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Example sentences for "portable"

Lexicographically close words:
porringer; porringers; porro; port; portability; portae; portage; portaged; portages; portaging
  1. A small bottle of horn or other material formerly used for holding ink; an inkstand; a portable case for writing materials.

  2. A kind of small reed organ; -- a portable form of the seraphine.

  3. A portable fire extinguisher consisting of a glass bottle containing water and gas.

  4. The melodeon is a portable variety of this instrument.

  5. A steam engine and boiler combined and fastened together; a portable steam engine.

  6. A small portable organ, played with one hand, the bellows being worked with the other, -- used in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

  7. A portable bier or shrine, variously adorned, used for containing relics of saints.

  8. A folding stool, or portable seat, made to fold up in the manner of a camo stool.

  9. A portable chair or covered vehicle for carrying a single person, -- usually borne on poles by two men.

  10. The pictures, not being either portable or readily convertible into cash, had remained on the old panelled walls.

  11. Fitton, President of the Geological Society, had the kindness to devote much of his time to their instruction in geology; and having furnished them with a portable collection for the purpose of reference on the voyage, Dr.

  12. The interior of these was dark, but they had each provided a pocket portable electric flash lamp, so that they were able to illuminate the caverns.

  13. Without the portable electric lights which they each carried it would have been impossible for the Racer boys to have found their way about the cave.

  14. In an instant Frank recalled that it must be the portable electric light with which they had furnished the invalid in case he wanted to get up in the night.

  15. It was in the darkness of the cave, for they had both released the pressure on the springs of their portable lights to make the little dry batteries last as long as possible.

  16. I am of an opinion, with a portable tent, so that we could expose paper in a damp state, the process might be done nearly as quick as collodion.

  17. A great amount of nutriment is thus obtained in a portable form; when boiled with gelatine, it forms a palatable diet, and it is also used to form a gravy for meat.

  18. There was very little of what Mr. Wemmick called "portable property" in this northern drawing-room.

  19. He was somewhat melted by this, but yet had an eye to the portable property in the hall.

  20. Illustration: A portable colony house of simple design recommended by J.

  21. Augustin Bernard's volume, "Le Maroc," the one portable and compact yet full and informing book since Leo Africanus described the bazaars of Fez.

  22. Then he filled a small portable kettle with snow, which, with the aid of a fierce fire, he soon converted into tea.

  23. These portable army wireless outfits are very valuable for the communication between detachments of an army, particularly in places where there are few disturbing elements to intercept the electro-magnetic waves.

  24. With these there were concrete chimneys, portable concrete garages, railroad ties, and what not.

  25. Suppose he's even able to take along a portable house; what's he going to do about fuel?

  26. It was a portable cabin such as she had noticed from the train window at intervals where construction was incomplete along the new railroad.

  27. The abrupt slope that over-topped the portable cabin began to take shape in the darkness.

  28. What are the advantages of using outdoor transformers on portable sub-stations?

  29. On all standard makes of portable instruments, the resistance of the wattmeter pressure coil and of the voltmeter is given, and the loss in either instrument is the square of the voltage at its terminals, divided by its resistance.

  30. It is easier to repair, and more portable owing to the fact that the magnetic field is produced by a permanent magnet instead of an electro-magnet.

  31. The calibration of a portable wattmeter is accomplished with direct current of constant value which is passed through the series winding by connecting the source thereof with the current terminals.

  32. When an electric railway has a portable sub-station, direct current can be provided at any point on the system where there is track at the high pressure line.

  33. Although portable sub-stations usually must be of more or less special design to adapt them to the conditions under which they must operate, there are certain general features that are common to all.

  34. A portable sub-station constitutes a spare equipment for practically any number of permanent sub-stations and renders unnecessary the installation of spare equipment in each.

  35. How should portable instruments be wired?

  36. I entered Welbeck's habitation at midnight, proceeded to his closet, possessed myself of portable property, and retired unobserved.

  37. Their portable wealth, which may reasonably be supposed to be great, they have transported hither.

  38. His eye rested upon the sensitive little set in the cigar-box, and it occurred to him to test it that day as a portable set in the train and elsewhere.

  39. It proved beyond all doubt that the new crystal was the most sensitive type known, and that, for a portable set, was of far greater utility than vacuum valves.

  40. The secret of the new crystals was his own, and, judging from the efficiency of the new portable receiving-set, would be of very considerable value.

  41. A portable machine variously constructed, for exerting great pressure, or lifting or moving a heavy body through a small distance.

  42. A small portable piece of ordnance, mounted on a swivel.

  43. It appears that the best method of lighting a living-room is by means of decorative portable lamps.

  44. An advantage of portable lamps is that they may be taken away on moving.

  45. It did not emit appreciable smoke or odor and it was conveniently portable and less fragile than the oil-lamp.

  46. The furniture may be readily shifted as desired and the portable lamps may be rearranged.

  47. The merits of a portable lamp may be ascertained before purchasing by actual demonstration.

  48. It is nearly always in the field of vision when occupants are engaged in conversation, and for reading purposes the portable lamp of satisfactory design has no rival.

  49. However, a portable lamp which supplies an indirect component of light besides the direct light serves admirably for reading as well as for flooding the room with light when necessary.

  50. A baseboard outlet should be available for small portable lamps which may be used upon the bureau or for electric heating devices.

  51. The electric lamp, being an enclosed light-source capable of being subdivided and fed by a small portable battery, early gave promise of solving the problem of a safe mine-lamp of adequate candle-power.

  52. Smaller signal-lamps using acetylene have been employed in the forestry service and in other activities where a portable device is necessary.

  53. Portable beacons employing gas were used during the war on some of the flying-fields near the battle front.

  54. Such lighting serves all the purposes of the living-room excepting those requiring a flood of light, but it is easy to conceal elaborate lighting mechanisms underneath the shades of portable lamps.

  55. Wall outlets may be desired for decorative portable lamps upon the bookcases.

  56. Several types of portable lamps are available which supply an indirect component as well as direct light.

  57. Their portable lights were glowing, and then, in order to see them better, Tom turned out the exterior searchlights.

  58. Their portable torches did not give light enough to make out clearly the character of the cargo carried, and it was too risky to venture into the mass of wreckage that must be the result of the explosion of the torpedo.

  59. Do you want to put on one of my portable diving suits and walk around on the bottom of the sea?

  60. This proposition was not expected by the deacon, who did not possess any portable security that he could give.

  61. The Titan was the first type of large portable crane in which full use was made of a truly horizontal movement of the load; for the purpose for which the type is designed, viz.

  62. It contains all the essential elements of the hammer-headed crane, of which it may be considered to be the parent; in fact, the only essential difference is that the Titan is portable and the hammer-head crane fixed.

  63. Among the Anomura, the best known are the hermit-crabs, which live in the empty shells of Gasteropod Mollusca, which they carry about with them as portable dwellings.

  64. In connexion with the stability of portable cranes, it may be mentioned that accidents more often arise from overturning backwards than forwards.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "portable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    communicable; contagious; interchangeable; light; mobile; movable; portable; removable; transferable; transportable