicated the jeopardy of their situation.

  35. I am but the ship in which his hopes were stowed, And with the which well-pleased and confident 35 He traversed the open sea; now he beholds it In imminent jeopardy among the coast-rocks, And hurries to preserve his wares.

  36. The tranquillity of the country, too, which was put in jeopardy by this divided rule, seemed to impose upon the duchess the necessity of abdicating.

  37. Each minute added to the jeopardy of the fugitives.

  38. So saying, Ishmael deliberately led the way back towards his rifled encampment, and ushered the man, whose life a few minutes before had been in real jeopardy from his resentment, into the presence of his family.

  39. Women in such matters are absolutely false if they be not sincere; but men, with political views, and with much of their future prospects in jeopardy also, are allowed to dress themselves differently for different scenes.

  40. She was sure that Captain Aylmer would be glad of a means of escape, and that he would not again place himself in the jeopardy which the promise exacted from him by his aunt had made so nearly fatal to him.

  41. The maxim that no one may twice be put in jeopardy for the same offense evidently did not apply to slaves in that colony.

  42. Mistaken acquittals by these courts were beyond correction, for in the South slaves like freemen could not be twice put in jeopardy for the same offense.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "jeopardy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    compromise; crisis; danger; emergency; endanger; expose; exposure; gamble; hazard; jeopardize; jeopardy; menace; pass; peril; pinch; plight; predicament; quicksand; risk; strait; threat; venture