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Example sentences for "seamen"

Lexicographically close words:
seaman; seamanlike; seamanship; seame; seamed; seaming; seamless; seams; seamstress; seamstresses
  1. Even the seamen were allowed the same indulgence, and went in parties of twenty and thirty at a time.

  2. Our seamen and marines were secretly and suddenly formed into press-gangs.

  3. I mounted the weather-rigging; five or six hardy seamen followed me; sailors will rarely refuse to follow where they find an officer to lead the way.

  4. Your seamen will not stand it; and for every two men you take by force, rely on it, we get one of them as a volunteer.

  5. Two of the seamen quartered at my guns laughed at me.

  6. The seamen on board the vessel were all equally kind and attentive to me, so highly did they appreciate the act of saving the life of their countryman, and exposing my own in quelling a mutiny.

  7. Our force in the castle consisted of a hundred and thirty English seamen and marines, one company of Spanish, and another of Swiss troops in Spanish pay.

  8. I stated my fears to the two seamen who were with me, and who had just come up.

  9. The trade and manufactures of this country (says he) going to ruin, and a diminution of our revenue from consumption must attend the loss of so many seamen and artificers.

  10. But while the English seamen were dying like sheep from disease and neglect, their conquered foes were faring no better.

  11. Drake took a number of prisoners, and sent a messenger on shore proposing to exchange them for such English seamen as were prisoners in Spain.

  12. The Cinque Port seamen returned in triumph, towing their prizes, after throwing the common soldiers overboard, and taking the knights to ransom according to the custom of the age.

  13. Payne's edition of Voyages of the Elizabethan Seamen to America: Thirteen original narratives from the collection of Hakluyt (new ed.

  14. And of all the seamen he had shipped in the course of a pretty long experience as a master mariner, he had never, in his own judgment, come across the equal of Mr. Thompson.

  15. As a body of seamen the crew of the Margaret Carey was undoubtedly "tough.

  16. His world was divided into those who were good seamen and those who were not good seamen.

  17. The seamen pushed off; then giving loose to their swelling sail, in less than ten minutes, the light vessel was wafted out of the little harbor, and turning a point, those in the castle saw it no more.

  18. At this intimation, the wearied Murrays-like seamen long harassed on a tempestuous ocean at sight of a port-uttered a shout of joy; and hastening forward with renovated strength, met a foaming river in their path.

  19. Graham and Edwin started on their feet; the seamen piled their oars; the boat dashed into the breakers-and Wallace, leaping on shore, was received with acclamations by his eager soldiers.

  20. Tay resounded with similar rejoicings at sight of him who made the Scottish seamen lords of the Northern Ocean.

  21. A body of seamen and marines, however, under Captain Peter Richards, took an active part in the engagement, accompanied by Sir William Parker, who forced his way with the general through the gates of the city.

  22. As soon as Captain Richards landed, he was joined by Captain Watson and Mr Forster, master of the Modeste, with a boat's crew and a small body of seamen from that ship.

  23. The Spaniards were evidently watching their opportunity, and kept eyeing the British seamen with no friendly intentions.

  24. At Donabew, the seamen and marines embarked in their boats, and the troops were conveyed in the Phlegethon to Rangoon.

  25. The troops lost not a moment in getting under arms, and the seamen forthwith came on shore.

  26. Once having a firm hold of the slaver's chains with their boat-hooks, the British seamen very quickly scrambled on board.

  27. A slaver's crew, however, conscious of the risks they are running in their nefarious traffic, are seldom off their guard, and the British seamen were fully prepared for a reception with a shower of grape and musketry.

  28. We will mention a few instances to show the way in which the seamen and boatmen of that place have risked their lives for the sake of those of their fellow-creatures.

  29. Many seamen might have despaired of regaining the wreck, but the men of the lifeboat, encouraged by their gallant leader, pulled up once more, in the hopes of saving the poor fellows on the wreck.

  30. Two seamen then came up, and I asked one of them when the fun was to begin.

  31. Larry, as usual, made himself at home with his fiddle, and soon set the seamen and French prisoners jigging away, as he had done on board other ships.

  32. Suiting the action to the word, he sprang over the footlights, followed by the seamen in the pit.

  33. Show that you're British seamen to the last!

  34. Presently the seamen returned, dragging with them the perfidious heroine, and well-nigh a dozen of the brigands whom they had captured.

  35. Older seamen had given in, while his courage and resolution had remained unshaken.

  36. One of the French seamen had also been killed, and his countrymen, without ceremony, hove his body overboard.

  37. The surgeon, who was summoned, went to attend to them, and to prevent them from being overfed, or overdosed with grog, which to a certainty they would otherwise have been by the seamen of the ship.

  38. I understand that you have some English seamen on board.

  39. The lady shrieked at the top of her voice, not at all relishing the interruption to her performance, and far more afraid of the uproarious seamen than of the robber from whom she had just before been entreating protection.

  40. Seamen can't always get leave from their ships," I answered, wishing to put him off.

  41. You, of course, are to dress up as seamen in old clothes--the more disreputable and dirty you look the better.

  42. It hadn't occurred to me, however, that I might have been followed, and our plan for trapping the seamen discovered.

  43. His coxswain was killed, and two of his crew wounded, and the boat would have sunk had not the seamen stuck their jackets into the hole.

  44. This bird is as large as a duck: like the noddy it has received its name from seamen for suffering itself to be caught on the masts and yards of ships.

  45. The mutineers having forced those of the seamen whom they meant to get rid of into the boat, Christian directed a dram to be served to each of his own crew.

  46. Seamen say these birds are always the forerunners of storm and tempest.

  47. No, for he had a really good outfit, to which the neater-fisted seamen were always adding.

  48. To add to their miseries, they found themselves surrounded by icebergs, among which navigation was so difficult that the seamen all became demoralized.

  49. This one moved alongside, and a half-dozen armed seamen stepped on board.

  50. Claude, upon hearing this story, expressed a sympathy which was most sincere; and to the seamen it was all the pleasanter as his accent showed him to be a countryman.

  51. That sail was an object of curious interest to others on board; to the lieutenant and seamen of the wrecked vessel, who were staring at her from the bows; and to Cazeneau, who was with them, staring with equal interest.

  52. The two seamen of the Arethuse will also go on board and report themselves.

  53. To these repasts the seamen did ample justice, wasting but little time in unnecessary words, but eating as only those can eat who have been on the borders of starvation.

  54. Feller seamen and comrades at arms," said Zac, stretching out his arm in the oratorical fashion which he had seen used at town meetings "to hum.

  55. He held her hand, and stood looking at her with moistened eyes, until after the seamen of the Vengeur had gone.

  56. While Claude was doing the honors of hospitality to the guests aft, the crew of the Parson was fraternizing with the seamen of the wrecked Arethuse, forward.

  57. Six French seamen were on board, who navigated the schooner, and acted as her guard.

  58. Seamen do not have to perform service in the Army.

  59. The Tower area was a favorite place for demonstrators, and for unemployed and dissatisfied workmen, particularly coal heavers and underpaid seamen protesting their low pay and poor living conditions.

  60. Seamen learned to fix their positions, using an astrolabe or quadrant to take the altitude of the sun and stars and to reckon by the north star.

  61. The Admiral shall impress as many seamen as necessary for the defense of the realm.

  62. The English seamen had been arbitrarily pressed into this service.

  63. This was to increase the number of able and experience mariners and seamen for the royal navy and for the trade and commerce of the nation.

  64. Seamen not showing up on board after notice shall serve six months without pay, but shall not suffer as deserters.

  65. Seamen had access to compilations of Arab mathematicians and astronomers and to navigational manuals and technical works on the science of navigation and the instruments necessary for precision sailing.

  66. Masters shall not advance to any seamen above half his wages since deserting is the chief occasion of their turning into pirates.

  67. Officers and seamen in navy ships were authorized in 1642 to take one-third of all prize goods captured, the other two-thirds going to the state.

  68. Masters or seamen not fighting shall forfeit their wages and spend 6 months in prison if the ship is taken.

  69. While he was thus employed the boatswain and the other seamen were stretching the large royal sail on the yard that had been reserved for that purpose.

  70. The king came on board the flag-ship, and a “treaty” in which protection to American seamen was guaranteed was made.

  71. The imprisoned seamen were promptly delivered on the deck of the Preble.

  72. Numerous records of the landing or shipwreck of American and other seamen are found in the native chronicles of this period.

  73. The detachments from eleven vessels, numbering 1084 seamen and marines in forty boats, were under the Commodore’s immediate direction and command.

  74. Whether the pilots feared a “norther,” or Conner doubted the military qualities of his seamen on land, or believed his craft unsuited to the task, is not certainly known.

  75. Some of the best officers and most athletic seamen fainted from heat and excessive fatigue, but reviving with rest and refreshment, resumed their labors with zeal that inspired the whole line.

  76. Perry wrote to Washington earnestly requesting that marines be sent out to act as flankers to parties of seamen landed to cut off guerrilla parties.

  77. PERRY was one of the first American naval officers to overcome the prejudice of seamen against infantry drill, and to form a corps of sailor-soldiers.

  78. All the officers who could be spared, and two hundred seamen and marines, formed the cortege in ten boats, the rowers pulling minute strokes.

  79. When the seamen saw that, they shouted, "We are for Min-erva!

  80. For the service of the mother and of each of the Burgtmaidens there shall be appointed twenty-one townsmen--seven civilians of mature years, seven warriors of mature years, and seven seamen of mature years.

  81. The landsmen who were fighting were all caught, but Jon with his seamen took refuge on board his fleet, taking with him the two lamps, as well as Min-erva and the maidens of both the citadels.

  82. The result was obvious: this nursery of seamen perished in the experiment.

  83. Just as the seamen had ignored the convention of centuries, creating a new system of naval tactics and a new type of navy, so the Tragedians brushed aside the academic convention, creating new dramatic canons and a new type of drama.

  84. Whatever fears of a Spanish war might be entertained by Elizabeth herself, the English seamen had no qualms as to their own immeasurable superiority, and desired nothing better than opportunities for demonstrating it.

  85. It is noteworthy however that even the seamen do not seem to have realised the enormous risk involved in such an undertaking.

  86. England no longer thought of guarding herself, but only of smiting her foe--a theory of the mutual relations on which, unofficially, the seamen had been acting for the last decade.

  87. Both the seamen described the captain's conduct, both then and during the whole voyage, as outrageous, and I do not much doubt that it was so.

  88. At the police court on Saturday, I attended the case of the second mate and four seamen of the John and Albert, for assaulting, beating, and stabbing the chief mate.

  89. To supply it with recruits he drafted seamen from the maritime provinces and resorted to the use of criminals, who were often chained to the galleys like so many slaves of the new industry.

  90. With maps and accurate sailing directions (portolani), seamen could lose sight of land and still feel confident of their whereabouts.

  91. Payne (editor), Voyages of the Elizabethan Seamen to America, 2 vols.

  92. That it smacked too much of the camp to please the seamen is not to be doubted.

  93. The whole episode forms a truly comic opera performance that must have greatly amused, if it did not disgust, the seamen of the fleet.

  94. A conventional design of an anchor and cable, in which the cable is entwined about (or, as seamen say, foul of) the stock and shank.

  95. Mr Oppenheim suggests that this was partly due to James's natural vanity and his jealousy of anything that could remind the English seamen of their late Queen.

  96. It is easy to see what a prolific nursery of seamen this Lake commerce must be, and how valuable a resource in a war with any great naval power.

  97. He fell while his sun was in the zenith, and was buried in the ocean, that wide and insatiable grave, which has received too many of our brave seamen in the prime of life.

  98. The joy with which the news was received by our seamen and their friends was somewhat marred by the death of the poor girl who had unconsciously been the means of their deliverance.

  99. From the men just arrived Paul and his friends heard of the fate of poor Swinton and Jim Heron, but at the same time were relieved to find that none of the other seamen had been slain.

  100. The wars of the period had rendered it difficult to obtain good seamen at that particular time, so that merchant skippers had to content themselves with whatever they could get.

  101. When quite certain that the seamen were all sleeping soundly, they crept silently forward, and pounced upon them.

  102. The assault at the further end of the settlement proved to be a mere feint, made by a comparatively small party, for the purpose of drawing the seamen away, and leaving the main part of the settlement undefended, and open to pillage.

  103. A party of armed seamen and marines were now sent up towards a hill in the rear of the village, along which a number of men had been seen retiring, and amongst them a military mandarin, which made it probable that they were soldiers.

  104. Captain Bourchier, with the seamen and marines, immediately landed and took possession of the battery, upon which no less than forty-nine guns were found mounted, seventeen of which were of copper.

  105. He must exert himself to prevent quarrels between the English seamen and natives, this being of the utmost importance.

  106. At any place selected for the anchorage of the English merchant ships, there may be appointed a subordinate consular officer, of approved good conduct, to exercise due control over the seamen and others.

  107. By this time the marines and seamen of the Blonde and Cornwallis were landed nearly opposite those vessels, under Captain Bourchier, Captain Peter Richards, and Sir Everard Home, and joined Captain Watson.

  108. The city was said to be occupied by upwards of a thousand troops, and preparations were made for escalading the walls on the following morning, when the seamen and marines were landed with that object, under the admiral in person.

  109. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seamen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.