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Example sentences for "landowners"

Lexicographically close words:
landlubbers; landmark; landmarks; lando; landowner; landownership; landowning; landrail; landrails; lands
  1. The Landowners Convention, the official landlord organisation, also by an overwhelming majority decided against any peace parley with the tenants' representatives.

  2. Under these circumstances he considers it as preposterous to compensate landowners for the loss of their land, as it would be to compensate thieves for the restitution of their spoil.

  3. The landowners would have to increase their own resources, as well as those of the soil; from mere landowners they must become husbandmen.

  4. The tenants whether they hold from the landowners or from the Government are commonly called Ryots.

  5. To complete his purchase he must first pay a tax, not to the government, but to other landowners of the neighbourhood, as unconnected as himself with the administration of public affairs, and hardly more influential than he is.

  6. It was to the selfish panic of the landowners that England owed the Statute of Labourers and its terrible heritage of pauperism.

  7. Even before the outbreak of the civil war the striving of the proprietary classes, landowners and merchants, after special privileges which the Crown alone could bestow, had produced important constitutional results.

  8. A middle class of wealthier landowners and merchants was fast rising into importance.

  9. Most seats were now filled by representatives who were strange to the borough itself, and who were often nominees of the great landowners round.

  10. The Streltsui (militia) was rebellious, the heavily taxed landowners were angry, and the people disgusted by the prevalence of German clothes and shaved faces.

  11. But no thoughts of compromise influenced the landowners in their reply.

  12. Eager as he was to win the good-will of the Parliament and the Church, Richard refused to bow to the panic of the landowners or to second the persecution of the priesthood.

  13. But the landowners did not flinch from the attempt.

  14. The real fighting power of a feudal army lay in its knighthood, in the baronage and landowners who took the field, each with his group of esquires and mounted men-at-arms.

  15. The repressive measures of Parliament and the landowners only widened the social chasm which parted employer from employed.

  16. Mad" as the landowners held him to be, it was in the preaching of John Ball that England first listened to a declaration of the natural equality and rights of man.

  17. Untroubled by the waste of war, the religious houses profited more than any other landowners by the general growth of wealth.

  18. Henry had aimed simply at lowering the power of the great feudatories; Edward aimed rather at neutralizing their power by raising the whole body of landowners to the same level.

  19. The property of the peasantry and the indemnity to landowners are inviolable (20).

  20. Besides direct robberies, the brigands battened upon a tribute exacted from landowners and paid as a ransom to shield themselves and their tenants from molestation.

  21. In order to be able to do this more effectually, I bought yesterday from the heirs of the landowners who turned them out some seventy years ago, I think, all the claims they can have on these animals.

  22. Fortunately here, as elsewhere in Spain, there was aroused, within the next five years, the tardy interest of Spanish landowners to save them.

  23. Besides wealthy landowners and the officers of the Muensterberg cavalry, the justice of the peace, a couple of doctors, and two or three magistrates assembled there nearly every evening for convivial intercourse.

  24. The landowners of Kursk write a fine style.

  25. Next to the tenants the landowners have felt the depression, to such a degree, in fact, that they should perhaps take the first place, having no one to allow them in turn a 20 per cent, reduction of their liabilities.

  26. But not too high a percentage,' said the old man; 'let us ascertain what the rest of the landowners think, else by a too liberal reduction you may seem to cast a reflection upon them.

  27. The landowners complained of rent reductions, of farms idle on their hands, and of increasing expenses.

  28. Not only the tenant-farmers, but the landowners are pacing through a period of depression, and their tenure too is uncertain.

  29. In talking to landowners and others whose opposition it was important to overcome, I have often been struck by your father's great powers of negotiation.

  30. But although the opposition of some of the landowners was conciliated by this concession, that portion of the line through Brompton which had not been abandoned was attacked with unabated energy.

  31. On the other hand the railway builders had to meet the opposition of the powerful canal companies and landowners along the line they wished to open, and it took time and ingenuity to accomplish working adjustments.

  32. McCormick showed his machine at the great international exhibitions and gradually induced the large landowners to consider it.

  33. As for the other Jews, part of them were to be retained by the landowners in their public houses, and the rest were "to be forced to engage in agriculture and handicrafts.

  34. It had come to the knowledge of the authorities that, contrary to the ukase of 1727, numerous Jews were still residing in Little Russia, being employed on the estates of the Russian landowners as arendars and innkeepers.

  35. Passek's rescript forbidding the landowners to let out distilleries and inns to the Jews was declared an illegal infringement of the rights of the landowners, and therefore ordered to be countermanded.

  36. At one time the Polish landowners even made the attempt to enslave the Jews on their estates by legal proceedings.

  37. This right was granted to the noble landowners by King John Albrecht in 1496, and became one of their most important sources of revenue.

  38. Thus the great landowners were finally successful in destroying the effect of the agrarian legislation of Tiberius Gracchus.

  39. It was in the period following the passage of the Licinian Laws that the greatest inequalities in wealth began to appear at Rome, and the numbers of free small landowners to decrease.

  40. Energetic action along this line was undoubtedly needed, as the great landowners had in many ways succeeded in blocking the work of the commission.

  41. The work of the Agrarian Commission, in the meantime, had been progressing in spite of the murder of Tiberius Gracchus and the obstacles which the great landowners were constantly throwing in the way of the commission.

  42. A secular trend was introduced into art in the eighteenth century with a greater involvement of merchants, craftsmen, and landowners as patrons.

  43. Political parties on the Western pattern began to take form as well, the conservatives representing the large landowners and the liberals representing the new urban class.

  44. Thousands of the smaller landowners have been absolutely beggared; the larger holders have been as ruthlessly ruined.

  45. Even landowners are not of necessity wrong-doers.

  46. There appear to have been constant attempts made by the landowners on the Thames to close the lanes leading to the river, thus preventing the free access of the public.

  47. Still there were trade gilds which were aristocratic in origin, and governed by the great merchants, who were the chief landowners of London.

  48. Landowners establish hospitals and schools on their estates, and some even renounce their estates and bestow them on the cultivators of the soil, or establish agricultural colonies upon them.

  49. No one forces the people to work for the landowners or in the factories.

  50. This morning the commander of the fortress told me that five peasants belonging to the landowners of the government of Tambov had been recently sent into the province of Grusia.

  51. We may hope indeed that Government, Native States and private landowners will generously assist us to overcome these difficulties by grants of land, and advances of money and other concessions.

  52. The rulers, capitalists and landowners began to tremble for their very existence.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "landowners" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.