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Example sentences for "nullahs"

Lexicographically close words:
nule; null; nulla; nullae; nullah; nullam; nullas; nullatenus; nulle; nullement
  1. The excitement of entering a new province raised the spirits of my bearers, who hurried me along the red sandy road, which slopes past several nullahs to a plain only partly cultivated, because liable to inundation.

  2. We searched in vain; we crossed one or two deep nullahs containing a little water, trickling not from, but to the lake.

  3. We had, of course, no fences to leap, but there were deep nullahs and irrigation dykes wide enough to give one something to think about.

  4. Besides the rough country there were deep, narrow nullahs to be crossed, some of them with sides as steep as the roof of a house.

  5. One of these nullahs was a fearsome place: half-way down the descent the path had a twist in it and at the angle of the turn was a gigantic boulder almost blocking the way.

  6. On its way it was joined by innumerable tributary nullahs running down the sides of the two ridges and cutting them into a range of minor peaks.

  7. The sides of these nullahs were sheer cliffs often fifteen feet or more in depth so that they became really formidable obstacles to progress, though excellent places for shelter from artillery fire.

  8. The trench between the two nullahs was in ruins owing to shell-fire directed against a battery behind it.

  9. The country was too much for them, many of the nullahs being beyond their jumping capacity, and the heat exhausting their crews and defeating their engines.

  10. The Peninsula was rent by three great ravines; the Gully with its precipitous banks on our left, and the Krithia and Achi Baba nullahs in the centre.

  11. Other little groups of mounted men remained concealed in nullahs or hollows, or behind obstacles.

  12. Frequent nullahs intersected the plain, and cramped the action of the horsemen.

  13. This long line of troops, who were visible to each other but divided by the deep broad nullahs which intersected the whole plain, fell back slowly, halting frequently to keep touch.

  14. As the cavalry could not work among the nullahs and the broken ground, the enemy advanced boldly into the plain.

  15. It was possible that getting involved among the nullahs they would have been destroyed.

  16. Instantly brisk firing broke out from the nullahs on the face of the square occupied by the Guides Infantry.

  17. There was no one to interfere, and nothing but an infinity of pestilent nullahs and loose stones to check.

  18. Folk tell strange stories of drives in bullock-carts in the rains, of breakdowns in nullahs fifty miles from everywhere, and of elephants that used to sink for rest and refreshment half-way across swollen streams.

  19. The total length is about twenty-five miles in a straight line, but only those who have wandered in these Himalayan nullahs know how that twenty-five miles can be lengthened.

  20. Already two of our Kashmir servants had been sent down into the Bunar district to bring up whatever they were able to collect, but we could not depend on the Chilas nullahs to yield us all we might want.

  21. We were on the threshold of the unknown, and the untrodden nullahs round Nanga Parbat awaited us.

  22. In all the larger nullahs the same conditions were conspicuous: usually for several miles up the valley above the end of the glacier a subsidiary valley would exist, between the side moraine of the glacier and the hill-side.

  23. Not many years before, an officer out shooting in one of their nullahs was nearly murdered.

  24. Many nullahs occurred on the route: crossed the Mogoung river opposite to Kamein.

  25. In addition to the above three rivers, few nullahs exist, but these are scarcely worthy of consideration.

  26. Two or three nullahs were passed, one with a little water.

  27. Crossed same nullahs en route, before we reached the Mogam river at 11 A.

  28. The road from Karasuli was in good condition and had dried up under the warmth of the sun and the constant wind, but a mile or so from the camping ground to that main road was covered with deep nullahs and ravines.

  29. The ground soon became a quagmire, and in the nullahs streams of brown, muddy water rushed along.

  30. Transport limbers and mules blocked the way, either stuck in the small nullahs that crossed the route or else the animals had become too exhausted to move.

  31. The Battalion soon marched off and soon sites were allotted to Companies in the deep nullahs or ravines about 500 yards from the deserted farm buildings.

  32. The casualties in “B” Company were much lighter, as they were able to use the cover of the small branch nullahs in their advance.

  33. The whole plain was swarming with cavalry and infantry; the right wing resting on the Fullaillee, with a large pond of mud protecting the flank, while the left rested on a succession of nullahs and a dense wood.

  34. Two rising mounds were in front of their centre, which served as redoubts, and where they had their guns; and they had some deep nullahs on their right front and flank thickly lined with skirmishers.

  35. The banks were brimful, and broad nullahs were full of water, and the fields were inundated, and still the rain came surging down in a shower, that warned us of what we might expect during our transit of the sea-coast region.

  36. These nullahs constitute the great danger of hunting in the country.

  37. It was quite fifteen miles back, and the country was so cut up by nullahs or ravines that in most places it was inadvisable to leave the road, which was, of course, jammed with a double stream of transport of every description.

  38. Our cavalry, which was concentrated at several points in nullahs (dry river-beds), suffered at the hands of the hostile aircraft.

  39. I concluded that should the tiger be between us and the line of beaters, he would in all probability steal along one or the other of these nullahs before he could cross the open ground.

  40. Moolah Bux commenced his stately march, walking so close to the hard edge of the deep nullahs that I was rather anxious lest the bank should suddenly give way.

  41. The slope upon which the jungle was situated drained towards an exceedingly deep and broad nullah; this formed the main channel, into which numerous smaller nullahs converged from the surrounding inclination.

  42. I felt almost sure that, although we had drawn a blank up to the present time, the tigress would be lying somewhere among the numerous deep but narrow nullahs which drained into the main channel that we had just examined.

  43. I was determined not to give it up, and we worked for at least two hours, until we had thoroughly examined every ravine, and all the smaller nullahs that would have been likely hiding-places.

  44. They saw their friends station themselves at the point of the moorillah or ridge, holding their nullahs in readiness, as if waiting for something to come.

  45. If you will go there and have your nullahs ready, I will go with my two dogs and round them up towards you.

  46. Hastily gathering up our kit, we dodged up dry and rocky nullahs and over the next ridge.

  47. As time went on, however, the country became more and more broken, until we found it necessary, if endless detours were to be avoided, to take the nullahs as they came.

  48. The going was much the same as in the early morning, but what had then been small nullahs became broader and deeper ravines, running across our path at intervals of seven to eight hundred yards.

  49. In the end, however, we contented ourselves with making a mile and a half an hour in our original direction, and were rewarded by finding in one of the nullahs a little spring of water.

  50. Since the landing nearly a month back, the continuous music of rifle fire, with its echoes and re-echoes among the nullahs and cliffs, had scarcely ever ceased.

  51. The way was across an undulating plain, with many deep nullahs covered with trees, and so dark that we could not see our horses' ears.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nullahs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.