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Example sentences for "shadowing"

Lexicographically close words:
shadow; shadowe; shadowed; shadowes; shadowily; shadowings; shadowland; shadowless; shadows; shadowy
  1. Why then delays Thy voice to satisfy my wish untold, That voice which joins the inexpressive song, Pastime of heav'n, the which those ardours sing, That cowl them with six shadowing wings outspread?

  2. Reader, more rhymes Will not waste in shadowing forth their form: For other need no straitens, that in this I may not give my bounty room.

  3. Nature would not inuest her selfe in such shadowing passion, without some Instruction.

  4. My boat slipped swiftly along under the thick-shadowing trees, and rounding a sharp bend, brought me to the open pond, to the sky, and to a sight that explained my disquietude.

  5. If they are still shadowing us, you must just shadow them.

  6. These men, who have shadowed us all the way from the coast, are shadowing us still.

  7. They were shadowing with the old wistful light, but they were as clear as the limpid water of the spring.

  8. The slope before him seemed to swell into obscurity to lose its definite outline in a misty, opaque cloud that shaded into the over-shadowing wall.

  9. To sting the blood of the girl, he called her his darling, and half enwound her, shadowing forth a salute.

  10. Strange eclipse, when the hue of truth comes shadowing over our bright ideal planet.

  11. I was on my feet and had turned in a second, and there was that little brute who had been shadowing Gerald, and had nabbed me up at Santa Cruz.

  12. You saw that little plain-clothes chap at the gate, he's one of the President's secret police, and has been shadowing me for the last four days.

  13. Keep a look-out for that little chap who was shadowing me; he'll try and get even with one of us.

  14. Clear waters shadowing her whiteness Flow beside her, As tho' you would hide her, Jealous that mine eyes have my beloved.

  15. Whether their train of white tilted wagons winds its way under shadowing trees, or across sunlit glades, there is heard along its line only joyous speech and loud hilarious laughter.

  16. It is black as pitch beneath the shadowing trees.

  17. There is water beyond, on every side, extending more than a mile, with trees standing in and shadowing its stagnant surface.

  18. Grottoes, arbors, and summer-houses were all of importance in those days, when in our latitude and climate men had not thought to build piazzas surrounding the house and shadowing all the ground floor rooms.

  19. What shall we make of our heart's burning fire, The passion in our lives that fain would be Made each a brand to pile into the pyre That shall burn up thy foemen, and set free The flame whence thy sun-shadowing wings aspire?

  20. And mouldering now and hoar with moss Between us and the sunlight swings The phantom of a Christless cross Shadowing the sheltered heads of kings And making with its moving shade The souls of harmless men afraid.

  21. I want you to do some shadowing for me, I don't know how long it will take.

  22. He was not flustered by what was before him, for he had been shadowing people for eleven years, and as long as there was five dollars per day and his expenses in the work, he was willing to continue indefinitely.

  23. The detectives are shadowing every movement he makes.

  24. Well, take care that she doesn't see you shadowing Ostrello.

  25. Still, I do not think he thought I was shadowing him.

  26. Nothing further occurred that day, except for frequent reports from Burke, who told us how his men were getting on in their shadowing of Forsythe & Co.

  27. Napoleon's Europe-shadowing wings had for years been over that continent and he like a ravenous bird had left marks of his ravages among the most prominent European nations.

  28. It is always, as it was in the time of the Europe-shadowing Napoleon when for twenty years the wheels of industry in Britain were stopped.

  29. My spies learned practically nothing by shadowing Livingstone, except that he has had several meetings with a half-breed Mexican who calls himself Pedro Domingo.

  30. Beyond this he could expect no signals, for the spy shadowing the stranger did not know positively that his chief would take part in the game.

  31. I was shadowing him myself last night, when I saw him tear up some paper and drop the pieces in the gutter at the side of the pavement.

  32. Its front toward us rises in the well-known curve, shadowing a pediment, full of painted sculpture.

  33. Thenceforward, with Azimoolah shadowing him, he had commenced a tramp which lasted between two and three hours, and finally ended at a railway station in a fair-sized country town.

  34. Behold, the Assyrian was a cedar in Lebanon with fair branches, and with a shadowing shroud, and of an high stature; and his top was among the thick boughs.

  35. It lies yonder, in the outer court, by the trees shadowing the little tank.

  36. There was a shadowing branch of neem overhead as they stood in the sunlight.

  37. Her eyes had the deep light of clear streams that have never reflected other things than trees, shadowing banks of wild flowers, and skies arching above.

  38. Shadowing the girl smuggler and her companions, Harry saw them go to a hotel, where the men left her.

  39. They disappeared round a bend of the stairs, and curiosity made Isoult follow them, shadowing them round each corner and along each gallery as they went down and down into the deeps of the tower.

  40. Knollys and Walworth rode with the main company, shadowing the King’s half-brothers, Sir John Holland and the Earl of Kent.

  41. In the meantime Mason had gone downtown, with Young King Brady carefully shadowing him at a safe distance.

  42. The Bradys' Great Mistake; or, Shadowing the Wrong Man.

  43. The Bradys and the Runaway Boys; or, Shadowing the Circus Sharps.

  44. Favoured by its darkness he can follow close, aided also by the shadowing trees, and still further from her attention being all given to the ground in advance, with thoughts preoccupied.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shadowing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.