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Example sentences for "queerly"

Lexicographically close words:
queer; queered; queerer; queerest; queerish; queerness; queery; quei; queint; queis
  1. She's queer--has been queerly brought up.

  2. Sylvia blushed violently, but she did not feel annoyed, only queerly touched by his solicitude for--well, she supposed it was for her reputation.

  3. Don't you see that long, thin man who is so queerly dressed--and his short, fat wife?

  4. At that same moment de Courcy Smyth, slovenly in dress, with shuffling footsteps, crossed the road, and then slunk aside, his arm jerked up queerly almost as though warding off a blow.

  5. Then he drew it up again and returned with his Roses to the greenhouse, leaving the four queerly assorted comrades to wander into the bleak and unknown country that lay beyond.

  6. He looked queerly at me and said, "With your boots off!

  7. The stays were high and queerly made in those days, the chemises pulled over the top of them like flaps.

  8. What had caught her attention was a large, clumsy-looking thing like a queerly shaped wooden box.

  9. Heaped up carelessly in the corner was a mass of so many and such queerly assorted articles that it is no wonder the boy and girl were puzzled.

  10. No wonder Billie answered questions queerly that afternoon, so queerly, in fact, that one teacher asked her if she were ill and would like to be excused!

  11. Suddenly the visage was that of Nick; the crimson glare of the eyes was imperceptible, and the features were the well-known appurtenances of Nicholas Devine, but queerly tensed and strained.

  12. Suddenly the scene appeared humorous to the girl, queerly funny, in some unnatural horrible fashion.

  13. I found that he had just been writing of the relations of men, the rarer moments of them; and queerly enough, I found that night more of the master of Walden in his work.

  14. He looked queerly at Mr. Pulcifer, queerly and for an appreciable interval of time.

  15. At her right sat the queerly assorted Jury--animals, animated dummies and people--all gravely prepared to listen to what was said.

  16. So they unharnessed Jim and took the saddle off the Sawhorse, and the two queerly matched animals were stood side by side for the start.

  17. The night before his father had come home with an unusually large and queerly shaped package under his arm and had taken it straight into the parlour.

  18. The curiosity he evinced was queerly impersonal, however, and might well be called intellectual.

  19. The couch cover queerly seemed to melt under my hand!

  20. And upon Rohbar's face a look, queerly sinister, had come.

  21. There was no talking, except that, once or twice, the police bent toward one another, and whispered odd remarks concerning the hall, that appeared queerly audible in the intense silence.

  22. It had a queer note in it, I remember--low and constant, queerly meditative.

  23. Things began to look rather queerly to Otto.

  24. How queerly the lantern jerked its rays up and down the horse's legs, and cast its shadows along the road!

  25. Queerly he realized that death would be easy for himself, simple, acceptable.

  26. To Peter--so queerly were his thoughts running--the memorable incident of their last night together had to do with an ant colony.

  27. Queerly enough, it was the great preparer, Darwin, who helped her at the last.

  28. At last late at night, queerly restless, she sat alone on deck in the windless roadstead and regarded the illumined terraces of Saint Pierre.

  29. But, queerly enough, when my eyes did move across them, I saw only a dark, impersonal blur, and then the one face.

  30. Several times when she had spoken to her, Aunt Janet had waited a few seconds before answering, and then had spoken in a queerly muffled voice.

  31. There was a queerly different look about him.

  32. She thought he was drinking lemonade too, but he began to laugh a good deal, and his eyes glittered queerly all the time.

  33. He is very much in earnest over his collection of insects and reptiles, and, though he acts queerly at times, he is one of the best men in the world.

  34. All three of them knew at once that the man who had spoken was the stranger who had acted so queerly in the Cresville freight office.

  35. Since I was a kid," he admitted with a grin that sat queerly on the waxy saffron of his sea-sick face.

  36. I must confess to a queerly mixed state of mind that next half-hour.

  37. I am pretty sure that Loo must have related this occurrence to her father, who came in shortly afterward; for he looked queerly at the doctor.

  38. The looks on their faces were so queerly tragic.

  39. Arden as she saw his head sag queerly to one side.

  40. Carden seemed to him to be queerly changed since first they had met some five or six years past.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "queerly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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