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Example sentences for "sighted"

Lexicographically close words:
sighing; sighings; sighs; sight; sighte; sightedness; sightes; sighting; sightings; sightless
  1. At two o’clock we sighted some tents, where we found Beneyeh with his men, waiting for a dinner of lamb which was being prepared.

  2. We had nearly crossed this, when we sighted an animal half a mile away, and galloped off in pursuit, Mohammed following.

  3. The season for trading was practically over for the year, and they sighted no other ships.

  4. In the twilight he rode through an extensive woodland, until he sighted a keeper's lodge through the trees.

  5. It was evident to every clear-sighted man that the jostling of these claims must lead in the long run to war, unless the Central Government could take on their apportionment.

  6. At dawn, after an all-night pursuit, it was sighted far ahead.

  7. We had hardly pitched our camp before tracks of large game were noticed, and before we left we sighted a bear which had come down to the water to drink, but which beat a hasty retreat at our approach.

  8. He has asked me to inform you privately that the firman for English trade must be delayed at all costs, until the English fleet can be sighted and engaged.

  9. As he sighted the Rajput's bearded face down the shaft, he suddenly froze.

  10. After all, it was sighted by Jadar's men.

  11. The fleet was sighted off the Malabar Coast, by coastal fishing barks, only three days ago.

  12. He identified what we call parallax, the slight circular motion of the moon throughout the day caused by the fact it's not sighted from the center of the earth, but from a spot on its surface that moves as the earth rotates.

  13. If a mariner held the board vertically and sighted the horizon at one end and some object in the sky at the other, the length of the string between the board and his eye could be used to calculate the elevation of the object.

  14. They found the Moluccas, the famous Spice Islands; they sighted Borneo and reached Tidor.

  15. An occasional boat was sighted far out, but that was all.

  16. At length, after we had visited the West Indies, we were cruising in search of an enemy, when soon after daybreak we sighted a ship standing to the eastward, we having the wind about north-west.

  17. When we were out here the last time, we sighted just such another chap.

  18. Next morning a sail was sighted to the south-east.

  19. However, at last, in about three weeks, we sighted the island of Teneriffe, and hove-to that we might make arrangements for the attack.

  20. I could not help hoping that we might meet with a foul wind and be compelled to put into some nearer port; but the wind held fair, and we at length sighted the Eddystone, when, however, it fell calm.

  21. We were many days regaining our lost ground, and it was three weeks after leaving Falmouth before we sighted the Rock of Gibraltar.

  22. Mr Malachy exclaimed, placing his paper on an empty chair beside him, and staring at Ronan with a look of sudden bewilderment in his big, short-sighted but extremely benevolent eyes.

  23. Little did the farthest sighted among them comprehend that the fullness of time had come for the opening of a mighty drama; that the bell up in the tower was heralding the beginning of a new era in human government.

  24. Cromwell, one of the greatest and most far-sighted of all England's rulers, determined that England should have her share of the trade.

  25. Had not Colonel Henry Knox sighted the cannon which sent the ball whirling towards the early home of his loving wife, the home where her father and mother and sisters were still living, which they must leave?

  26. Bud braced the gun stock against his shoulder, sighted on the right-hand paper, braced himself, and pulled the trigger.

  27. When daylight came, they sighted their rifles on a rock about a hundred yards away, and for a moment neither spoke.

  28. By now he had sighted it in so finely that he could almost drive nails with it at a hundred yards.

  29. He raised his rifle and sighted on a stump about a hundred yards away.

  30. But when he sighted on a tree about three hundred yards away and could see a knothole over the sights, Bud knew there was at least shooting light.

  31. The old man raised his rifle, sighted at the black trunk of a birch tree about fifty yards away and then lowered his rifle uncertainly.

  32. He sighted a second time on the stump, held his sight for a full three seconds, and turned to Bud.

  33. He had broken the barrels a hundred times before and in imagination he had loaded the gun and sighted on a speeding bird a thousand times.

  34. Only one man knew what had happened to him, and that was me, for with my own eyes I saw the skipper tip up his heels and put him over the rail in the middle watch of a dark night, two days before we sighted the Shetland lights.

  35. Unfortunately for her she had lost her glasses in the scuffle, and as she was extremely short-sighted she was really helpless without them.

  36. The Sophist and the Rhetor, addressing themselves to the present relish of an undiscerning public, are enabled to usurp the functions and the credit of their more severe and far-sighted rivals.

  37. To me they appear much nearer the truth than the profound and recondite meanings, the far-sighted indirect hints, which Steinhart himself perceives or supposes in the words of Plato.

  38. Up to this time we had not even seen the fresh track of a giraffe, but not long afterwards we sighted a magnificent old bull, which I managed to kill for them after a hard gallop through some very thick and thorny bush.

  39. The law of God requires us, dim-sighted as we are, to see our sins in their real magnitude, but the perversity of man turns the telescope to diminish them.

  40. Paul tells the Galatians that false brethren crept in unawares; and so does the apostle Jude, and yet they were as quick-sighted to see as any now-a-days.

  41. Short-sighted mortal, "shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?

  42. At this moment, the matted hair was thrown back from his eyes, and the dust having somewhat settled away, he sighted me, where I stood reloading my gun.

  43. Then I sighted him, and sent my bullet through his crop.

  44. Well, when I first sighted the creature, it was about an hundred yards off.

  45. Of the son of a settler in the south-west of Iceland it is said that second-sighted men saw the landvaettir accompany him when he went to the assembly, while they followed his brothers in hunting or fishing.

  46. She and her sister Irpa were then seen by second-sighted men fighting on the earl's side.

  47. When they sighted the sails of the ship, wherein Sophia and her women were, they gave chase in all haste and in less than an hour they came up with her, when they laid the grappling-irons aboard her and captured her.

  48. But Sharrkan, escorted by the Wazir Dandan and the two Emirs, had no sooner sighted the army, than he raised the cry "March!

  49. Bellingham gave the minister a near-sighted man's glare through his glasses, and then came eagerly forward and shook hands.

  50. If they sighted the plane, we'll have to try Dominica, but there's no radio station there and I'm still betting on Aves.

  51. The meal over, the party made themselves comfortable in the hammocks and, as pipes were lighted, the explorer told Colcord that they were going in search of an aircraft which had last been sighted flying to the south over Wismar.

  52. You see, Sir, we sighted a drifting boat full of men and bore down and took them abroad, Sir, and no sooner were they over the rail than they whips out their revolvers and orders our 'ands up.

  53. From one to another the story ran that the lookouts in the tower of Hercules had sighted a fleet bound for the port, and none asked who had brought the inspiring news to the breach in the walls.

  54. The ship left the mouth of the Ebro, and struggling against contrary winds, at length, one morning, sighted the Acropolis of Saguntum.

  55. Just before nightfall he sighted the herd grazing on muskeg moss.

  56. They came back empty-handed after a two-day chase, but less than a mile from camp they sighted a half-grown polar bear and dropped it before the animal had a chance to move.

  57. It was daybreak when Morse sighted the camp-fire smoke.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sighted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.