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Example sentences for "summit"

Lexicographically close words:
summes; summi; summing; summink; summis; summits; summo; summon; summond; summoned
  1. While Mrigankadatta was saying this, the sun retired to rest on the summit of the mountain of setting.

  2. And while Chandrasvamin was surveying that from the summit of a tree, he saw a slave belonging to Narayani, and she saw him.

  3. And he gave to his daughter and her bridegroom heaps of valuable jewels, obtained by his triumph over the gods, resembling the summit of mount Meru.

  4. Adjacent to their old family house stands a yet older high tower, the summit of which commands an extensive view of the surrounding country, and consequently of the several rides leading to the building.

  5. The sun has sunk behind the summit of the distant hills, already the short twilight commences.

  6. At the same time, their pictures betray that, during this generation, historical painting was throned on a summit whence it could dictate the aesthetic catechism.

  7. On the summit of that grassy mound, there once stood a thatched cottage, with which my story is connected.

  8. At the summit of the slope he paused again to rest, and as he did so he suddenly lifted his head intently, straining his eyes before him into the fog.

  9. He was going up a steep hill now and when he had gained the summit and seated himself for a moment on the edge of the sand box, which stood there at the edge of a tee, he saw that the fog was thinner because he was higher up.

  10. The ‘aoul’ had been on the very summit of one of the chain of hills on which we were shooting.

  11. The equestrians’ enviable position was astride the summit of the pyramid of luggage--a position difficult to retain when gained, and almost impossible to attain unaided.

  12. Here, on the very summit of a gracefully rounded hill-top, was some three acres of greensward, almost as fine and even as an English lawn.

  13. But thank God, I begin to climb up the mount of progression--but the summit is still far away.

  14. They have reserved a summit level in the heart of the city, for the site of a Temple far superior to that of Nauvoo, which, in the days of their future wealth and power, is to be the landmark of the Basin and goal of future pilgrims.

  15. Therefore, though their enemies drove on them ruthlessly, they succeeded in parrying the last sword-thrust, till they had completed even the gilding of the angel and trumpet on the summit of its lofty spire.

  16. As the Dublins appeared at the summit there was a splutter of fire along the opposite ridge, which was lined by Turkish marksmen.

  17. For answer, Magua raised a shout of triumph, and, leaping a wide fissure, made for the summit of the mountain.

  18. Richard possessed most of the qualities which make a man a great king and render him the idol of his subjects, especially in a time of semi-civilization, when personal prowess is placed at the summit of all human virtues.

  19. This was a small one consisting of two huts only, built almost on the summit of a mountain, the inhabitants living partly on the milk and cheese of their goats and partly upon the scanty vegetables which grew around the huts.

  20. Soon he perceived the full moon, just rising above the tree tops, defining strongly the tapering summit of each sombre pine.

  21. On the extreme summit of a feather-pine, the carrion crows croaked and rocked in the soft breeze.

  22. A short figure appeared on the summit of a black rock in the distance, waving his straw bonnet.

  23. On the very summit of the mountain sits Satan, in the shape of a black goat.

  24. Kettle River, 7500 feet [the summit between middle fork of Kettle River and Cherry Creek at Pinnacles--oral information from the collector, Feb.

  25. One party sought the means of attaining the highest summit of the island; another went along the shore to the westward; while myself and two others went to the eastward.

  26. We reached the summit of the first mountain, whence we saw the goats browsing on the second, and meant to go there in pursuit of the objects of our anxious search.

  27. However, I climbed to the top of a monument, reached the summit of the wall and then dropped over the other side.

  28. Just then on the summit of her cab the Tricon, who had not moved till that moment, began waving her hand and giving her bookmaker her orders above the heads of the crowd.

  29. It was the summit of a lofty rock at the base of which flowed the river called, By the Rock of Light.

  30. More in vogue at present is the theory that the simplest and lowest form of religion is individual; above it are the national religions; and at the summit the universal or world religions.

  31. Here is found an enormous block of granite, very curiously carved to facilitate the dispersion of a liquid poured on its summit into varied streams and to quaint receptacles.

  32. Near the village of Coto was a high hill held in special veneration, for from its prominent summit he was wont to address the people who gathered round its base.

  33. Upon the summit of this rock stands the ruins and some pillars and cornices of the Temple of Sibylla Tyburtina, or Albunea, a round fabric, still discovering some of its pristine beauty.

  34. One of the greatest here for circuit is that of the Prince Doria, which reaches from the sea to the summit of the mountains.

  35. On the summit of this is fixed a brazen globe gilt, capable of receiving thirty-five persons.

  36. On the summit has been placed the image of St. Paul, of gilded copper.

  37. On the summit of one of these gloomy precipices, intermingled with trees and shrubs, the stones hanging over, and menacing ruin, is built an hermitage.

  38. On the summit of the rock stands a strong castle garrisoned to protect the shore from Turkish pirates.

  39. At the summit of this prodigious mass of hills, we had an unpleasant way to Pianura, where we slept that night and were entertained with excellent wine.

  40. And when we reached the summit of the pass above the turquoise lake we could see the road to Arezzo in a gap of the mountains, across a sea of vines.

  41. In the meantime the heavier ships filled up the gaps with their high poop-decks and turrets, as platforms for those military engines then in use, and from them drawbridges were lowered to the summit of the wall.

  42. Let us step on to one of those low walls that cross the moat; their original purpose has not yet been definitely ascertained; their summit used to taper to a sharp edge, but this has worn away and we find ample standing room.

  43. It appears to be about a mile distant from the summit of this mountain, and when, therefore, we have taken Salamgi, our light guns will not be of much utility in bombarding Magdala at so great a distance.

  44. When within three hundred yards of the rock, the 33d formed line and opened fire at the gateway and high hedge which bordered the summit of the precipice--the most tremendous fire I ever heard.

  45. As far as the eye could reach up the winding path to the summit of the gorge, they swarmed in a thick gray multitude.

  46. A few of the peaks around us might have been a thousand or fifteen hundred feet higher than the plateau, and we were standing nearly on the summit of that high range of hills we had seen from the sea.

  47. At last we reached the summit of the last ascent, and below us, at a distance of five miles, lay Lake Ashangi, a pretty sheet of water of about three miles in diameter.

  48. After passing over the first hill, we came to another, which was the highest we had yet come to, being two hundred feet higher than the summit of the pass upon the preceding day.

  49. A shell thrown on to the summit of a rock fortress when the garrison were sheltered behind great boulders, or in caves or crevices, might alarm them, but would probably do very little harm.

  50. It was evident that the Commander-in-chief felt the importance of gaining the summit of the precipitous range opposite before Theodore got to its top to prevent our so doing.

  51. In fact, when we got near the summit of the first range, we came to a spot which was almost impassable even for infantry, and quite so for the horses of the staff.

  52. We descry the Aetnean brotherhood standing impotent with scowling eye, their stately heads up to heaven, a dreadful consistory; even as on a mountain summit stand oaks high in air or coned cypresses, a high forest of Jove or covert of Diana.

  53. Our Lord who reigns on Olympus' summit would not have thee stray too freely in heaven's upper air.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "summit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acme; all; altitude; apex; apogee; apotheosis; audience; bargaining; brow; cap; ceiling; climax; conclave; confab; conference; confrontation; consultation; consummation; convention; council; crest; crown; culmination; discussion; edge; end; extreme; extremity; heaven; height; huddle; interview; knoll; limit; maximum; meeting; merging; meridian; mountain; mountaintop; negotiation; noon; palaver; parley; peak; perfection; pike; pink; pinnacle; pitch; point; pole; powwow; precipice; ridge; roof; seance; session; sitting; sky; spire; spur; summit; tip; top; ultimate; upmost; utmost; vertex; zenith