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Example sentences for "threat"

Lexicographically close words:
threaded; threading; threadlike; threads; thready; threaten; threatened; threatenest; threateneth; threatening
  1. And it's a terrible threat to see someone who is at ease with it.

  2. During the next few weeks, Giles and Claire fearfully recalled Rama's threat that deserters would look and feel like hell.

  3. The latter was ignorant in its conception, brutal and inhuman in its intent, ending in the threat to use the military arm of the government, unless the terms and conditions were complied with within a given space of time.

  4. One of the boys contended that I was to be scalped before the sun set, while the other interpreted the threat that we would all he scalped before the sun rose again.

  5. The threat that he would return was uttered in a moment of exasperation, of which he repented.

  6. But the rascal has held the threat of discovery over Clavering for some time past, and has extorted money from him time after time.

  7. The 'Observer' announces a new threat or Ultimatum.

  8. Gambetta prevented the execution of the threat of armed intervention implied by the Dual Note.

  9. Granville, with his little maxims of procrastination and using a threat as if it were a blow, had "dawdled it out" in Egypt till England had become the laughing-stock of Europe.

  10. To get these policemen into civilized clothing, under threat of duress, and to order all tepees away from their cabins, was the agent's first move.

  11. For these two heads do seem to speak to me, And threat me I shall never come to bliss Till all these mischiefs be return'd again Even in their throats that have committed them.

  12. The master made no threat by word of tongue, yet slid his fingers down the edge of a naked sword, as he looked on the warm brown throat of Nakir-Kish--and smiled.

  13. At his thin-veiled threat the woman quailed, while terror leaped into her eyes.

  14. An organ of the Austrian government directed a sort of threat against the encroachments of the people of Luebeck upon the rights of the Jews.

  15. Ayllon and De Pinto forbade the members of their community, under threat of excommunication, to read pamphlets, or to express themselves either verbally or in writing upon the matter.

  16. He then proceeded to introduce his reforms into all the communities of Westphalia, with the threat that he would have such synagogues as refused to adopt his regulations closed.

  17. The Pasha then commanded that the three imprisoned rabbis be separated, and directed to translate into Arabic certain suspicious passages in the Talmud, with the threat of death if they were caught in a deception.

  18. The Inquisition was obliged to forbid the uttering of the word "Shema" with a threat of heavy punishment.

  19. At Yizchaki's suggestion these had to be given up by their owners under threat of excommunication and severe temporal punishment, and they were burned.

  20. On such expositions and reasonings, the ordinance grounds not only an assertion of the right to annul the laws of which it complains, but to enforce it by a threat of seceding from the Union, if any attempt is made to execute them.

  21. The thirty millions it is pretended will almost be forgiven; and thus a bribe of thirty millions is deceitfully offered for the Western vote, with a threat of punishment, if it be not taken!

  22. And, while danger continues, a deadly threat has been removed in Cuba.

  23. Nevertheless it is hard for any nation to focus on an external or subversive threat to its independence when its energies are drained in daily combat with the forces of poverty and despair.

  24. The threat to the brave city of Berlin remains.

  25. But this time the threat of dying is not intended to be taken literally.

  26. With this threat he went away, ordering that I should be taken back to prison.

  27. The threat of deserting just at the vintage season frightened the count, and he had to give in, and the embassy went its way in high glee at its success.

  28. At this awful threat the two friars made their escape, and we laughed heartily over the incident.

  29. Was he to be intimidated into making friends with her by a threat of the withdrawal of that money that Sheila had begun to detest?

  30. He hesitated, as if considering; then growled a threat and turned back.

  31. But when we recalled the threat of the caravan leader, and reflected on the ominous way in which the warrior had shaken his spear at us, this did not appear very probable.

  32. Then Nyleptha answered calmly and with dignity: 'Ill would it become my place and dignity, oh sister, so to speak as thou hast spoken and so to threat as thou hast threatened.

  33. She had seen him that night and, under threat of instant exposure, had promised to pay the sum required for silence.

  34. The marriage agreement, to which his partners considered him bound, and which he saw no way to evade, hung over him always, but he had put this threat of the future from his mind so far as possible.

  35. Had she tried to coerce him with the threat of accompanying her brother to Canada unless the engagement to Brenda was openly sanctioned by the family?

  36. I had seen it from my bedroom at the Hall as I dressed for dinner and had mildly regretted the threat of possible bad weather.

  37. Whatever tenderness and care could do, would be done for him, but the threat of uprooting had come so suddenly.

  38. Perhaps he thought the influence of his attitude must presently take effect; that Brenda, whom he so habitually adored with his eyes, would be intimidated by his threat of being finally offended?

  39. He stared at us suspiciously, but his expression commonly conveyed some aspect of threat or suspicion.

  40. We had a bitter grievance against them and they came swaggering and bullying, as if the threat to their silly prestige were the important thing.

  41. Was she, perhaps, to be urged as a last resource to bear on that gentle weakness by threat or cajolery?

  42. It might well be that his anxiety was for her rather than for himself; that the threat to his pride of family was almost forgotten in his sincere wish for his daughter's happiness.

  43. The artificial being I had created during my thirty-two years of life had an existence of its own and protested against this threat of instant annihilation.

  44. The Jervaises were snobs upset by the threat to their silly prestige.

  45. The threat of war conveyed in the Message drove silver from the public mind.

  46. Greenback inflation had run its course, and after the resumption of specie payments in 1879 had been only a political threat without foundation or many followers.

  47. I am tempted to believe the threat to arrest Fletcher was the last mutter of the declining tempest and a mere sop to Knappe's self-respect.

  48. And it was months later, and this time in the shape of a threat of bombardment in black and white, that Tamasese heard the last of the absurd affair.

  49. In his reply, dated the 24th, Knappe took occasion to repeat, although now with more self-command, his former threat against de Coetlogon.

  50. The ringleaders in the persecutions had been hung, and the authorities had been compelled to pay a heavy fine, under threat of the whole town being committed to the flames.

  51. The citizens were equally anxious to save their fellows; and were, moreover, scared at the threat of the neighbourhood being laid waste, and the town attacked, by this unknown force that had appeared before it.

  52. Rutherford had proposed to divide the gold stolen from the express car, and the proffer carried with it a threat in case of refusal.

  53. The veiled sneer behind the smile on the sapless face, the hooded hawk eyes, the almost servile deference, held a sinister threat that chilled the spine of his guest.

  54. If Brad had carried out his threat immediately and gone down to Battle Butte, nobody would know even the general direction in which to seek.

  55. She remembered how at first they had seemed to her a threat chilling her with fear.

  56. The moment there is any threat of war, it becomes a point of honour with every nation to do nothing to avoid it.

  57. For no reason that she could formulate, the thought of even her mother setting eyes on them together seemed a threat of disgrace.

  58. This prince regarded Wang Yang-ming's move into Kiangsi as a threat to him, and so rose openly against the government and supported the Kiangsi gentry.

  59. The rising of the Yellow Turbans began in 184; all parties, cliques and generals alike, were equally afraid of the revolutionaries, since these were a threat to the gentry as such, and so to all parties.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "threat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    admonition; alarm; caution; caveat; coercion; crisis; danger; denunciation; duress; emergency; example; foreboding; hazard; hint; imminence; intimidation; jeopardy; lesson; menace; monition; moral; notice; notification; pass; peril; pinch; plight; predicament; quicksand; risk; strait; threat; ultimatum; warning