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Example sentences for "mutability"

Lexicographically close words:
musters; mustna; musty; muta; mutabile; mutable; mutamur; mutant; mutants; mutantur
  1. Tell ourselves as wisely as we may that mutability must be--we yet discern where the woe lies.

  2. The sadness is for the mutability of things; and among them, that lighthearted, brilliant way of life, which had so much of charm amid its folly.

  3. The question of the mutability of species was thus prominently raised.

  4. Bacon seems to have been one of the first to think definitely about the mutability of species, and he was far ahead of his age in his suggestion of what we now call a Station of Experimental Evolution.

  5. He at least was for the universal mutability of species and for a genealogical link between the first and the present.

  6. To my mind the real value of the discovery [687] of the mutability of the evening-primrose lies in its usefulness as a guide for further work.

  7. The relation between mutability and fluctuating variability has always been one of the chief difficulties of the followers of Darwin.

  8. Formulating the laws of mutability for the evening-primroses we therefore assume that they hold good for numerous other corresponding cases.

  9. By the alternative view mutability must have been a periodic phenomenon, producing at times new qualities, and at other times leaving the plants unchanged during long successions of generations.

  10. From this they have inherited the mutability or the capacity of producing at their turn new mutants.

  11. Is the mutability of our evening-primroses temporary, or is it a permanent condition?

  12. The amount of mutability and its possible directions may be assumed to be due to internal causes.

  13. America, and whether it is in the same state of mutability here as it is in Holland.

  14. But this result was only a secondary gain, a meager consolation for the negative fact that no real mutability could be discovered.

  15. Perhaps mutability has not wholly ceased in them, but, might be found to survive in some of their members.

  16. Then, of course, it would be useless to investigate the causes of mutability at large, and we should have to limit ourselves to the testing of large numbers of plants in order to ascertain which are mutable and which not.

  17. This mutability is explained by the fact, just mentioned, that the sentiment-attitude is a complex of wishes and desires organized around a person or object.

  18. The Mutability of the Sentiment-Attitude: Love and Hate, Self-esteem and Humility, etc.

  19. I have for some time determined to give the arguments on BOTH sides (as far as I could), instead of arguing on the mutability side alone.

  20. We say that meaner women, like the lesser lights of heaven, have revolutions and phases; but who shall impute mutability to the sun, or to Elizabeth?

  21. Rather in her very mutability hath she preserved towards thee her true constancy.

  22. What if this very mutability of mine is a just ground for hoping better things?

  23. It is probable that nutrition plays as important a part among the external causes of mutability as it does among those of fluctuating variability.

  24. In the case of retrogressive and degressive mutability the internal cause is at once apparent, for it is this which causes the disappearance or reappearance of some character.

  25. The external causes of this curious period of mutability are as yet wholly unknown and can hardly be guessed at, since the origin of the Oenothera Lamarckiana is veiled in mystery.

  26. Mutability seems to be free, and not restricted to previously determined lines.

  27. Upon this progressive mutability the main development of the animal and vegetable kingdom evidently depends.

  28. The Mutability of Newtonian Law" formed his staple theme, and he was able to put it through the keys with amazing variations.

  29. On the other hand, my thesis on 'The Mutability of Newtonian Law' requires profound thought before it can be assimilated.

  30. Last summer he read before the Astronomical Society a paper entitled "The Mutability of Newtonian Law," and was laughed out of that honorable body for his inconsistencies.

  31. Perhaps some of you gentlemen have read my paper on 'The Mutability of Newtonian Law'?

  32. In the first place, at page 480, it cannot surely be said that the most eminent naturalists have rejected the view of the mutability of species?

  33. I have got--I wish and hope I might say that WE have got--a fair number of excellent men on our side of the question on the mutability of species.

  34. He minded them of the mutability of all earthly things.

  35. Mutability of temper, and inconsistency with ourselves, is the greatest weakness of human nature.

  36. Permanence and Evolution; an inquiry unto the supposed mutability of animal types.

  37. It is somewhat difficult to decide precisely what Darwin owed to his predecessors who believed in the mutability of species and doubted their separate creation; this is partly owing to his exceeding modesty.

  38. By necessitating a change of men, in the first office of the nation, it would necessitate a mutability of measures.

  39. The mutability in the public councils arising from a rapid succession of new members, however qualified they may be, points out, in the strongest manner, the necessity of some stable institution in the government.

  40. But this objection will have little weight with those who can properly estimate the mischiefs of that inconstancy and mutability in the laws, which form the greatest blemish in the character and genius of our governments.

  41. With a grave satisfaction, and with thoughts turning rather on the mutability of fortune than on his own present success, the consul received the most illustrious captive whom Roman general had ever brought home.

  42. And even of the laws of God, he boldly adds: 'Notwithstanding the authority of their Maker, the mutability of that end for which they are made doth also make them changeable.

  43. The mischievous effects of the mutability in the public councils arising from a rapid succession of new members, would fill a volume; every new election in the states is found to change one half of the representatives.

  44. But this objection will have but little weight with those who can properly estimate the mischiefs of that inconstancy and mutability in the laws which form the greatest blemish in the character and genius of our government.

  45. An extraordinary mutability has, by this means, been introduced into their legislation.

  46. The Americans increase the mutability of the Laws which is inherent in Democracy by changing the Legislature every Year, and by vesting it with unbounded Authority.

  47. To begin with the most evident of them all; the mutability of the laws is an evil inherent in democratic government, because it is natural to democracies to raise men to power in very rapid succession.

  48. Agitation and mutability are inherent in the nature of democratic republics, just as stagnation and inertness are the law of absolute monarchies.

  49. May it not be that the very mutability of the mutable may be the means of manifesting the unalterable sameness of God's faithful purpose, of His unchangeable love, and of His ever consistent dealings?

  50. But he was saved from the accursed monotony of a wealthy invalid's life by his insatiate delight in searching for that solution of the problem of the mutability of species which time would not fail to bring.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mutability" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    death; deviation; difference; differentiation; disorder; divergence; diversification; finitude; flexibility; fluidity; impermanence; inconsistency; inconstancy; inequality; instability; irregularity; mobility; mortality; mutability; nonconformity; plasticity; pluralism; resilience; transience; unevenness; unorthodoxy; variability; variation; variegation; variety; versatility; vicissitude; volatility; wavering