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Example sentences for "piker"

Lexicographically close words:
pikas; pike; piked; pikeman; pikemen; pikers; pikes; pikestaff; piki; piking
  1. I'm in a fair way to come out of this the biggest scoundrel alive--the piker who takes advantage of the innocence of a good girl.

  2. From what you say, this fellow is probably some piker who has left his country for his country's good.

  3. Now, if the Piker party didn't doubt Duveneck, who the devil did the Piker party doubt?

  4. As requested, we have sent Mr. Piker the copies he requires for distribution.

  5. Piker offers matter with authority--and here I would point out the close proximity of Shepherd's Market to Hertford Street, Mayfair!

  6. You don’t imagine I’m goin’ to have that piker shadowin’ and doggin’ me like a flatty all my days!

  7. Urdamane, which is also supported by the fact that Piker of Pasupti is prominent among the opponents of this Ethiopian: Pakruru of Pisaptu has been previously mentioned by Assurbanipal.

  8. Didn't I tell you last night that everything else was piker stuff?

  9. I tell you again that everything else is piker stuff," he said angrily.

  10. Piker stuff--compared with what I've got.

  11. This is the second time to-night you've run foul of my plans with your infernal diamonds and your piker hunts, and if trouble comes from this, look out for yourself!

  12. What did you expect to get out of a piker hang-out like this?

  13. Five thousand dollars in your fist, my boy, as soon as I can work the wire to New York--and there's no piker about the man who can have five thousand flashed in here when he asks for it.

  14. I found he was a piker bookkeeper, but with five thousand dollars that he'd wrenched out of his own pay envelope, a pinch at a clip; and every time he takes a dollar out of his pocket his fingers creak.

  15. You make an amateur of Ananias and a piker of Judas Iscariot.

  16. He had freed the case from the sealed paper and now he laid it on her knees, saying: "Thank the Lord I'm not such a piker now as I was, anyway.

  17. Then I'm perfectly happy and contented--or I will be when you read that letter and admit I'm not as much of a piker as I seemed.

  18. And I was not quite such a piker as you thought me.

  19. He thinks he's been a piker and that you and I are his first-assistant pikers.

  20. The bidding had so suddenly and by such prodigious bounds reached the elimination point that every piker present was afraid to open his mouth in the presence of these plungers.

  21. The story was published by Whistler in The Piker Papers.

  22. Piker was riding homeward with his Head out of a Trolley Window, he recalled dimly that a large number of long-legged Ponies came out on the Track.

  23. Mr. Piker was first in the Line, shaking like a Corn-Starch Pudding.

  24. There was about twenty minutes of Fussing around at the Bend in the Track and then they all kited away like a flight of Swallows and there was one Horse in front and Mr. Piker had a Convulsion and frothed at the mouth.

  25. If Rinkaboo finished at all, Mr. Piker was a Wealthy Person.

  26. So, Mr. Piker allowed the Tout to take him by the Hand, for he was too weak to resist, and together they wandered off into Dreamland.

  27. Mr. Piker found himself up in the Grand Stand holding his Head with one Hand while in the other Hand was a Pinochle Deck, suitable for framing.

  28. Mr. Piker had his Chin over the Fence and was wondering if any one would gather up his Body and put it on the Train.

  29. If he happened in toward the head of the Procession, Mr. Piker would have to send for a Furniture Van.

  30. And now Mr. Piker can take Callers up to his Room and tell them how he stood to win $1,340.

  31. There never was a piker in the Cottle family, was there, Wes?

  32. The old piker is trying to figure, with silver as low as it is, whether he's ahead or behind on the deal!

  33. If it were Ranlett she would race at breakneck speed toward Greyson's, the X Y Z was nearer than the Double O, taking The Piker with her.

  34. The Piker will know his way there in the dark.

  35. I didn't know the old piker had a daughter.

  36. I am not going to be a piker to Uncle Sam.

  37. Hang it, it was only a dollar, and I'm switched if I want to look like a piker for just a little old dollar!

  38. It doesn't do to be a piker in a place like that, Rowland.

  39. Cold feet and bet hedging was piker stuff--and that was in Bookie Skarvan's line, too, not his!

  40. It was a piker life, but here was a chance to get out of it!

  41. It was a piker game you tried to hand Calhoun; but, even at that, I wouldn't have queered it if it would have helped you work out a few more little deals, so that I could skim the cream off them.

  42. Just a piker crook, I guess," decided the Hawk.

  43. They did it very neatly, they fooled us completely--because the remittances were only piker amounts, and because it was only a question of letting them get fed up enough with their own cleverness to pull a good one!

  44. He stood still a minute, and almost turned white and then what do you think the piker did?

  45. Now what do you think that piker had done?

  46. Was Piker or Denton, or whatever his name is, a gambler too?

  47. Dick had allus been white to me--an' back in the old days he was the squarest feller on earth--so I felt mightly relieved when I caught Piker in the center of the forehead with a full left swing.

  48. Then it occurred to me that mebbe it would be wise to see if Piker was worth botherin' with.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "piker" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    adventurer; beachcomber; beggar; bettor; bum; bummer; dogie; gambler; gamin; hobo; idler; loafer; miser; piker; player; plunger; ragamuffin; ragman; ragpicker; rounder; sharp; sharper; speculator; sport; sportsman; stiff; stray; sundowner; swagman; tinhorn; tipster; tout; tramp; urchin; vagabond; vagrant; waif; wastrel