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Example sentences for "powwow"

Lexicographically close words:
powny; powre; powred; powres; pows; powwows; poynt; poynte; poynted; poyntes
  1. The second assault, more brutal and cowardly than the first, followed as the logical sequence of that powwow of pietists, peddlers and politicians.

  2. I wouldn't have consented to this powwow this afternoon if I hadn't thought we could have fixed things up beforehand.

  3. Now, after what happened at the powwow over at the Agency, no one State is big enough for you and me.

  4. And a very good-natured gentleman and lady they were, though they were heathens; and talked quite pleasantly to Tom about his travels, till the Powwow man arrived, with his thunderbox under his arm.

  5. When a powwow was to be held I always sent him to conduct it if I could not go myself.

  6. Our object in coming here has now been accomplished, since we have listened at a distance to what Pontiac said to the chiefs at the grand powwow here.

  7. The two boys watched the little squad meet the four Indians, and enter into a powwow with them.

  8. The council of chiefs at the powwow at once resolved upon flight, and told St. Leger so.

  9. At any moment the powwow might be brought to an end, or some warrior return to the encampment, therefore it stood us in hand to move quickly, and so we did.

  10. Until that has come to an end your father is safe, an' perhaps when the powwow is over we shall have him with us.

  11. I had had ample time since the powwow with Thayendanega to decide whether or no I would serve under General Herkimer, and, having come to a decision, it stood me in hand to do whatsoever lay before me without question.

  12. It seems as if all hands had it in mind that we need lookin' after," Jacob replied, grimly, and then his father asked if we had seen anything unusual since the powwow came to an end.

  13. So he glided along, and the powwow and racket getting more and more outrageous all the time; and at last, when he had gone around two sides of the room, he disappears down cellar.

  14. We judged we could make miles enough that night to get out of the reach of the powwow we reckoned the duke's work in the printing-office was going to make in that little town; then we could boom right along if we wanted to.

  15. There is a moon for the drive back, and we could stop and have a look at the powwow before coming home--as you're so athirst for everything Tuscan.

  16. The powwow said to the Muscogulgee, "Thou hast undertaken a fearful thing, and one which I warn thee will require much and deep thought and caution, and great valour and wisdom.

  17. Can't I rest in my bunk while the powwow is going on?

  18. The old mountain must have fancied that the Indian warriors of long, long years ago had returned and were holding a mighty powwow down there in its shadow.

  19. Haven't any of you other scouts some contribution to make to to-night's powwow about things you've observed during the day?

  20. At the powwow to-night the encounter with Dave Baldwin, if the vagrant of the marshes was really he, came in for its share of discussion.

  21. The holding of a calm powwow on this first night in camp, when each heart was thrilling tumultuously to the novelty of the surroundings, was impossible.

  22. The annual Indian powwow was to be ended prematurely that year, for the sun beat uninvitingly upon the flat bottom where the dances were held, and the Indians found much comfort in the shade of their summer tepees.

  23. So the next morning, the bronze head of every Indian tepeehold took his pony, his dogs, his squaw, and his papooses of indefinite number to the powwow ground.

  24. Solemnly the peace pipe had been puffed and solemnly the peace powwow held.

  25. Long as we was in the hearing of the schooner the powwow and rumpus kept up, but just as we was landing on the little island that the Malays had left, she come about on the port tack and stood off to sea.

  26. It was the party of braves returning from the great powwow so rudely interrupted by Cameron.

  27. There was a big powwow the other day in the Sun Dance Canyon.

  28. There ought to be a big powwow going on somewhere near," he said to his Sergeant, "but I can hear nothing.

  29. Where he had expected to find a big Indian powwow he found only a quiet sunny glade in the midst of a silent forest.

  30. Sargent conversed with the old chief in Spanish, the others were signaled in, when a regular powwow ensued.

  31. Just a little social powwow with the boys, most likely.

  32. Flood opened the powwow by demanding to know the meaning of this visit.

  33. While the other Indians were holding a little powwow over their chief, we were making good time in the other direction, considering that we had over eight hundred loose horses.

  34. And there they will sit and powwow and make medicine for an hour or two.

  35. Before the powwow had progressed far it was evident that begging was its object.

  36. If you can find any Camellia Buds that aren't playing tennis bring them along right here for a little powwow with Irene.

  37. Bring your biscuits to the 'Grotto' at interval, and we'll have a powwow about it.

  38. The singing grew louder, and the voices more numerous about the door; the song was their regular powwow strain, which invariably preluded the killing of a horse.

  39. We kin powwow in the office onless they come, an' if they do, we kin mosey out an' hunt us up a log.

  40. The three had evidently intercepted Saginaw and a powwow had ensued, for there had been much trampling about in the snow.

  41. We wouldn't get much chance to powwow in the office tonight.

  42. We judged we could make miles enough that night to get out of the reach of the powwow we reckoned the duke's work in the printing office was going to make in that little town; then we could boom right along if we wanted to.

  43. The powwow over business and politics had not been stirring even languid interest in her.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "powwow" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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